Conservatives gloat as Congress starts off with little to show: House & Senate has been busy on matters that won't become law, with GOP feeling good

Yes, that's how checks and balances of powers in the US government work.

Concerning books in schools, I am for banning porn in schools.
Parents need to be involved in and APPROVE what material is taught to THEIR children.
Still feeling good about the midterm election results? Watch out: Lots more school boards are now controlled by far-right, anti-LGBT, book-banning ideologues.

stopping the demafasict agenda was why the american people put the gop in power. it’s working
Still feeling good about the midterm election results? Watch out: Lots more school boards are now controlled by far-right, anti-LGBT, book-banning ideologues.

Now you know why we're so pissed at Mitch McConnell.
Prick literally screwed us royally.
Nevermind the fact that BYE-DUMB never signs anything that doesn't screw over Americans in favor of foreigners.
As long as a Democrat is in the White House....nothing good will ever be done for the American people.
Checks and balances are good, I’m glad the House went with the GOP our country runs better with both parties having a say.
YES!!!! The less Congress does the better I generally feel about what they are doing.
I agree "gridlock" is generally a good thing.

Except now, when the Debt is exploding, Medicare is going bankrupt. SS needs to be fixed. We need Congress to fix things with real solutions.
Still feeling good about the midterm election results? Watch out: Lots more school boards are now controlled by far-right, anti-LGBT, book-banning ideologues.

Well, they shouldn't. There aren't enough fundies to make a majority. This happened in school boards across the country in the wake of the 1994 midterms and Newt's "Revolution". I saw it happen right here in my own town. However, people eventually came to their senses and showed the extremists the door. It took a few years but eventually, the majority grew tired of the fundamentalism.
I agree "gridlock" is generally a good thing.

Except now, when the Debt is exploding, Medicare is going bankrupt. SS needs to be fixed. We need Congress to fix things with real solutions.
that’s not gonna happen so long as the chinese have their corrupt puppet on the white house
Don't worry libs, republicans will find a way to screw this up like they always do.
Don't worry libs, republicans will find a way to screw this up like they always do.
It is running the way it is supposed to, that is why our government is made up of checks and balances, it doesn’t serve us well when either party runs everything.
Except now, when the Debt is exploding, Medicare is going bankrupt. SS needs to be fixed. We need Congress to fix things with real solutions
Congress doesn’t offer solutions these days. They simply offer more and different problems. They’re the ones who got us into this mess in the first place.

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