Conservative Penn Professor Amy Wax suspended with pay cut and ‘public reprimand’

Wax — who has called into question the academic ability of Black students, invited white nationalist Jared Taylor to her classroom, and said the country would be better off with fewer Asians and less Asian immigration — will be suspended for one year at half pay with benefits intact. She also will face a public reprimand issued by university leadership, the loss of her named chair and summer pay, and a requirement to note in her public appearances that she is not speaking for or as a member of the Penn Carey Law school or Penn.
Pretty tame of her compared to the college profs who have called for the extermination of whites!!
If she is so wrong why are you afraid of her?

The cause of lib anger is that she’s correct
Of course she's right. Without affirmative action in our law schools and bar exams, 99% of black lawyers would not be lawyers. Most black lawyers read at the 3rd grade level and can't even add up a column of numbers.
Of course she's right. Without affirmative action in our law schools and bar exams, 99% of black lawyers would not be lawyers. Most black lawyers read at the 3rd grade level and can't even add up a column of numbers.
I wont go that far

But she is arguably correct on many points and deserves to be heard

“Wax has said “family breakdown,” “high crime rates,” and “educational underachievement” are what hold black Americans back more than racism or discrimination, as previously reported by The College Fix. She also has suggested black law students underperform at the university”

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