
lol, keep going... it's great to watch. No no, please TM, keep it up...

See what I did there =D lol.

Don't know what a "TM" is but yeah I see what you did.... :dig:

TM was Truthmatters, a hyper progressive poster on these boards that hated so much that even other progressives avoided her threads or defending her / siding with her. She didn't understand simple concepts as you have demonstrated here and seemed to have a incredible lack of historical education on topics she would chose to debate in.

Again, even after telling you that I don't think Obama crashed the economy, even after telling you that the post was for mocking purposes only you continue down the same moronic path. You believe "HA HA! Gotcha" when in fact you have lost contact with the purpose of the thread and it's topic.

Before my time I guess. Meaningless to me. What I did was point out your inconsistency. And you keep whining as if you didn't post it. But it's sitting right there, denial doesn't make it disappear.

That's OK; this entire thread is comprised of FDR Butthurt so you get what you pay for, so to speak. One didn't expect much, and one got it.
I'm not sure if you're a pathological liar, but I'm fairly certain you are one of the quintessential partisan hacks who play fast and loose with the truth.

BTW, Calvin was POTUS until March 4, 1929, nearly eight months before the crash.

The crash had nothing to do with Coolidge, it was not some giant housing, college bubble like we had under Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Bull-by-Loony ^^^

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point.

"Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth."

"The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans."

Link to above: The Great Depression []

Sound familiar?

Bubbles are inevitable, the main issue is when Government creates the bubbles like Housing and Education numb nutz. The crash is much bigger and costly when Government is the cause. Business's can fold and recover quickly as they have no choice, Government runs deficits and prolongs the pain.
Don't know what a "TM" is but yeah I see what you did.... :dig:

TM was Truthmatters, a hyper progressive poster on these boards that hated so much that even other progressives avoided her threads or defending her / siding with her. She didn't understand simple concepts as you have demonstrated here and seemed to have a incredible lack of historical education on topics she would chose to debate in.

Again, even after telling you that I don't think Obama crashed the economy, even after telling you that the post was for mocking purposes only you continue down the same moronic path. You believe "HA HA! Gotcha" when in fact you have lost contact with the purpose of the thread and it's topic.

Before my time I guess. Meaningless to me. What I did was point out your inconsistency. And you keep whining as if you didn't post it. But it's sitting right there, denial doesn't make it disappear.

That's OK; this entire thread is comprised of FDR Butthurt so you get what you pay for, so to speak. One didn't expect much, and one got it.

Still deciding you don't want to hear me telling you it was for mocking purposes only? Cool, well that somehow makes you right =D

At least call me a liar (or something) so I know you read what I posted but don't agree. Pretending I'm not clearly explaining my position to you makes you seem child like stupid. Like, if I close my eyes and can't see you, then that means you can't see me stupid.
TM was Truthmatters, a hyper progressive poster on these boards that hated so much that even other progressives avoided her threads or defending her / siding with her. She didn't understand simple concepts as you have demonstrated here and seemed to have a incredible lack of historical education on topics she would chose to debate in.

Again, even after telling you that I don't think Obama crashed the economy, even after telling you that the post was for mocking purposes only you continue down the same moronic path. You believe "HA HA! Gotcha" when in fact you have lost contact with the purpose of the thread and it's topic.

Before my time I guess. Meaningless to me. What I did was point out your inconsistency. And you keep whining as if you didn't post it. But it's sitting right there, denial doesn't make it disappear.

That's OK; this entire thread is comprised of FDR Butthurt so you get what you pay for, so to speak. One didn't expect much, and one got it.

Still deciding you don't want to hear me telling you it was for mocking purposes only? Cool, well that somehow makes you right =D

At least call me a liar (or something) so I know you read what I posted but don't agree. Pretending I'm not clearly explaining my position to you makes you seem child like stupid. Like, if I close my eyes and can't see you, then that means you can't see me stupid.

