
I'm still wondering HOW Coolidge caused the great depression... While having a super healthy amazing economy it seems kinda hard to just BAM, GREAT DEPRESSION! How did Harding and Coolidge end 1 depression where all others have failed only to magically be blamed for the next depression despite not being in office and polices to deal with the depression being the polar opposite to that of what was proven to work in the 1920's depression?
Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

events are not protract but reflect what happened in the past is the reason for the reaction of today...soo the bust of the Great Recession happened when Boosh was on duty not Oblama...and the president before Boosh was Clintone...
Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

events are not protract but reflect what happened in the past is the reason for the reaction of today...soo the bust of the Great Recession happened when Boosh was on duty not Oblama...and the president before Boosh was Clintone...

Hoover was a progressive his policies were progressive. Coolidge did not clone himself and re-name "it" Hoover.

Again, Wilson was a progressive, he left Harding/Coolidge a depression... Through very basic conservative policies Harding ended that depression, quickly. Why couldn't Hoover and FDR with near 9 times the years on stimulus spending and Government intervention accomplish what Harding/Coolidge did?

You have to totally remover the Depression Harding/Coolidge inherited and fixed to make your insane logic kinda sorta still not work.

My point is simple, these problems can be fixed, easily.... as history proves. But Clinton riding the internet bubble (.com) while building the college bubble and deregulating housing to build a new bubble set the stage for the 2007 crash. But that crash could have been avoided or lessened if Bush didn't ride the college bubble and continue to grow the housing bubble. Obama continues the college bubble witch is a slow pop as people can't find jobs worth a shit but still have debt yet don't own an asset while trying to re-inflate the housing bubble.

Same policies, same failures. The only reason the economy looks as good as it does is because the Government spends about 1 trillion a year in deficit spending (stimulus) while the FED-r spends about 1 trillion a year in direct stimulus spending... 2 trillion a year in fake numbers and the growth is anemic, 6 years later the economy is described as extremely fragile. Wonder if that's what people were saying under Harding/Coolidge.... NOPE! And no debt added but H/C, in fact the balanced the budget, how is that fucking possible!
The depression was an after WWI depression, coupled with prohibition from the religious progressives...The upward economy rested upon ruined manufacturing in Europe and Russia and the industrialization of the war torn area. Once Europe recovered and started producing consumer goods then the tipping edge of the Great Depression begins to build..Overproduction by non regulation and research personnel could not see that huge inventory stockpiles of unsold consumer goods would cause stagnation and depression from consumer goods not selling...
If Obama had a roaring economy just 2 years after being elected I'd be like "Ok, Obama's the man and I was wrong." Admittedly, if it were through massive, like holy fuck 4 trillion dollars of stimulus I'd be very skeptical that it would last and in fact anticipate a correction but I doubt many economists wouldn't be vocal about the same thing, like all of them... But I'd share my concern and wait it out to see..

You have mother fucking history owning your shit and you still can't just go... "Ok, Harding and Coolidge were awesome, good for them..." You gotta instead find some bullshit way to de-credit them for ending a depression and then blame them for a depression they were not even President for and a depression you probably can't even explain how it happened without looking it up.
Hoover could not fix that which Coolidge hath broke....

When Republicans crash the economy, they crash it big time

And Coolidge crashed it big time



(figure it out for yourself this time)
RW has been so let down by Obama that all he's got as of late is near drunk sounding insults to anyone not pro Obama.

"Gah, yeah.... crashed the economy reeeeal hurd! Haha hu haha!" No one finds the comments witty or funny but the drunk RW. But that won;t stop him from making an ass of himself.
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When Republicans crash the economy, they crash it big time

And Coolidge crashed it big time

Point to the date he crashed the economy while President... Can you do that for me Mr. Welfare?

Why don't you point to the date O'bama crashed this one -- as you said here... :eusa_whistle:

WTF are you talking about? I never said Obama crashed the economy you jackass... The entire point of that post was to show how mother fucking retarded Moonglow was for saying it "Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression...."

Now how about you zip on up there and grab Moonglows post and ask him the date Coolidge crashed the economy you little partisan hypocrite.
Point to the date he crashed the economy while President... Can you do that for me Mr. Welfare?

