Conservatives in Very Good Shape With or Without the WH


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.
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The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.

So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.

So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.

How juvenile of you. Dude how old are you? 15? There are nearly 72 million of us, we voted for Trump the man and his politics and he increased his share of Black voters and Hispanic voters, the Cuban American vote for example in Miami-Dade was just amazing, he has built a political movement and it will endure and we will do everything we can to keep this coalition together, we are not going anywhere, we are a new force and the RNC better remember that, we run the show now.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.

So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.
Aren't you the same idiot that was telling us that Pfizer was a German company yesterday?
So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.

I have no problem admitting I’m an ultra-right wing Authoritarian. I’m not a Trumpist. He wasn’t nearly Conservative enough for me, though far better than the RINOs. The OP is right that we will no longer accept or support RINO candidates. Trumpists are the very least that we will accept.

We tried to passively express that by not voting for McCain and Romney. We actively put Trump in the WH, despite a plethora of other Establishment and RINO options. Republicans need to get this message through their heads... if they want moderates, join the Democrat Party. Otherwise get onboard with walking AND talking Conservative ideology.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.

So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.

How juvenile of you. Dude how old are you? 15? There are nearly 72 million of us, we voted for Trump the man and his politics and he increased his share of Black voters and Hispanic voters, the Cuban American vote for example in Miami-Dade was just amazing, he has built a political movement and it will endure and we will do everything we can to keep this coalition together, we are not going anywhere, we are a new force and the RNC better remember that, we run the show now.

Most fascist leaders have success early on, and all of them end up as total failures. Charlatans and demagogues tell people like you what they (you) want to hear, and in the beginning you will believe them, but when the promises fall short, or are never acted upon or completed, they (and maybe you) will reject them. This is not my opinion, it is the reality of history.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.

Also we Trump supporters are in good shape, all 71 million of us, Trumpism is now a political movement and the Republican Party better realise that, we don't want the RINO type politics we want Trump type politics.

So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.
Aren't you the same idiot that was telling us that Pfizer was a German company yesterday?

NOPE, I'm not an idiot nor am I a trump supporter, but I repeat myself.
So you admit to be a fascist, sense Trumpism is a form of fascism.

I have no problem admitting I’m an ultra-right wing Authoritarian. I’m not a Trumpist. He wasn’t nearly Conservative enough for me, though far better than the RINOs. The OP is right that we will no longer accept or support RINO candidates. Trumpists are the very least that we will accept.

We tried to passively express that by not voting for McCain and Romney. We actively put Trump in the WH, despite a plethora of other Establishment and RINO options. Republicans need to get this message through their heads... if they want moderates, join the Democrat Party. Otherwise get onboard with walking AND talking Conservative ideology.

It is so sad that you were not born in the 1920's and could join the German secret police. I sure you have remorse for not ... well, everyone knows about the Holocaust.
It is so sad that you were not born in the 1920's and could join the German secret police. I sure you have remorse for not ... well, everyone knows about the Holocaust.

Nah. The Nazis were far too Goobalist, whereas in an Isolationist. I’m also far more willing to let people who don’t fit into society eave on their own before resorting to force.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.
We had a solid election. Looks like Trump didn't quite make it, but, everyone else did.

Warnock, 2009: Socialism is supported by Scripture, you know

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“Folks talking as if they knew what they’re talking about.”

On Thursday, Raphael Warnock told MSNBC’s Joy Reid that he was sick of accusations that he was a crypto-socialist. The next day, the Washington Free Beacon published this Warnock sermon from 2009 in which the now Democratic nominee insisted that socialism is supported by the Scriptures, and that socialism is already a way of life. Why not socialized medicine, too?
Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock is battling accusations that he has embraced socialism, something he has dismissed out of hand. “It would be funny if it weren’t sad,” Warnock told MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid on Thursday.
And then his nose grew.
Warnock’s denials conflict with a 2009 sermon in which he argued that socialism is supported by Scripture and compared socialized health care to such run-of-the-mill government services as police protection.
And his nose grew some more.
Warnock, who is locked in a tight Senate race against Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler, argued that the New Testament says church members should have “all things in common.”
And left out that this left them so poor that Paul took up a collection for them.
“You don’t solve the problem simply by calling something ‘socialism.’ There are some things that we have in common,” Warnock said. “We don’t ask people to buy their own police protection, their own fire protection. We decided long ago that we ought to pool our resources and pick up everybody’s garbage so that free enterprise can take place. There are some things we have in common.”
Actually, we all didn’t “pool our resources” on garbage collection. I live in a community where we individually contract for that service, and it works just fine. I pay them directly, and they respond to me directly — or they lose my business. The reason we pool resources for police departments is because law enforcement involves coercive use of force, on which the government has a monopoly (for good reason). That’s not “socialism” — it’s the alternative to anarchy, examples of which are playing out in cities where “abolish the police” has become the new mantra. Let’s not forget that this new mantra comes courtesy of Warnock’s and Democrats’ progressive allies, too.

Speaking of coercion, it’s amusing to hear Warnock deride “folks talking as if they knew what they’re talking about” while referencing Acts 2. That wasn’t socialism either, despite the preaching we hear about it, because it was an entirely voluntary arrangement. Acts 2 describes a commune, not socialism; there was no coercion applied at all for the sharing of goods between the members of the church. Acts 2 became the model for monastic living, not governance. Socialism uses the coercive force of government to seize and redistribute goods, which is opposite the spirit and the reality of the small-scale cooperative model in Acts 2.