You can't successfully "mock" a post when his scenario actually works historically and yours doesn't. And it shouldn't really take five posts to splain such a simple concept.

Before my time I guess. Meaningless to me. What I did was point out your inconsistency. And you keep whining as if you didn't post it. But it's sitting right there, denial doesn't make it disappear.

That's OK; this entire thread is comprised of FDR Butthurt so you get what you pay for, so to speak. One didn't expect much, and one got it.

Still deciding you don't want to hear me telling you it was for mocking purposes only? Cool, well that somehow makes you right =D

At least call me a liar (or something) so I know you read what I posted but don't agree. Pretending I'm not clearly explaining my position to you makes you seem child like stupid. Like, if I close my eyes and can't see you, then that means you can't see me stupid.

You can't successfully "mock" a post when his scenario actually works historically and yours doesn't. And it shouldn't really take five posts to splain such a simple concept.


Ahh yes, his scenario works because Coolidge build Hoover like a robot and programmed Hoover to follow his (Coolidge's) policies exactly... despite the historical fact being Hoover created the New deal and was an incredibly progressive President by policy.

Yes, my scenario is totally fraud (I know it is because it was for mocking purposes) because history didn't happen that way, but Moonglows is 100% real because history still... didn't... happen that way..


Remember, you're defending "Coolidge created Hoover", now what does that even mean... FDR created the New deal 2 after Hoovers New deal 1... something tells me Coolidge was not a supporter of his "creations" policies.
Harding and Coolidge did:

Reduced the national debt while balancing the budget
And still Cut taxes, under 25% for top bracket (OMFGZ!!!!)
Had UE around 3-4%
No wars!
Shrunk Government in size and scope

All this "basic" conservative crap was done and it worked.... No gimmicks, no 50 years of trial and all errors doing DoEducation, welfare, SS, MC/MC and so on... It's no wonder Progressives hate Harding and Coolidge, they helped make the poor wealthy, they destroyed dependency and they balanced the budget. It's like a silver bullet or something. Oh thank gawd FDR and Hoover came along to spend massive amounts and reach UE rates of 24%, that really helped the nation.

To be completely honest, though, everything that you listed occurs with every president that is enjoying a period of economic expansion. No, presidents don't normally create the economy they preside over; if anyone, it is the president during the previous term that has more effect on a presidential term. (2nd term presidents actually DO experience their own policies from the prior term).

Also, the era and technology has great economic effect. Think of the 1910's - 20's; what marked those decades? The rise of the automobile and accompanying infrastructure development for modernized transportation! Better telephones, radio, and communication! An explosion in development of electrical applications! Modernized approached to health care! AND, in the 1920's--NO WAR!

Most often, presidents merely respond to the winds of change.
Point to the date he crashed the economy while President... Can you do that for me Mr. Welfare?

Why don't you point to the date O'bama crashed this one -- as you said here... :eusa_whistle:

WTF are you talking about? I never said Obama crashed the economy you jackass... The entire point of that post was to show how mother fucking retarded Moonglow was for saying it "Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression...."

Now how about you zip on up there and grab Moonglows post and ask him the date Coolidge crashed the economy you little partisan hypocrite.

Everybody else knows the date, why don't you?
Whew, just went back and looked it up... The years Harding and Coolidge were President were fuckin awesome and all the years FDR was president fucking sucked. Thanks History for backing me up, I can leave knowing haters simply wana hate.

Bye =D
Harding and Coolidge did:

Reduced the national debt while balancing the budget
And still Cut taxes, under 25% for top bracket (OMFGZ!!!!)
Had UE around 3-4%
No wars!
Shrunk Government in size and scope

All this "basic" conservative crap was done and it worked.... No gimmicks, no 50 years of trial and all errors doing DoEducation, welfare, SS, MC/MC and so on... It's no wonder Progressives hate Harding and Coolidge, they helped make the poor wealthy, they destroyed dependency and they balanced the budget. It's like a silver bullet or something. Oh thank gawd FDR and Hoover came along to spend massive amounts and reach UE rates of 24%, that really helped the nation.

