Constitutional crisis

so at the end of the day what decision did the above brain trust come up with? ... another retarded theory based on speculation or did you children finally come to terms with the fantasy of impeaching the POTUS ?

You did not post this in defense of the President claiming anyone that thought he was doing wrong was an idiot?
so at the end of the day what decision did the above brain trust come up with? ... another retarded theory based on speculation or did you children finally come to terms with the fantasy of impeaching the POTUS ?

Oh look another Constitutional illiterate :)

Let the Boi King try and "write" his own "Immigration Law", he does not have the authority.

your entire story is based on conjecture and your opinion ... the constitution was not written based on either .... you're and idiot.

You did not post this in defense of the President claiming that if we said he was violating the Constitution we were wrong? Want me to cite for you the part that gives CONGRESS not the President authority on Immigration?
Does every USMB nutter think that Obama is writing laws? Is there even a single one of you who isn't swallowing this fear pill?

Shhhh,you are going to embarrass yourself again.

Why don't you tell us what your King means when he says he will "go around" on immigration?

why don't you quote the POTUS ?

You did not post this claiming the President did not say he was going around Congress on a power reserved TO congress?
Look at the federal Frankenstein's monster we have, as it relates to people that are natural citizens. The IRS, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Obiecare, TSA, you name the agency. All of them are top-heavy, bureaucratic tar babies, that are next to impossible to deal with. What would lead you to believe that the lawful immigration process is any less of a nightmare than an IRS audit?
It doesn't matter whether our immigration process is lengthy or top-heavy or anything else.

There is no excuse whatsoever for trespassing onto the soil of another country without permission.

There is also no excuse whatsoever for allowing it to happen; never mind punishing it afterwards.

There are, however, plenty of folks who don't care enough to insist that our laws and borders and sovereignty be respected above all else, first and foremost, in the context of the national conversation on immigration and Illegal Aliens.
Oh look another Constitutional illiterate :)

Let the Boi King try and "write" his own "Immigration Law", he does not have the authority.

your entire story is based on conjecture and your opinion ... the constitution was not written based on either .... you're and idiot.

You did not post this in defense of the President claiming that if we said he was violating the Constitution we were wrong? Want me to cite for you the part that gives CONGRESS not the President authority on Immigration?

no. I posted that stating the OP was based on the opinion of the OP and speculation. Just like I said I did ... You read it as defending the POTUS ... it wasn't.

your entire story is based on conjecture and your opinion ... the constitution was not written based on either .... you're and idiot.

You did not post this in defense of the President claiming that if we said he was violating the Constitution we were wrong? Want me to cite for you the part that gives CONGRESS not the President authority on Immigration?

no. I posted that stating the OP was based on the opinion of the OP and speculation. Just like I said I did ... You read it as defending the POTUS ... it wasn't.


I posted the link to the News report where Obama STATED he intended to go around Congress. That he was using his Executive Power to do what Congress would not. That is NOT speculation.
You did not post this in defense of the President claiming that if we said he was violating the Constitution we were wrong? Want me to cite for you the part that gives CONGRESS not the President authority on Immigration?

no. I posted that stating the OP was based on the opinion of the OP and speculation. Just like I said I did ... You read it as defending the POTUS ... it wasn't.


I posted the link to the News report where Obama STATED he intended to go around Congress. That he was using his Executive Power to do what Congress would not. That is NOT speculation.

sheesh ... you posted a link about xyz ... so post a link of me directly defending Obama

what part of OP confuses you?
no. I posted that stating the OP was based on the opinion of the OP and speculation. Just like I said I did ... You read it as defending the POTUS ... it wasn't.


