Coronavirus screening missing more than half of cases likely to fail


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(ETH) – If you are relying on screenings of infected carriers of the coronavirus to ward off the virus, you better think again. That’s because a new study was released that is indicating that Global screening efforts to prevent the rapid spread of this thing are likely to fail, this comes as new research is warning that even the best-case screenings of air travellers will likely miss more than half of infected people.
Coronavirus screening "missing more than half of cases", Likely to fail

Oh but please obey CNN and what they tell you cause it's all true it's all going to keep you little sheep nice and safe from all those lying ass media sources you've been trained to obey.
Schumer wants 8.5 billion for the global fight against corona virus. F' that spend 8.5 here on our own medical facilities to take care of what will be coming our way via China's blunders.

Schumer requesting $8.5 billion in emergency funding on coronavirus

Okay, give Trump $8.5 Billion to combat the Covid-19 virus. We already have a vaccine in testing and have taken steps to keep the virus from taking hold in the US. the request for $2.5 Billion was reasonable. Had Statements by the head of the CDC seem to have negated Schumer's doom and gloom. Meanwhile since the epidemic in China was announced the president has been taking proper measures. Making this epidemic a bickering political thing is not good for the people of America. However, no matter what Trump funds requested the Democrat would have disputed it.
Schumer wants 8.5 billion for the global fight against corona virus. F' that spend 8.5 here on our own medical facilities to take care of what will be coming our way via China's blunders.

Schumer requesting $8.5 billion in emergency funding on coronavirus

Okay, give Trump $8.5 Billion to combat the Covid-19 virus. We already have a vaccine in testing and have taken steps to keep the virus from taking hold in the US. the request for $2.5 Billion was reasonable. Had Statements by the head of the CDC seem to have negated Schumer's doom and gloom. Meanwhile since the epidemic in China was announced the president has been taking proper measures. Making this epidemic a bickering political thing is not good for the people of America. However, no matter what Trump funds requested the Democrat would have disputed it.
The country actually needs more labs at an affordable cost to anyone who desires to get tested for viruses and bacterial infections. Schools and anywhere people gather should also have safeguards like adequate filter systems to prevent the spread of any disease.

I like this idea for the current issues. Reasonable, easily deployed so it can start right away and doesn't endanger clinics and hospitals not established to take care of mass viral spread.

best idea yet.PNG
A video out of Italy shows a man asking “why are the pasta shelves empty?” as panic buying spreads in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
“The Pasta Shelves Are Empty”: Panic Buying Continues in Italy

Coming to America if your dumb you'll ask and hows that happening " well I went to the store yesterday the shelves weren't empty. LOL reallyeeeee. you really expected the shelves emptied overnight or that fast. Like we said dumb fks you ain't seen nothing yet. YOUR STORES are GONNA GO EMPTY a.holes.

Laugh ......... all the way WE GET THE LAST LAUGH to all your stupidity.



Here's some comforting news.
America too dependent on China for its medicine, experts warn

Experts are warning America has become too dependent on China for its medicine -- everything from painkillers, to antibiotics, and even aspirin can all be sourced back to a country the Department of Defense considers an adversary.

The Food and Drug Administration estimates that at least 80 percent of the active ingredients found in all of America's medicines come from abroad – primarily China.
Mr. Jones it's election season and you are banned on all the major social media platforms so don't hesitate to go to all the major events to get your voice out and break through the MSM's censorship Berlin wall.

Violent Leftists In A Coronavirus Quarantine Would Collapse Society

Take it or leave it it's a shame some are to dumb to listen just because MSM taught the weak to hate the information so you can be easily be controlled...
Here's some comforting news.
America too dependent on China for its medicine, experts warn

Experts are warning America has become too dependent on China for its medicine -- everything from painkillers, to antibiotics, and even aspirin can all be sourced back to a country the Department of Defense considers an adversary.

The Food and Drug Administration estimates that at least 80 percent of the active ingredients found in all of America's medicines come from abroad – primarily China.

