Conservation Biology Isn't Science!


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Oct 6, 2008
1. Yes....they are two very different entities! Real Science vs. Conservation Biology

2. Just as John Dewey attempted to provide reputability to socialism by co-opting the name ‘Liberalism,’ so did environmentalists attempt the same sleight of hand by pretending that environmentalism is based on ‘science.’
“The term conservation biology was introduced as the title of a conference held at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California in 1978 organized by biologists Bruce Wilcox and Michael E. Soulé. The meeting was prompted by the concern among scientists over tropical deforestation, disappearing species, eroding genetic diversity within species.”
Nature Vol. 275, 14 September 1978. Kat Williams . 1978. Natural Sciences. Science News. September 30, 1978.

a. Biologists work at increasing the bounty of agriculture, and our understanding of health; the science of biology has contributed more than any other science to human well-being. Conservation biologists promptly hijacked that reputation.
Covered in chapter 10 of Nickson's "Eco-Fascists."

3. It is essential to understand the difference between the real and the pretend: the ‘scientific method.’ Adherence to the scientific method begins with an idea, which becomes a hypothesis. This hypothesis is subjected to testing, experimentation. If the testing does not verify the hypothesis, it’s back to the drawing board….and a new hypothesis. At some point, the theory either is scraped or is found to have utility.

a. Conservation biology starts with the assumption that humans are wrecking the natural world and that the resources are both finite and decreasing.

4. Now, while these assumptions may certainly serve as hypotheses, testing by appeal to history, experience and hard evidence demonstrate that bounty, life expectancy, health, wealth ,clean water, and clean air are increasing- at least for those of us who live in nations that function via democratic capitalism.

a. Oil finds, for example, in 2010 and 2011 surpassed even optimistic predictions by an order of magnitude.

5. Then, the assertion that a third of all animals and plant species are threatened, largely due to ‘development’ and ‘corporate greed.’ Extinction risk from climate change : Abstract : Nature

a. Reminds me of another meme from the political Left: “It’s not the nature of the evidence, but, rather, the seriousness of the charge.”
This synthetic discipline no longer feels it necessary to prove the assumptions, but, rather, it’s challenge is to educate the public. Conservation biologists claim that the importance of their warnings imply higher values, so must be treated as established fact. “The debate is over! There's no longer any debate in the scientific community about this.” Their theme.
Interview: Al Gore on his mission to save the planet | Film | The Guardian

b.Like this: “Diversity is good, evolution is good, and biotic diversity has intrinsic value.”
Borgerhoff and Coppolillo, “Conservation: Linking Ecology, Economics, and Culture, “ p.67.

6. Biology was aimed at increasing bounty using evidence-based science. Not conservation biology! Read this testimony carefully:

“When I was a member of Greenpeace in the 1980s I received a request for money supported by the claim that about 30,000 species each year were becoming extinct. Until then I'd been an unsceptical environmentalist, but this sounded like an awful lot, so I called Greenpeace to ask how they knew. I made several queries but they didn't seem very interested.

Finally they told me they didn't know where the figure came from, and I resigned from the organisation….iologist Edward Wilson, originally an expert on ants. Wilson made his name in the area of conservation biology in the 1960s when he proposed a mathematical model that could be used to calculate species loss due to habitat destruction. Based on this and his invention of the concept of "biodiversity", he later announced the world was experiencing "one of the great extinction spasms of geological history" and losing up to 100,000 species a year.

Wilson's claims are one of the mainstays of the modern environmental movement, and a foundation of government environmental policies around the globe.” However virtuous, virtual science is no substitute for the real thing - Opinion

How about an analogy?

If Arnold is real science, Hanz und Franz represent 'Conservation Biology'!!

[ame=]Hanz & Franks vs Arnold Schwarzenegger - YouTube[/ame]

Wise up to the scam.
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