Constitutional crisis

Oh look another Constitutional illiterate :)

Let the Boi King try and "write" his own "Immigration Law", he does not have the authority.

your entire story is based on conjecture and your opinion ... the constitution was not written based on either .... you're and idiot.

you're and idiot.<----Priceless''

I have told no story, were you the least bit educated you'd see that.

I posted what the definition of a Constitutional Crisis is and made an observation of what your King intends to fits perfectly.

Go find a sandbox, you are better suited to debate small children.

story .. my bad

you posted a link from wiki... that's ok by me

then you post .... this is whats coming

1. pure speculation
2. your opinion

see, I told you you're an idiot
Pass feasible immigration legislation AND budget the money to enforce the laws. The President called for 2 BILLION, where is Congress? The House will not consider the Senate bill, where is the House version? Boehner says its a dead issue.

Imagine what would have happened If the money that was slated to strengthen the border when Bush was president actually got done. Instead of the racist far left groups like the ACLU stopping the building of fence, or those neo Nazi wacko environmentalists filing lawsuit after law suit.

Can you imagine if the far left was silent like they are now how much could and would have been accomplished?
Pass feasible immigration legislation AND budget the money to enforce the laws. The President called for 2 BILLION, where is Congress? The House will not consider the Senate bill, where is the House version? Boehner says its a dead issue.

Imagine what would have happened If the money that was slated to strengthen the border when Bush was president actually got done. Instead of the racist far left groups like the ACLU stopping the building of fence, or those neo Nazi wacko environmentalists filing lawsuit after law suit.

Can you imagine if the far left was silent like they are now how much could and would have been accomplished?

Bush 'amnesty' blamed for rise in illegals - Washington Times

so he spends $1 billion and builds a fence

can you imagine ??? :lol:
Pass feasible immigration legislation AND budget the money to enforce the laws. The President called for 2 BILLION, where is Congress? The House will not consider the Senate bill, where is the House version? Boehner says its a dead issue.

Imagine what would have happened If the money that was slated to strengthen the border when Bush was president actually got done. Instead of the racist far left groups like the ACLU stopping the building of fence, or those neo Nazi wacko environmentalists filing lawsuit after law suit.

Can you imagine if the far left was silent like they are now how much could and would have been accomplished?

Bush 'amnesty' blamed for rise in illegals - Washington Times

so he spends $1 billion and builds a fence

can you imagine ??? :lol:

YEs and it went to law suits!

Also Bush suggested using predator drones on the border and once again the racist far left (like you) became unhinged, claim it is was a violation of "rights".

So yes if the far left were silent like they are now more can get accomplished.
Does every USMB nutter think that Obama is writing laws? Is there even a single one of you who isn't swallowing this fear pill?

Shhhh,you are going to embarrass yourself again.

Why don't you tell us what your King means when he says he will "go around" on immigration?
your entire story is based on conjecture and your opinion ... the constitution was not written based on either .... you're and idiot.

The President has no Constitutional power to dictate Immigration laws nor the power to order law enforcement to ignore previous laws passed by previous Presidents.

and exactly what leads you to believe I say, or think otherwise ?

The fact you are defending him here and now AFTER he announced he intended to do JUST that.
Pass feasible immigration legislation AND budget the money to enforce the laws. The President called for 2 BILLION, where is Congress? The House will not consider the Senate bill, where is the House version? Boehner says its a dead issue.
A lot of the problem is in the laws.

If people are paying $3K-$5K to coyotes to get them across the border, that tells you something about the burdensome bureaucratic morass to slog through, in order to come to America legally.
All the Law Reform in the world isn't going to slow-down the tidal wave spilling over the southern border.

Law can control how long it takes to get permission to come here.

Law CANNOT control the excess quantities of people trying to get in, whom we do not want.

The Law is not the problem.

The speed with which one attains permission to come here or stay here is not the problem.

It is the massive and sheer frigging numbers of people trying to get in.

Huge masses of people who would be denied due to sensible quotas per country.

The laws we have now work just fine.

We just don't enforce them.

And we let business get away with using them for near-slave wages.

We don't need comprehensive reform of our immigration laws.

We need comprehensive reform of our punishments for those who give jobs to Illegal Aliens, and who otherwise incentivize Illegal Aliens to come here and stay here.

Letting-in X per year is fine.

Letting-in X+10000% per year is a different animal.

Reform, my ass.

Immigration Reform = Codespeak for Shamnesty.

Pathway to citizenship?


