Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Plummets, Worst Decline in Three Years

That's because you dimwits keep fear-mongering.
"they're eating your pets!!!"

"they are taking over apartment complexes!!!"

"Israel will cease to exist!!!"

"There will be empty selves and no gas!!"

"They're gonna steal the election!!"

"they're gonna take your guns!!"

"they're gonna groom your kids!!"

"They're giving transgender surgery to illegal immigrants is public schools!!"

Who's fearmongering here, Son?

Who said all those things.

Recently too.

CAn you be honest enough to admit it?

I'm guessing no.
People are fearful of another four years of the US being run by whoever the idiots are that have been running it for the past three and a half years!
Lol, sure. That's why it's dropping right before the election and has been high the last few years.

And yet the Left tells you the economy could not be better.

Once again, the Left know so much that just isn't true.
Speak English. Leftards are LIARS. There's not a single thing coming out of a leftard that isn't some kind of lie. Leftards have no honor and no pride. Buncha lying scum
I want a msgr who gets it right.
I wouldn't shit on briebart (or townhall) because I'd have to turn my back on them, but it's true.

But as usual excalber is hooting about nothing. Why did the fed cut rates? Because people have stopped buying as much shit. Why are there fewer jobs .... because people stopped buying so much shit.

Excalber would be bitching about inflation ... oh wait he probably still is.
I wouldn't shit on briebart (or townhall) because I'd have to turn my back on them, but it's true.

But as usual excalber is hooting about nothing. Why did the fed cut rates? Because people have stopped buying as much shit. Why are there fewer jobs .... because people stopped buying so much shit.

Excalber would be bitching about inflation ... oh wait he probably still is.

The majority of America is bitching about inflation.

People are struggling
I really did. I skim. Thank you for the link.

So, when consumer confidence ramps back up (article being a hacky, fear mongering piece of journalism from the left, instead of magaturd media), will there be retractions? :dunno: Fuck no. This is partisan-baiting fear porn. Nothing more.
Or, maybe, people are really sick of the failure of Bidenomics.
"they're eating your pets!!!"

"they are taking over apartment complexes!!!"

"Israel will cease to exist!!!"

"There will be empty selves and no gas!!"

"They're gonna steal the election!!"

"they're gonna take your guns!!"

"they're gonna groom your kids!!"

"They're giving transgender surgery to illegal immigrants is public schools!!"

Who's fearmongering here, Son?

Who said all those things.

Recently too.

CAn you be honest enough to admit it?

I'm guessing no.
Oh, it happens on both sides.

Leftist fear-mongering is based on irrational hatred of one man.

Conservative fear-mongering is based on the words of leftists.

Can you see the difference?

I'm guessing no.

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