Cost of Free Healthcare of Illegal Aliens in California Could've Paid for Fire Prevention

Immigration and health care advocates, who spent more than a decade fighting for the changes, have said the expanded coverage will close a gap in health care access and save the state money in the long run. Those who live in the state illegally often delay or avoid care because they aren’t eligible for most coverage, making it more expensive to treat them when they end up in emergency rooms.
I've tried hard, but I have no fucks to give about what happened in Cali, the stupid morons voted for what they got. The attention they've gotten vs what happened in NC is pathetic as well. If they thought housing was expensive before, it's going to be 100 times worse now.
You need to be healthy to build houses, process food, watch people's kids, landscape, etc...........
2.6 billion dollars to cover health care for 700,000 illegals

You have illegal immigrants, we have a vast, massively funded covert police state that ensures the suppression of innovation and the best potential workers in warehouses.

At least Trump is going to address the U.S illegal immigration problem...
Immigration and health care advocates, who spent more than a decade fighting for the changes, have said the expanded coverage will close a gap in health care access and save the state money in the long run. Those who live in the state illegally often delay or avoid care because they aren’t eligible for most coverage, making it more expensive to treat them when they end up in emergency rooms.

This is how these tards 'think'. :auiqs.jpg:
Immigration and health care advocates, who spent more than a decade fighting for the changes, have said the expanded coverage will close a gap in health care access and save the state money in the long run. Those who live in the state illegally often delay or avoid care because they aren’t eligible for most coverage, making it more expensive to treat them when they end up in emergency rooms.
Maybe Gavin should be deporting the 700K illegals instead of creating programs like this encouraging more illegals to come
Maybe Gavin should be deporting the 700K illegals instead of creating programs like this encouraging more illegals to come

He doesn't have the ability but don't let that stop you.......
You need to be healthy to build houses, process food, watch people's kids, landscape, etc...........
True, but first you have to be legal. You can't work here if you are here illegally.

Why do you continue to support the Dembot policies that encourage illegal activity?
Of course he does, he doens't have to sign into law programs like this that encourage people to come here illegally.

Don't let the facts get in your way

Not doing things that attract people is in no way the same thing as deporting them.

But don't let facts get in your way.
And yet you can. Obviously since millions are.

You support them. Why do you do that?
Sure, you can illegally....why are you encouraging illegal activity?

hahaha, I do? I do not at all support giving illegals free healthcare.

Try again.
You need to be healthy to build houses, process food, watch people's kids, landscape, etc...........

I take that as a thumbs up to illegals being in the country. Why is my responsibility to take care of someone who isnt even a citizen or why is it my responsibility to take care of your health?
you keep spinning your wheels here....why do you support encouraging illegals to come to the United States?

You are doing that by supporting the businesses bringing them here, not me.
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