I posted the link to the News report where Obama STATED he intended to go around Congress. That he was using his Executive Power to do what Congress would not. That is NOT speculation.

sheesh ... you posted a link about xyz ... so post a link of me directly defending Obama

what part of OP confuses you?
The op IS NOT speculation. I posted the link that proves that. Your claim otherwise is bullshit.
I posted the link to the News report where Obama STATED he intended to go around Congress. That he was using his Executive Power to do what Congress would not. That is NOT speculation.

sheesh ... you posted a link about xyz ... so post a link of me directly defending Obama

what part of OP confuses you?
The op IS NOT speculation. I posted the link that proves that. Your claim otherwise is bullshit.

so at the end of the day what decision did the above brain trust come up with? ... another retarded theory based on speculation or did you children finally come to terms with the fantasy of impeaching the POTUS ?

here ya go Gunny, my first post. (above) .....I'm out, argue with yourself until you drop and fall out.

yet another quote by me for the OP

then you post .... this is whats coming

1. pure speculation
2. your opinion

do yourself a favor ... fall out
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Look at the federal Frankenstein's monster we have, as it relates to people that are natural citizens. The IRS, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Obiecare, TSA, you name the agency. All of them are top-heavy, bureaucratic tar babies, that are next to impossible to deal with. What would lead you to believe that the lawful immigration process is any less of a nightmare than an IRS audit?
It doesn't matter whether our immigration process is lengthy or top-heavy or anything else.

There is no excuse whatsoever for trespassing onto the soil of another country without permission.

There is also no excuse whatsoever for allowing it to happen; never mind punishing it afterwards.

There are, however, plenty of folks who don't care enough to insist that our laws and borders and sovereignty be respected above all else, first and foremost, in the context of the national conversation on immigration and Illegal Aliens.
If the laws are such an overbearing hassle to comply with, as my previously mentioned evidence dictates, then it is high time to clear out the dead wood and make it more attractive for immigrants to comply than deal with hardened criminals.

That is in no way intended to excuse illegals for respecting the borders and America's sovereignty. But it is necessary to recognize that our own government's stupid, cumbersome, indifferent and pokey legal immigration process is a large part of the problem.

You start that process by making it more attractive for immigrants to look at immigrating legally, as a better option to forking over thousands and thousands of dollars to criminals.
Look at the federal Frankenstein's monster we have, as it relates to people that are natural citizens. The IRS, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Obiecare, TSA, you name the agency. All of them are top-heavy, bureaucratic tar babies, that are next to impossible to deal with. What would lead you to believe that the lawful immigration process is any less of a nightmare than an IRS audit?
It doesn't matter whether our immigration process is lengthy or top-heavy or anything else.

There is no excuse whatsoever for trespassing onto the soil of another country without permission.

There is also no excuse whatsoever for allowing it to happen; never mind punishing it afterwards.

There are, however, plenty of folks who don't care enough to insist that our laws and borders and sovereignty be respected above all else, first and foremost, in the context of the national conversation on immigration and Illegal Aliens.
If the laws are such an overbearing hassle to comply with, as my previously mentioned evidence dictates, then it is high time to clear out the dead wood and make it more attractive for immigrants to comply than deal with hardened criminals.

That is in no way intended to excuse illegals for respecting the borders and America's sovereignty. But it is necessary to recognize that our own government's stupid, cumbersome, indifferent and pokey legal immigration process is a large part of the problem.

You start that process by making it more attractive for immigrants to look at immigrating legally, as a better option to forking over thousands and thousands of dollars to criminals.
And if we say 'Yes' to 50,000 in the course of a given year using a streamlined system...

And if we say 'No' to 500,000 in the course of that same year using a streamlined system, because that country is over-quota, and still more and more keep applying...

And if 100,000 of the 'No' Folk cross the border anyway...

How does that streamlined system help us with the 100,000?

That's my beef.

Until we can prevent the 100,000 from coming across, the rest of this really doesn't matter all that much, methinks.

Your mileage may vary.
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It doesn't matter whether our immigration process is lengthy or top-heavy or anything else.

There is no excuse whatsoever for trespassing onto the soil of another country without permission.

There is also no excuse whatsoever for allowing it to happen; never mind punishing it afterwards.

There are, however, plenty of folks who don't care enough to insist that our laws and borders and sovereignty be respected above all else, first and foremost, in the context of the national conversation on immigration and Illegal Aliens.
If the laws are such an overbearing hassle to comply with, as my previously mentioned evidence dictates, then it is high time to clear out the dead wood and make it more attractive for immigrants to comply than deal with hardened criminals.

