Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

If that’s what you think, fine. Don’t pretend that’s proof. It’s not. It’s at best circumstantial.

It also ignore the pile of evidence that Joe Biden was working on behalf of US interests.

Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.

Of course it is a crime, you dunce.


Misuse of Position | Use of Official Title | Personal Use of Government Property | Use of Non-Public Information | Use of Official Time | Disclosing Procurement Information | Letters of Recommendation on Official Stationery

An employee may not use his official position, including information learned by virtue of his position, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of others.

Misuse of Position and Government Resources

Can you really be this stupid....or is government school indoctrination this indelible?????

I many times a day are you having conversations where the other person simply rolls their eyes?????
Great. Now where is the evidence that Biden had Shokin fired to benefit Hunter Biden? I keep asking but no one seems to know.

Everyone knows.....and so do you.

It was worth $83000 a month, ongoing.

“Everyone knows” isn’t an argument that is going to stand up in court.

So much for proof. All you really have is innuendo.
Answer the question and it will destroy your pretend ignorance of Biden selling the vice=presidency to Burisma and to China"

Now explain why Hunter was worth $83,000 a month?
Because he's great at cocktail parties. Who cares? It's not illegal to be overpaid. It's illegal to take a bribe, which means there must be a quid pro quo. Where is that?

Your dishonesty is more than transparent.

There is only one thing he brings to gas company, or to China.

And everyone knows what that is.

It is the textbook definition of Quid Pro Quo.

Try to get the Democrat shoe polish off your tongue.

If that’s what you think, fine. Don’t pretend that’s proof. It’s not. It’s at best circumstantial.

It also ignore the pile of evidence that Joe Biden was working on behalf of US interests.

Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.
What would you be posting if Don Jr. had done what the fucking pervert drug addict Hunter did? What would you be posting attacking the President? Remember Joe, the fucking pedo is running to be the next President.
Would he make Hunter the SOS?
Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.

Of course it is a crime, you dunce.


Misuse of Position | Use of Official Title | Personal Use of Government Property | Use of Non-Public Information | Use of Official Time | Disclosing Procurement Information | Letters of Recommendation on Official Stationery

An employee may not use his official position, including information learned by virtue of his position, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of others.

Misuse of Position and Government Resources

Can you really be this stupid....or is government school indoctrination this indelible?????

I many times a day are you having conversations where the other person simply rolls their eyes?????
Great. Now where is the evidence that Biden had Shokin fired to benefit Hunter Biden? I keep asking but no one seems to know.

Everyone knows.....and so do you.

It was worth $83000 a month, ongoing.

“Everyone knows” isn’t an argument that is going to stand up in court.

So much for proof. All you really have is innuendo.

The other 11 jury members would simply roll their eyes at you.
Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.

Of course it is a crime, you dunce.


Misuse of Position | Use of Official Title | Personal Use of Government Property | Use of Non-Public Information | Use of Official Time | Disclosing Procurement Information | Letters of Recommendation on Official Stationery

An employee may not use his official position, including information learned by virtue of his position, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of others.

Misuse of Position and Government Resources

Can you really be this stupid....or is government school indoctrination this indelible?????

I many times a day are you having conversations where the other person simply rolls their eyes?????
Great. Now where is the evidence that Biden had Shokin fired to benefit Hunter Biden? I keep asking but no one seems to know.

Everyone knows.....and so do you.

It was worth $83000 a month, ongoing.

“Everyone knows” isn’t an argument that is going to stand up in court.

So much for proof. All you really have is innuendo.
"Everyone knows that Trump is guilty!"
That's what the fucking morons in the Lib MSM screamed during the popcorn fart AKA the Mueller Report would prove. Mueller didn't write a fucking word of the report BTW.
A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think Hunter got that job based upon his own merits.

Since he was so obviously unqualied, only an incredibly stupid person would fail to ask WHY he got that job.

when asked why he got that job, only an incredibly stupid person would arrive at .the conclusion that it could not be anything BUT the influence he delivers by way of his father.

It's just basic logic, boys and girls .

AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.
A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think Hunter got that job based upon his own merits.

Since he was so obviously unqualied, only an incredibly stupid person would fail to ask WHY he got that job.

when asked why he got that job, only an incredibly stupid person would arrive at .the conclusion that it could not be anything BUT the influence he delivers by way of his father.

It's just basic logic, boys and girls .

AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.
If that’s what you think, fine. Don’t pretend that’s proof. It’s not. It’s at best circumstantial.

It also ignore the pile of evidence that Joe Biden was working on behalf of US interests.

Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.

Of course it is a crime, you dunce.


Misuse of Position | Use of Official Title | Personal Use of Government Property | Use of Non-Public Information | Use of Official Time | Disclosing Procurement Information | Letters of Recommendation on Official Stationery

An employee may not use his official position, including information learned by virtue of his position, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of others.

Misuse of Position and Government Resources

Can you really be this stupid....or is government school indoctrination this indelible?????

I many times a day are you having conversations where the other person simply rolls their eyes?????
Great. Now where is the evidence that Biden had Shokin fired to benefit Hunter Biden? I keep asking but no one seems to know.

Everyone knows.....and so do you.

It was worth $83000 a month, ongoing.
The $83k a month, if even true.... was for TWO BOARD MEMBERS, not for simply Hunter Biden... his business partner was a Board member on Burisma first, and then convinced Hunter to take a Board Member position... so, just for accuracy's sake, the money was for 2 board members.