Who can be blamed for the exodus of manufacturing to china? Who is responsible for the technology transfers to China? I can't blame only Democrats for this. It's been both sides of the political sphere that have to take responsibility. Trump was and is correct in getting these trade issues corrected. In the end with potential pandemic staring us in the face, it behooves America to restart manufacturing of it's pharmaceuticals including other manufacturing.
Meanwhile, both the MSM and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats are attempting to use the Covid-19 virus issue to create a panic within America.
Needless to say, the PMS/DSA Dems have done little to nothing to resolve the homeless and pestilence they've created in places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. Now that is where if the Covid-19 hits there will be an epidemic of historic size.
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk
I think all of those libs should just move to Canada.
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk

You see this today MInd? GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk

You see this today MInd? GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms

I know one thing they are telling Trump the wrong stats for sure............. We are hearing his intel isn't telling him the true/real information
did you see this map?


Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk

You see this today MInd? GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms

I know one thing they are telling Trump the wrong stats for sure............. We are hearing his intel isn't telling him the true/real information
did you see this map?

View attachment 309016

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Yep, he kept saying only 15 cases when in fact there are 60 in U.S. and one of them are from unknown origins in Ca.

I don't know why since he has stopped flights coming in from certain countries he hasn't stopped flights from bringing back students from Italy and other countries. Italy has hospitals. I can't believe one of those coming back has not been in contact with someone who may have been infected. Stop all flights from everywhere for the time being and only let flights out.
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk

You see this today MInd? GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms

I know one thing they are telling Trump the wrong stats for sure............. We are hearing his intel isn't telling him the true/real information
did you see this map?

View attachment 309016

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Yea, didn't I post it? I've been following for a couple days but maybe I posted somewhere else.
Colleges Call Students Back From Italy Amid Virus Concerns
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The spread of the new coronavirus to Italy has led universities to reassess study abroad programs in the country, with many American schools this week calling their students back to the U.S.

LOL it's not doing anything , it will Obey U.S. orders to stay out of the US lol .......mmmmmmmk

You see this today MInd? GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms

I know one thing they are telling Trump the wrong stats for sure............. We are hearing his intel isn't telling him the true/real information
did you see this map?

View attachment 309016

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Yea, didn't I post it? I've been following for a couple of days but maybe I posted somewhere else.

You might have and I missed it , or I looked right at it and have forgotten LOL...

Well, again you stay safe out there be careful and uuugh if you can help think about that Vaccine shit before taking that crap. It's way to soon for them to have a vaccine already if they have one soon it means they jumped the " safety" steps tech. needed for this bs to pass.
Wtf...look at a World Map

ALL the fucking countries between Italy and China
The Coronavirus hops to Iran then leaps straight to Italy

Russia BORDERS China
The Russian city Blagoveshchensk is 600 YARDS
from a China province with 500 confirmed cases of coronavirus

Businesses that depend on China are shriveling, hotels once full of Chinese guests stand empty and the local university, once a magnet for paying pupils from China, is struggling to cope as hundreds of its students who went home for the Lunar New Year holiday find themselves stranded.

starting last Thursday, all Chinese citizens would be barred from entering Russia. The decision slammed a lucrative tourism industry driven in a large part by Chinese visitors, more than 1.5 million of whom came to Russia last year.

In Blagoveshchensk, there is no sign of panic or even mild alarm, just anger at a spike in vegetable prices after deliveries from China stopped. Virtually nobody wears a face mask, despite an order from the authorities that this be done in schools and many other public places.

Some residents, though, particularly those who see China as Russia’s best hope of resisting the West, blame the United States for the outbreak.

Aleksandr Kozhin, a Russian who lives mostly in Heihe but is now stuck on the Russian side of the river, is such a fervent admirer of China’s economic and political model that he thinks a secret American laboratory could have created the new coronavirus as a weapon to undermine China’s success and image.

Businesses ‘Getting Killed’ on Russian Border as Coronavirus Fears Rise

No one in a Russian city 600 yards from China has been infected as yet,
but businesses are shriveling and China’s image as a benign force
is being eclipsed by a more anxious vision.

And, what about this shit....

On a Wednesday afternoon in mid-December, a Chinese woman entered the grounds of President Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida through a service entrance and snapped photos on her cellphone. "Who is Mar-a-Lago?" she said in court following her arrest.

Eight days later, a Chinese student walked around a perimeter fence at a U.S. naval base in Key West, taking pictures of government buildings. Stopped by police, he said he was trying to capture images of the sunrise.

And nine days after that, two more Chinese students drove past a guard at the same naval base. When stopped by security 30 minutes later, they voluntarily displayed the videos and photos they had taken of the base.

Were the incidents isolated cases of tourists mistakenly taking photos in sensitive locations? Or could some or all of the people be part of a spy operation run out of Beijing?