That is in no way intended to excuse illegals for respecting the borders and America's sovereignty. But it is necessary to recognize that our own government's stupid, cumbersome, indifferent and pokey legal immigration process is a large part of the problem.

You start that process by making it more attractive for immigrants to look at immigrating legally, as a better option to forking over thousands and thousands of dollars to criminals.
And if we say 'Yes' to 50,000 in the course of a given year using a streamlined system...

And if we say 'No' to 500,000 in the course of that same year using a streamlined system, because that country is over-quota, and still more and more keep applying...

And if 100,000 of the 'No' Folk cross the border anyway...

How does that streamlined system help us with the 100,000?

That's my beef.

Until we can prevent the 100,000 from coming across, the rest of this really doesn't matter all that much, methinks.

Your mileage may vary.
You are preventing nobody from crossing right now.

There is no way to screen and process the law abiding migrant from the would-be citizen immigrant from the criminal element.

Like stupid gun laws, the only people harmed by the onerous and burdensome immigration process are the otherwise law abiding.

Like the stupid drug laws, the law itself is creating the criminal enterprise south of the border.
If the laws are such an overbearing hassle to comply with, as my previously mentioned evidence dictates, then it is high time to clear out the dead wood and make it more attractive for immigrants to comply than deal with hardened criminals.

That is in no way intended to excuse illegals for respecting the borders and America's sovereignty. But it is necessary to recognize that our own government's stupid, cumbersome, indifferent and pokey legal immigration process is a large part of the problem.

You start that process by making it more attractive for immigrants to look at immigrating legally, as a better option to forking over thousands and thousands of dollars to criminals.
And if we say 'Yes' to 50,000 in the course of a given year using a streamlined system...

And if we say 'No' to 500,000 in the course of that same year using a streamlined system, because that country is over-quota, and still more and more keep applying...

And if 100,000 of the 'No' Folk cross the border anyway...

How does that streamlined system help us with the 100,000?

That's my beef.

Until we can prevent the 100,000 from coming across, the rest of this really doesn't matter all that much, methinks.

Your mileage may vary.
You are preventing nobody from crossing right now...
Agreed. This needs to change.

...There is no way to screen and process the law abiding migrant from the would-be citizen immigrant from the criminal element...

,,,Like stupid gun laws, the only people harmed by the onerous and burdensome immigration process are the otherwise law abiding...
Quite possibly.

Uncouple Immigration Reform from Shamnesty, and we can all talk about it more seriously.

...Like the stupid drug laws, the law itself is creating the criminal enterprise south of the border.

Trouble is, none of this solves the problem with the 100,000.

And THAT is the problem that needs solving, first and foremost; otherwise, the rest of it means very little.
You are preventing nobody from crossing right now.
Umm, there's a wall along the border in all population centers located there, and along a lot of the border that's not populated. That prevents a lot of people from crossing.

If it weren't there, the entire population of Tijuana would have walked into San Diego by now. Probably true for every othe border city, too.

The wall doesn't stop them all. But it stops most of them. It's the ones it doesn't stop, that are the problem.

There is no way to screen and process the law abiding migrant from the would-be citizen immigrant from the criminal element.
Yes, there is. It's called a "border checkpoint". And a Customs office. And our normal immigration laws, whoich have been in effect for generations.

They work fine... if we obey them. The problem is, we haven't been obeying them. That's what's led to ALL the immigration "problems" we face today.

The hysterics and liars who say "The system is broken", are wrong. The system simply isn't being used.

And in some cases, such as when Obama announces that children won't be deported, or when Boehner says we will change our laws to that people who entered illegally will be expedited into citizenship (which means we won't deport them, either), the system is willfully thwarted.

Part of "The System" - that is, our immigration policy for the last sixty-plus years - includes our commitment to enforce and obey the laws that say anyone who comes in illegally, or ovestays an expired visa, will be deported. That kept a lot of illegals from bothering to try.