Why don't you point to the date O'bama crashed this one -- as you said here... :eusa_whistle:

WTF are you talking about? I never said Obama crashed the economy you jackass... The entire point of that post was to show how mother fucking retarded Moonglow was for saying it "Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression...."

Now how about you zip on up there and grab Moonglows post and ask him the date Coolidge crashed the economy you little partisan hypocrite.

It's on the record. That's why I uh, linked it.

Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

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Why don't you point to the date O'bama crashed this one -- as you said here... :eusa_whistle:

WTF are you talking about? I never said Obama crashed the economy you jackass... The entire point of that post was to show how mother fucking retarded Moonglow was for saying it "Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression...."

Now how about you zip on up there and grab Moonglows post and ask him the date Coolidge crashed the economy you little partisan hypocrite.

It's on the record.

Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

You are so god damn stupid it's almost painful watching you make as ass of yourself lol. It was a mocking joke.... Not only was it clear that I was mocking Moonglows and you didn't get it, I have now explained it to you and you still don't get it.

What you have quoted there is a record of your inability to comprehend what you read.

Moonglow = Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

(Stated loudly and slowly) Do you see the resemblance?
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WTF are you talking about? I never said Obama crashed the economy you jackass... The entire point of that post was to show how mother fucking retarded Moonglow was for saying it "Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression...."

Now how about you zip on up there and grab Moonglows post and ask him the date Coolidge crashed the economy you little partisan hypocrite.

It's on the record.

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

You are so god damn stupid it's almost painful watching you make as ass of yourself lol. It was a mocking joke.... Not only was it clear that I was mocking Moonglows and you didn't get it, I have now explained it to you and you still don't get it.

What you have quoted there is a record of your inability to comprehend what you read.

Is it?

Depression crash: October 1929. POTUS: Hoover, seven months after Coolidge. Check.

Recent crash: September 2008. POTUS: uh....

His works; yours doesn't. Dumbass.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
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You are so god damn stupid it's almost painful watching you make as ass of yourself lol. It was a mocking joke.... Not only was it clear that I was mocking Moonglows and you didn't get it, I have now explained it to you and you still don't get it.

What you have quoted there is a record of your inability to comprehend what you read.

Is it?

Depression crash: October 1929. POTUS: Hoover. Check.

Recent crash: September 2008. POTUS: uh....

His works; yours doesn't. Dumbass.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

lol, keep going... it's great to watch. No no, please TM, keep it up...

See what I did there =D lol.
You are so god damn stupid it's almost painful watching you make as ass of yourself lol. It was a mocking joke.... Not only was it clear that I was mocking Moonglows and you didn't get it, I have now explained it to you and you still don't get it.

What you have quoted there is a record of your inability to comprehend what you read.

Is it?

Depression crash: October 1929. POTUS: Hoover. Check.

Recent crash: September 2008. POTUS: uh....

His works; yours doesn't. Dumbass.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

lol, keep going... it's great to watch. No no, please TM, keep it up...

See what I did there =D lol.

Don't know what a "TM" is but yeah I see what you did.... :dig:
Is it?

Depression crash: October 1929. POTUS: Hoover. Check.

Recent crash: September 2008. POTUS: uh....

His works; yours doesn't. Dumbass.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

lol, keep going... it's great to watch. No no, please TM, keep it up...

See what I did there =D lol.

Don't know what a "TM" is but yeah I see what you did.... :dig:

TM was Truthmatters, a hyper progressive poster on these boards that hated so much that even other progressives avoided her threads or defending her / siding with her. She didn't understand simple concepts as you have demonstrated here and seemed to have a incredible lack of historical education on topics she would chose to debate in.

Again, even after telling you that I don't think Obama crashed the economy, even after telling you that the post was for mocking purposes only you continue down the same moronic path. You believe "HA HA! Gotcha" when in fact you have lost contact with the purpose of the thread and it's topic.
Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesequent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

I'm not sure if you're a pathological liar, but I'm fairly certain you are one of the quintessential partisan hacks who play fast and loose with the truth.

BTW, Calvin was POTUS until March 4, 1929, nearly eight months before the crash.

The crash had nothing to do with Coolidge, it was not some giant housing, college bubble like we had under Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Bull-by-Loony ^^^

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point.

"Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth."

"The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans."

Link to above: The Great Depression []

Sound familiar?

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