To be completely honest, though, everything that you listed occurs with every president that is enjoying a period of economic expansion. No, presidents don't normally create the economy they preside over; if anyone, it is the president during the previous term that has more effect on a presidential term. (2nd term presidents actually DO experience their own policies from the prior term).

Also, the era and technology has great economic effect. Think of the 1910's - 20's; what marked those decades? The rise of the automobile and accompanying infrastructure development for modernized transportation! Better telephones, radio, and communication! An explosion in development of electrical applications! Modernized approached to health care! AND, in the 1920's--NO WAR!

Most often, presidents merely respond to the winds of change.

No doubt, but you can stand in the way, over regulate, overspend, overdevelop and over tax... Or you can let shit make it's own way and not have giant costly Government programs that will bog the country down during downturns and they are deficit building.
Friedman and Schwartz's take was, basically, the fed created the recession on 20-21 by jacking up rates to the point only surpassed by Friedman himself in the early 80s. You want a recession? Jack up rates high enough, and it works like magic. The Fed feared inflation because the money supply had been increased during WWI, and all the soldiers were coming home.

What's conveniently overlooked by champions of "doing nothing" is the Fed cut rates as fast as it raised them and .... voila, the recession ended.

EconoSpeak: Does The 1920-21 Recession Really Prove That Laissez Faire Saves Us From Recessions?

I don't want to overrate the effect of cutting rates. The Bernake is an apostle of Friedman. He cut rates to zero, and it wasn't enough. So, he bought mortgage based securities to stem deflation in the housing market. That did the trick. Now, we'll see if his successor can get the Fed out of the mortgage based securities market w/o causing either a recession or inflation.

As for FDR and Keynes. Frankly, Hitler's handling of the German economy worked, and that was Keynes on steroids. Personally, I think nationalization is a last resort.
The crash had nothing to do with Coolidge, it was not some giant housing, college bubble like we had under Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Bull-by-Loony ^^^

"It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point.

"Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth."

"The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans."

Link to above: The Great Depression []

Sound familiar?

Bubbles are inevitable, the main issue is when Government creates the bubbles like Housing and Education numb nutz. The crash is much bigger and costly when Government is the cause. Business's can fold and recover quickly as they have no choice, Government runs deficits and prolongs the pain.

"numb nutz"? Let me start by telling you, in the base and vulgar words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself". Your opinion is worthless, not only because you're a partisan hack, but because you lack the ability to provide a reasonable argument to support your ideology, or to provide evidence that my post above does describe the reality of the antecedents of the Great Depression.
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Whew, just went back and looked it up... The years Harding and Coolidge were President were fuckin awesome and all the years FDR was president fucking sucked. Thanks History for backing me up, I can leave knowing haters simply wana hate.

Bye =D

You left out Hoover, just like you guys try to leave Boosh out of it...
Whew, just went back and looked it up... The years Harding and Coolidge were President were fuckin awesome and all the years FDR was president fucking sucked. Thanks History for backing me up, I can leave knowing haters simply wana hate.

Bye =D

You left out Hoover, just like you guys try to leave Boosh out of it...

Hoover was FDR's ideological Twin
Whew, just went back and looked it up... The years Harding and Coolidge were President were fuckin awesome and all the years FDR was president fucking sucked. Thanks History for backing me up, I can leave knowing haters simply wana hate.

Bye =D

You left out Hoover, just like you guys try to leave Boosh out of it...

Hoover was FDR's ideological Twin

Think you can elaborate without the 7 years of biblical reference?
Whew, just went back and looked it up... The years Harding and Coolidge were President were fuckin awesome and all the years FDR was president fucking sucked. Thanks History for backing me up, I can leave knowing haters simply wana hate.

Bye =D

Wow, if this post ^^^ is not a known lie by its author, the author is a moron. Mark Twain is attributed to have said it best, "there are liars, damn liars and statistics.

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