Only when we advertised that we wouldn't do that any more, did millions start violating what laws we had left, and walking in, in hopes of being allowed to stay. (They don't really care about citizenship, they just want to stay and not worry about being kicked out).

Like stupid gun laws, the only people harmed by the onerous and burdensome immigration process are the otherwise law abiding.
No, the only persons "harmed" (actually "affected", we didn't make Mexico a third-world shithole) by our longstanding laws, are the people from foreign countries who wanted to come in or stay without a visa.

Only when we started to violate our own laws and fail to uphold them, did we start harming law-abiding citizens.

Like the stupid drug laws, the law itself is creating the criminal enterprise south of the border.
No, lack of enforcement of the law is creating the criminal enterprise south (and north) of the border.

Now that we've gotten people used to walking over without consequence, it's going to be MUCH more painful to start enforcing the law and boot them all out again, than it would have been to keep them out in the first place, and require that they get visas and go thru the background checks and medical exams that have always been there.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.

The usual hysterics and liars have been howling for years now, that "the system is broken", that we need to change our laws.

No, we don't. We just need to start obeying them. Umm, that's what they were there for, remember?

If we'd done that all along, we wouldn't have nearly the problems we have now, nor the prospect of huge pain and inconvenience of having to start obeying them at this late date.

But obeying them is still our only viable course. It's just not an EASY course, any more.
You are preventing nobody from crossing right now.
Umm, there's a wall along the border in all population centers located there, and along a lot of the border that's not populated. That prevents a lot of people from crossing.

If it weren't there, the entire population of Tijuana would have walked into San Diego by now. Probably true for every othe border city, too.

The wall doesn't stop them all. But it stops most of them. It's the ones it doesn't stop, that are the problem.

There is no way to screen and process the law abiding migrant from the would-be citizen immigrant from the criminal element.
Yes, there is. It's called a "border checkpoint". And a Customs office. And our normal immigration laws, whoich have been in effect for generations.

They work fine... if we obey them. The problem is, we haven't been obeying them. That's what's led to ALL the immigration "problems" we face today.

The hysterics and liars who say "The system is broken", are wrong. The system simply isn't being used.

And in some cases, such as when Obama announces that children won't be deported, or when Boehner says we will change our laws to that people who entered illegally will be expedited into citizenship (which means we won't deport them, either), the system is willfully thwarted.

Part of "The System" - that is, our immigration policy for the last sixty-plus years - includes our commitment to enforce and obey the laws that say anyone who comes in illegally, or ovestays an expired visa, will be deported. That kept a lot of illegals from bothering to try.

Only when we advertised that we wouldn't do that any more, did millions start violating what laws we had left, and walking in, in hopes of being allowed to stay. (They don't really care about citizenship, they just want to stay and not worry about being kicked out).

Like stupid gun laws, the only people harmed by the onerous and burdensome immigration process are the otherwise law abiding.
No, the only persons "harmed" (actually "affected", we didn't make Mexico a third-world shithole) by our longstanding laws, are the people from foreign countries who wanted to come in or stay without a visa.

Only when we started to violate our own laws and fail to uphold them, did we start harming law-abiding citizens.

Like the stupid drug laws, the law itself is creating the criminal enterprise south of the border.
No, lack of enforcement of the law is creating the criminal enterprise south (and north) of the border.

Now that we've gotten people used to walking over without consequence, it's going to be MUCH more painful to start enforcing the law and boot them all out again, than it would have been to keep them out in the first place, and require that they get visas and go thru the background checks and medical exams that have always been there.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.

The usual hysterics and liars have been howling for years now, that "the system is broken", that we need to change our laws.

No, we don't. We just need to start obeying them. Umm, that's what they were there for, remember?

If we'd done that all along, we wouldn't have nearly the problems we have now, nor the prospect of huge pain and inconvenience of having to start obeying them at this late date.

But obeying them is still our only viable course. It's just not an EASY course, any more.

yup ... enforce the laws on the books. Why would illegals respect new laws if they won't respect current laws?
You are preventing nobody from crossing right now.
Umm, there's a wall along the border in all population centers located there, and along a lot of the border that's not populated. That prevents a lot of people from crossing.