Self-deportation is the answer for beating back this invasion.

Creating conditions that make Illegal Aliens want to go home, at their own expense, and under their own power.

Show us that you have renewed your commitment to fulfilling your oath and enforcing the laws of our Republic.

Show us that you can stem the flow at the border, and that you can regain control of the border.

THEN come back and talk to folks about so-called Reform.

Otherwise, we're just kicking the can down the road again.

The last time (1986), we let in 3,000,000, as part of Shamnesty I, and were promised that it was a one-time shot, never to happen again, and we got 12,000,000 more (400% more) for our trouble.

What happens after Shamnesty II? We let in 12,000,000, wait 30 years, and once again have 400% more on our hands... another 48,000,000 (12,000,000 X 4)?

Bad idea.
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I guess all the liberals defending the President missed this....

Obama: I'll act on my own on immigration

what I'm missing is your quote where I defended the POTUS ... got one ? not ?

post one or STFU about me ... roger that Gunny?

You have stated the President does not intend to violate the Constitution. That anyone claiming so is a liar. I just posted proof he does in fact intend to try to use executive orders to do what Congress refused to do. He does not have the Constitutional authority to do so. All he could do is order Law enforcement to ignore already existing laws and that is both Unconstitutional and illegal.
I guess all the liberals defending the President missed this....

Obama: I'll act on my own on immigration

what I'm missing is your quote where I defended the POTUS ... got one ? not ?

post one or STFU about me ... roger that Gunny?

You have stated the President does not intend to violate the Constitution. That anyone claiming so is a liar. I just posted proof he does in fact intend to try to use executive orders to do what Congress refused to do. He does not have the Constitutional authority to do so. All he could do is order Law enforcement to ignore already existing laws and that is both Unconstitutional and illegal.

you DID not post a quote from me defending the POTUS on this thread. Dance until you wear out your shoes or back up what YOU accuse me of doing

should be easy enough if you aren't full of caca ... errrrr Antares.
Pass feasible immigration legislation AND budget the money to enforce the laws. The President called for 2 BILLION, where is Congress? The House will not consider the Senate bill, where is the House version? Boehner says its a dead issue.
A lot of the problem is in the laws.

If people are paying $3K-$5K to coyotes to get them across the border, that tells you something about the burdensome bureaucratic morass to slog through, in order to come to America legally.
All the Law Reform in the world isn't going to slow-down the tidal wave spilling over the southern border.

Law can control how long it takes to get permission to come here.

Law CANNOT control the excess quantities of people trying to get in, whom we do not want.

The Law is not the problem.

The speed with which one attains permission to come here or stay here is not the problem.

It is the massive and sheer frigging numbers of people trying to get in.

Huge masses of people who would be denied due to sensible quotas per country.

The laws we have now work just fine.

We just don't enforce them.

And we let business get away with using them for near-slave wages.

We don't need comprehensive reform of our immigration laws.

We need comprehensive reform of our punishments for those who give jobs to Illegal Aliens, and who otherwise incentivize Illegal Aliens to come here and stay here.

Letting-in X per year is fine.

Letting-in X+10000% per year is a different animal.

Reform, my ass.

Immigration Reform = Codespeak for Shamnesty.

Pathway to citizenship?


Self-deportation is the answer for beating back this invasion.

Creating conditions that make Illegal Aliens want to go home, at their own expense, and under their own power.

Show us that you have renewed your commitment to fulfilling your oath and enforcing the laws of our Republic.

Show us that you can stem the flow at the border, and that you can regain control of the border.

THEN come back and talk to folks about so-called Reform.

Otherwise, we're just kicking the can down the road again.

The last time (1986), we let in 3,000,000, as part of Shamnesty I, and were promised that it was a one-time shot, never to happen again, and we got 12,000,000 more (400% more) for our trouble.

What happens after Shamnesty II? We let in 12,000,000, wait 30 years, and once again have 400% more on our hands... another 48,000,000 (12,000,000 X 4)?

Bad idea.
The economics of the situation do not lie.

It is less of a hassle for people who want to come to America deal with criminals than it is to go through the lawful processes. All the indignant huffing and puffing text bricks in the world do not change the matter.

Look at the federal Frankenstein's monster we have, as it relates to people that are natural citizens. The IRS, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Obiecare, TSA, you name the agency. All of them are top-heavy, bureaucratic tar babies, that are next to impossible to deal with. What would lead you to believe that the lawful immigration process is any less of a nightmare than an IRS audit?

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