Federal authorities are working to answer those questions. FBI counterintelligence agents are investigating whether the spate of incidents might be part of a coordinated espionage effort, according to a U.S. official and another person familiar with the matter.

In total, four Chinese men have been arrested for trespassing and taking photos at Naval Air Station Key West since September 2018, and two Chinese women have been arrested for trespassing at Mar-a-Lago since March 2019.

"Coincidences take a lot of planning," said Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence.

"These attempts could be a distraction from some greater targeting or an attempt to tie up federal security resources in an area responsible for securing the president's residence," he said. "This could also be an attempt to test the Trump administration's ability to react to targeting by one of our greatest adversaries."

Were these six Chinese trespassers confused tourists or spies? The FBI wants to know.


I have the WHO website open in a separate tab
reading the first statement issued by WHO on Jan. 9

WHO Statement Regarding Cluster of Pneumonia Cases in Wuhan, China

Jan. 9, 2020

Chinese authorities have made a preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus, identified in a hospitalized person(TRY 41)with pneumonia in Wuhan. Chinese investigators conducted gene sequencing of the virus, (A link for this to follow^)
using an isolate from one positive patient sample. Preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates China’s increased capacity to manage new outbreaks. (EITHER 1 OF 2 SCENARIOS...

Initial information about the cases of pneumonia in Wuhan provided by Chinese authorities last week – including the occupation, location and symptom profile of the people affected – pointed to a coronavirus (CoV) as a possible pathogen causing this cluster. Chinese authorities subsequently reported that laboratory tests ruled out SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus and other common respiratory pathogens.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses with some causing less-severe disease, such as the common cold, and others more severe disease such as MERS and SARS. Some transmit easily from person to person, while others do not. According to Chinese authorities, the virus in question can cause severe illness in some patients and does not transmit readily between people.(GUESS WHAT....YEA IT DOES)

WHO continues to monitor the situation closely and, together with its partners, is ready to provide technical support to China to investigate and respond to this outbreak.(FUCKING LIARS)

WHO does not recommend any specific measures for travellers.
WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions
on China based on the information currently available.

Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally

Lucey says if the new data are accurate, the first human infections must have occurred in November 2019—if not earlier—because there is an incubation time between infection and symptoms surfacing. If so, the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan—and perhaps elsewhere—before the cluster of cases from the city’s now-infamous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was discovered in late December. “The virus came into that marketplace before it came out of that marketplace,” Lucey asserts

Follow the immediate links in the article

The first 2 link takes you to the clinical data report
The second set is in Chinese and will have to be translated
It will make you ill, lying mother fuckers
They are 2 separate questions/answers from Jan. 11/14
from the Wuhan Municipal Commission of Health and Health

Trump was right, China wasn't being forthcoming
Neither was WHO AND THE CDC

The way WHO AND the CDC has handled this

Follow the link below, best interactive map I've come across
It gives you an awesome visualization tracking the virus
Look at Wuhan and follow it out to the outlying countries
To me, it looks frighteningly strategic

You work the map and tell me how the fuck
a country 600 yards from 500 infected people
that just closed its border last week
whose economy was driven by the people 600 yards away
has only 2 reported case and we are ACROSS THE OCEAN
On another CONTINENT and have 60 cases

And, why doesn't Trump know that?
Who is he getting his information from?

ISARIC (International Severe Acute Respiratory
and Emerging Infection Consortium)

EU members totally refuse to close their borders

EU Says No to Border Closure – Allocates €232 Million to Fight Coronavirus

There is no such thing as coincidence

Ingenious idea to bring our economy to its knees
and death to our door just in time for elections
I'm all stocked up and ready to laugh at the starving non-preppers :funnyface: :laughing0301: :slap: :auiqs.jpg:
A video out of Italy shows a man asking “why are the pasta shelves empty?” as panic buying spreads in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
“The Pasta Shelves Are Empty”: Panic Buying Continues in Italy

Coming to America if your dumb you'll ask and hows that happening " well I went to the store yesterday the shelves weren't empty. LOL reallyeeeee. you really expected the shelves emptied overnight or that fast. Like we said dumb fks you ain't seen nothing yet. YOUR STORES are GONNA GO EMPTY a.holes.

Laugh ......... all the way WE GET THE LAST LAUGH to all your stupidity.




Dont say we didnt warn em ...all they gotta do is lock up one american town and across the nation the mad dash for whatever they can grab is on ...

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