If it weren't there, the entire population of Tijuana would have walked into San Diego by now. Probably true for every othe border city, too.

The wall doesn't stop them all. But it stops most of them. It's the ones it doesn't stop, that are the problem.

Yes, there is. It's called a "border checkpoint". And a Customs office. And our normal immigration laws, whoich have been in effect for generations.

They work fine... if we obey them. The problem is, we haven't been obeying them. That's what's led to ALL the immigration "problems" we face today.

The hysterics and liars who say "The system is broken", are wrong. The system simply isn't being used.

And in some cases, such as when Obama announces that children won't be deported, or when Boehner says we will change our laws to that people who entered illegally will be expedited into citizenship (which means we won't deport them, either), the system is willfully thwarted.

Part of "The System" - that is, our immigration policy for the last sixty-plus years - includes our commitment to enforce and obey the laws that say anyone who comes in illegally, or ovestays an expired visa, will be deported. That kept a lot of illegals from bothering to try.

Only when we advertised that we wouldn't do that any more, did millions start violating what laws we had left, and walking in, in hopes of being allowed to stay. (They don't really care about citizenship, they just want to stay and not worry about being kicked out).

No, the only persons "harmed" (actually "affected", we didn't make Mexico a third-world shithole) by our longstanding laws, are the people from foreign countries who wanted to come in or stay without a visa.

Only when we started to violate our own laws and fail to uphold them, did we start harming law-abiding citizens.

Like the stupid drug laws, the law itself is creating the criminal enterprise south of the border.
No, lack of enforcement of the law is creating the criminal enterprise south (and north) of the border.

Now that we've gotten people used to walking over without consequence, it's going to be MUCH more painful to start enforcing the law and boot them all out again, than it would have been to keep them out in the first place, and require that they get visas and go thru the background checks and medical exams that have always been there.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.

The usual hysterics and liars have been howling for years now, that "the system is broken", that we need to change our laws.

No, we don't. We just need to start obeying them. Umm, that's what they were there for, remember?

If we'd done that all along, we wouldn't have nearly the problems we have now, nor the prospect of huge pain and inconvenience of having to start obeying them at this late date.

But obeying them is still our only viable course. It's just not an EASY course, any more.

yup ... enforce the laws on the books. Why would illegals respect new laws if they won't respect current laws?

The bigger question is why the President of the United States has decided to usurp a power given expressly to Congress by the Constitution.

Just as my OP is questioning.
May 12, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Senator Markey has no idea what the Constitution is. Or what's in it. Or how the President firing an FBI Director that everyone wanted gone is a Constitutional crisis. But maybe things like that don't exist in his dimension.


Senate Dem Accuses Trump of a Constitutional Crisis, Has No Idea What That Is
A constitutional crisis is a situation that the legal system's constitution or other basic principles of operation appear unable to resolve; it often results in a breakdown in the orderly operation of governmentMost commonly, constitutional crises involve some degree of conflict between different branches of government (e.g., executive, legislature, and/or judiciary), or between different levels of government in a federal system (e.g., state and federal governments).

Constitutional crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what is coming.
Here is your Russian connection

It must be pushed,this President is a criminal.
And you thought BH Obama was a "criminal" !!

You must absolutely love Trump & Co then.

Oaths of personal loyalty.

Slander against former Presidents.

Sacking an FBI director.

Flip flopping lies.

Firing the AG for not executing his own illegal unconstitutional executive orders.

Installing a new AG with ties to Russia as well.
It's not a "constitutional crisis" as long as at least one of the 3 Federal branches can still operate for the good of the People.

The SCOTUS has been restored to 9 now and therefore ties will be impossible in the future unless one of the recuses themselves for whatever reason.

The SCOTUS can now deal with Trump's executive orders.

He has managed to get many Federal judges very angry at him. That may not change anytime soon.

Ryan and McConnell do not seem to be concerned about Trump's Russian connection. That is probably a small constitutional crisis. Just means Trump is going to get away with it is all.

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