Even the more contemporaneous example given by Warnock is wrong. People lined up to get an H1N1 swine-flu vaccine in 2009, but the vaccine existed because of free enterprise, not socialism. Private-sector pharmaceuticals developed it, and its distribution went through both governmental and private-sector channels. More people probably lined up in Walgreens outlets than Department of Health offices for that vaccine. The vaccine to COVID-19 will exist because of private enterprise too, although accelerated by government support through purchase incentives (which isn’t socialist either, but isn’t a great model except in emergencies).

If one wants a communal, public-sector response to a health crisis, we can use the CDC’s botch job on testing for COVID-19, for which we are still paying a price. If we had a socialized-medicine approach where government controlled pharmaceutical development, we’d wait years for a vaccine, if not decades. Private-sector competition drives innovation; socialist systems don’t innovate and are forced to steal technology instead, as we saw with the Soviet Union and now with China.

Not only is Warnock wrong in 2009, Warnock is being a hypocrite in 2020. And probably still wrong as well if Warnock was being honest, as his denials on this point can likely be described as “funny if it weren’t sad,” too.

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock is battling accusations that he has embraced socialism, something he has dismissed out of hand. “It would be funny if it weren’t sad,” Warnock told MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid on Thursday.
But Warnock’s denials appear to conflict with a 2009 sermon in which he argued that socialism is supported by Scripture and compared socialized health care to such run-of-the-mill government services as police protection.
Warnock, who is locked in a tight Senate race against Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler, argued that the New Testament says church members should have “all things in common.”
“You don’t solve the problem simply by calling something ‘socialism.’ There are some things that we have in common,” Warnock said. “We don’t ask people to buy their own police protection, their own fire protection. We decided long ago that we ought to pool our resources and pick up everybody’s garbage so that free enterprise can take place. There are some things we have in common.”
Actually, we all didn’t “pool our resources” on garbage collection. I live in a community where we individually contract for that service, and it works just fine. I pay them directly, and they respond to me directly — or they lose my business. The reason we pool resources for police departments is because law enforcement involves coercive use of force, on which the government has a monopoly (for good reason). That’s not “socialism” — it’s the alternative to anarchy, examples of which are playing out in cities where “abolish the police” has become the new mantra. Let’s not forget that this new mantra comes courtesy of Warnock’s and Democrats’ progressive allies, too.

Speaking of coercion, it’s amusing to hear Warnock deride “folks talking as if they knew what they’re talking about” while referencing Acts 2. That wasn’t socialism either, despite the preaching we hear about it, because it was an entirely voluntary arrangement. Acts 2 describes a commune, not socialism; there was no coercion applied at all for the sharing of goods between the members of the church. Acts 2 became the model for monastic living, not governance. Socialism uses the coercive force of government to seize and redistribute goods, which is opposite the spirit and the reality of the small-scale cooperative model in Acts 2.

Even the more contemporaneous example given by Warnock is wrong. People lined up to get an H1N1 swine-flu vaccine in 2009, but the vaccine existed because of free enterprise, not socialism. Private-sector pharmaceuticals developed it, and its distribution went through both governmental and private-sector channels. More people probably lined up in Walgreens outlets than Department of Health offices for that vaccine. The vaccine to COVID-19 will exist because of private enterprise too, although accelerated by government support through purchase incentives (which isn’t socialist either, but isn’t a great model except in emergencies).

If one wants a communal, public-sector response to a health crisis, we can use the CDC’s botch job on testing for COVID-19, for which we are still paying a price. If we had a socialized-medicine approach where government controlled pharmaceutical development, we’d wait years for a vaccine, if not decades. Private-sector competition drives innovation; socialist systems don’t innovate and are forced to steal technology instead, as we saw with the Soviet Union and now with China.

Not only is Warnock wrong in 2009, Warnock is being a hypocrite in 2020. And probably still wrong as well if Warnock was being honest, as his denials on this point can likely be described as “funny if it weren’t sad,” too.

Jon Ossoff’s chained to Warnock at the hip.
The "Blue Wave" never materialized. The Democrats got trounced in down-ballot races which will ultimately lead to a GOP Senate majority and more seats in the House. The kicker of course is that RBG timed her death perfectly giving SCOTUS conservatives a Roberts-proof majority. Crying Chuck will still be crying and the presumed Harris presidency will be held in check.

And hey, let's not forget all the fun the GOP will have in redistricting with the 2020 census. It'll be fun to watch.
You were saying?
So if Rubio gets the won’t vote for him?

Exactly. No more moderates. No more hypocrites. No more establishment cock-suckers. Walk the talk Conservatives only, or we walk away; like we did in 2008 and 2012.
Conservatives lose elections.
Trump launched America First "populism" that attracted many democrats and minorities, including union folks.
"Strict Free Market Conservatism" is dead.
Tell me a few "strict conservatives" who could win in 2024?
We'll see who gets thru the primaries, "populist" candidates I like are:
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
Mike Pence
Kristi Noem
Josh Hawley
Tom Cotton
So if Rubio gets the won’t vote for him?

Exactly. No more moderates. No more hypocrites. No more establishment cock-suckers. Walk the talk Conservatives only, or we walk away; like we did in 2008 and 2012.
Conservatives lose elections.
Trump launched America First "populism" that attracted many democrats and minorities, including union folks.
"Strict Free Market Conservatism" is dead.
Tell me a few "strict conservatives" who could win in 2024?
We'll see who gets thru the primaries, "populist" candidates I like are:
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
Mike Pence
Kristi Noem
Josh Hawley
Tom Cotton

I would not vote for a single name on that list. Women? Establishment scum? Not interested. I’d rather see a Democrat than any of those individuals.

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