Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Plummets, Worst Decline in Three Years

Do you acknowledge Trump is a liar?
Harris lies about her core policy beliefs. She's on video saying she's against fracking but now says she isn't because she needs to win Pennsylvania. She's on video saying she's in favor of an open border and getting rid of ICE but now she says she's in favor of a wall and funding ICE because she knows how bad things are in the country now because of the Biden/Harris border policies! Why would anyone trust someone who looks them in the eye and lies like Kamala does?
Harris lies about her core policy beliefs. She's on video saying she's against fracking but now says she isn't because she needs to win Pennsylvania. She's on video saying she's in favor of an open border and getting rid of ICE but now she says she's in favor of a wall and funding ICE because she knows how bad things are in the country now because of the Biden/Harris border policies! Why would anyone trust someone who looks them in the eye and lies like Kamala does?
I don't have the time post all of the lies Trump has told. How many times has he flipped on abortion? It's funny how MAWA tries to make the border a Harris problem, how many presidents have had to deal with this? Oh BTW what happened to Mexico paying for the wall? Post the video where she stated getting rid of ICE.
I don't have the time post all of the lies Trump has told. How many times has he flipped on abortion? It's funny how MAWA tries to make the border a Harris problem, how many presidents have had to deal with this? Oh BTW what happened to Mexico paying for the wall? Post the video where she stated getting rid of ICE.
Trump's been consistent on abortion. It's back in the hands of the States. He thinks it should be up to the voters to decide.

The border is a Harris problem because it's a Biden/Harris problem! They let tens of millions of illegals into the country...most of them totally unvetted and now we've got a MASSIVE problem with violent gangs in cities all across the US! Kamala Harris was the freaking "Border Czar"! She was tasked with dealing with the problem! So what did she do, Super? Name one thing that Kamala Harris did to secure the border!
He has told a few. Far less than Democrats and the media insist.
Donald Trump is a first and foremost a "promoter"! It's what he's what he'll always be! He's going to be prone to's always going to be THE BIGGEST...HUGE...THE BEST! Look beyond that. Does he get the job done? When he called out our NATO allies and threatened them with the US pulling funding for NATO if they didn't live up to their agreed levels of defense spending? What happened? They started spending more money on defense. When he imposed tariffs on China because they weren't fair on trade? What happened? China backed down. Instead of trying to appease the Hamas led Palestinians, Trump worked the Abraham Accords getting peace accords between Israel and 3 different Arab nations while he imposed harsh sanctions on Iran to keep them unable to finance terror in the region. People may not like Trump's personality (He's a New Yorker...some of the most obnoxious people on the planet! :) ) but he's the guy who's going to get the job done and we need that badly right now.
Trump's been consistent on abortion. It's back in the hands of the States. He thinks it should be up to the voters to decide.

62% of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, little changed since before the court’s decision​

The border is a Harris problem because it's a Biden/Harris problem! They let tens of millions of illegals into the country...most of them totally unvetted and now we've got a MASSIVE problem with violent gangs in cities all across the US! Kamala Harris was the freaking "Border Czar"! She was tasked with dealing with the problem! So what did she do, Super? Name one thing that Kamala Harris did to secure the border!
Why was the border not a Mike Pence problem. Post the numbers that shows millions came across the border. Border czar is a made up MAWA bullshit.
Creepy laughed at this, because he knows all the people saying they're worse off under the disaster of Bidenomics are REALLY better off. Because he said so. So there. Neener neener!
Crappy will tell you he's better off. I guess one in 10 isn't too bad.

62% of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, little changed since before the court’s decision​

Why was the border not a Mike Pence problem. Post the numbers that shows millions came across the border. Border czar is a made up MAWA bullshit.
It wasn't a Mike Pence problem because the Trump Administration worked to FIX the problem! Biden put Harris in charge of dealing with the border and she did ZERO with that in three years! We're supposed to believe that she's going to fix the border NOW? Why hasn't she? She claims it's because the GOP wouldn't vote for the Biden border bill but anyone with half a brain knows that the Biden/Harris Administration never needed GOP votes to fix the border...they could have done so with Executive Orders anytime they wanted! So why has Kamala let the country be flooded with Fentanyl, violent gangs and terrorists?
and next month it will be right back up.

Yep. After all of that record spending this year, and traveling and vacationing over the summer. Back to school time usually sees a drop in discretionary spending.

But with wages at record highs, thanks to President Bidens record economy in job growth, and infrastructure building that is just getting started, and will go on for another 20 years, while Republicans brag about infrastructure money they voted against, of which a majority of the money has been spent in red states. There will be a rush on holiday spending, which Halloween will show right off the bat, ( Economy can't be to bad when record amounts of money is spent on a kids candy holiday ), and with the stock market at all time record highs, and 401K plans doing better than ever. The rest of the holiday spending and travel will also reflect record numbers.

The only complaints will come from white maga losers who are on some kind of government subsidy, who will whine about migrants taking jobs their trifling fat disabled asses can't or won't do.

But no worries, the companies hiring these migrants don't give a rats ass what a white trifling fat ass maga loser thinks about anything. Which puts them in the majority with the rest of the world.
Yep. After all of that record spending this year, and traveling and vacationing over the summer. Back to school time usually sees a drop in discretionary spending.

But with wages at record highs, thanks to President Bidens record economy in job growth, and infrastructure building that is just getting started, and will go on for another 20 years, while Republicans brag about infrastructure money they voted against, of which a majority of the money has been spent in red states. There will be a rush on holiday spending, which Halloween will show right off the bat, ( Economy can't be to bad when record amounts of money is spent on a kids candy holiday ), and with the stock market at all time record highs, and 401K plans doing better than ever. The rest of the holiday spending and travel will also reflect record numbers.

The only complaints will come from white maga losers who are on some kind of government subsidy, who will whine about migrants taking jobs their trifling fat disabled asses can't or won't do.

But no worries, the companies hiring these migrants don't give a rats ass what a white trifling fat ass maga loser thinks about anything. Which puts them in the majority with the rest of the world.
People's wages adjusted for inflation are actually down, Skews. They were up substantially under Trump.
Harris lies about her core policy beliefs. She's on video saying she's against fracking but now says she isn't because she needs to win Pennsylvania. She's on video saying she's in favor of an open border and getting rid of ICE but now she says she's in favor of a wall and funding ICE because she knows how bad things are in the country now because of the Biden/Harris border policies! Why would anyone trust someone who looks them in the eye and lies like Kamala does?
Dembots like to get lied to

62% of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, little changed since before the court’s decision​

Why was the border not a Mike Pence problem. Post the numbers that shows millions came across the border. Border czar is a made up MAWA bullshit.
Because trump didn’t make pence the border czar.

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