Do you know what the other board members were being paid at Burisma? To know if this amount is out of whack for a company of their size, we would need to know that kind of information before jumping to conclusions with no facts to support it.

And yes, it is very likely Burisma hired Biden for his name, and hired ALL the rest of the Board members for their names or reputations, it's not like other companies who were in a world of crud, haven't done the same, hired well knowners and straight lacers to show the world they have cleaned up their acts....

Hunter should not have taken the job, just for the APPEARANCE of impropriety! That part is understandable and why everyone should follow our govt's rules and standards on ethics... including ones on just the appearance of something looking fishy, or in Trump's case, ethics rules on nepotism, with his daughter and Jarod, or having friends and consiglieri do govt diplomat's jobs.... all have the appearance of impropriety.

your govt employee corruption statute/law that you posted actually fits with what the impeachment of Trump is about, no?

Shokin was not fired by Joe for his son's sake or income.... Shokin WAS NOT investigating Burisma or Burisma's owner at the time....

Firing Shokin for not fighting the prevalent corruption in Ukraine, would not help Hunter... it would have hurt him more with a new prosecutor replacing Shokin, fighting corruption and investigating Burisma, for a change...

Shokin is claiming his bull crap now about Hunter or Burisma is a day late and a dollar short... it is meaningless, and an attempt to rewrite history in Shokin's own favor, now.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
By Andrew E. Kramer

  • March 29, 2016
MOSCOW — Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

But in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for moment, veteran observers of Ukrainian politics said that the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had played an important role in balancing competing political interests, helping maintain stability during a treacherous era in the divided country’s history.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

With this pressure mounting, Parliament on Tuesday voted by a comfortable margin to remove Mr. Shokin.

In the final hours before Parliament voted him out, Mr. Shokin had fired his reform-minded deputy prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze, with whom he had been feuding. It was not immediately clear whether that firing would remain in force.

Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corruption.

With the prosecutor’s office in turmoil throughout Ukraine on Tuesday, one of Mr. Sakvarelidze’s appointees in the Odessa regional office was arrested by military prosecutors, assumed to be loyal to Mr. Shokin.

Foreign donors had complained about rot in the prosecutor’s office, not least because much of the money suspected of being stolen was theirs.

In one high-profile example, known in Ukraine as the case of the “diamond prosecutors,” troves of diamonds, cash and other valuables were found in the homes of two of Mr. Shokin’s subordinates, suggesting that they had been taking bribes.

But the case became bogged down, with no reasons given. When a department in Mr. Shokin’s office tried to bring it to trial, the prosecutors were fired or resigned. The perpetrators seemed destined to get off with claims that the stones were not worth very much.

For many Ukrainians, the case encapsulated a failure to follow through on the sweeping promises made during the heady days of the revolution to root out corruption and establish a modern, transparent state. Instead, there has seemed to be a return to business-as-usual horse-trading and compromise among the tightly knit Ukrainian oligarchic and business elite.

Since his appointment a year ago, Mr. Shokin had been criticized for not prosecuting officials, businessmen and members of Parliament for their roles in corrupt schemes during the government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. He also did not press cases for sniping by the police and opposition activists during the street protests in 2014 that killed more than 100 people and wounded about 1,000.

To a certain extent, analysts say, accommodations of this sort are necessary if the government is to get anything done in Parliament, because supporters of the Yanukovych government remain a political force in Ukraine, coalesced around the Opposition Bloc party. It represents Russian-speaking southeastern areas of Ukraine and the former elite, whose support in Parliament President Petro O. Poroshenko needs to push through reforms and to try to implement a peace accord with Russia.

“There are prices the new political establishment has to pay,” Tymofiy Mylovanov, the president of the Kiev School of Economics, said in an interview. “How do they pay? They guarantee some security for their opponents’ business interests.”

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
Yet you decline to explain the $83k from the gas company and the $1.5 billion from China.

Quid Pro Joe's office is the only thing Hunter Biden had to sell.

But you had this to give away: any integrity.

To repeat lies known to be contrived is an example of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
I haven’t repeated any lies. I acknowledge that Hunter almost certainly got his job because of his name. But that’s not illegal.

It’s a lie to claim there is proof of illegality without any evidence of a quid pro quo.

Of course it is a crime, you dunce.


Misuse of Position | Use of Official Title | Personal Use of Government Property | Use of Non-Public Information | Use of Official Time | Disclosing Procurement Information | Letters of Recommendation on Official Stationery

An employee may not use his official position, including information learned by virtue of his position, for his personal benefit or for the benefit of others.

Misuse of Position and Government Resources

Can you really be this stupid....or is government school indoctrination this indelible?????

I many times a day are you having conversations where the other person simply rolls their eyes?????
Great. Now where is the evidence that Biden had Shokin fired to benefit Hunter Biden? I keep asking but no one seems to know.

Everyone knows.....and so do you.

It was worth $83000 a month, ongoing.
The $83k a month, if even true.... was for TWO BOARD MEMBERS, not for simply Hunter Biden... his business partner was a Board member on Burisma first, and then convinced Hunter to take a Board Member position... so, just for accuracy's sake, the money was for 2 board members.

Do you know what the other board members were being paid at Burisma? To know if this amount is out of whack for a company of their size, we would need to know that kind of information before jumping to conclusions with no facts to support it.

And yes, it is very likely Burisma hired Biden for his name, and hired ALL the rest of the Board members for their names or reputations, it's not like other companies who were in a world of crud, haven't done the same, hired well knowners and straight lacers to show the world they have cleaned up their acts....

Hunter should not have taken the job, just for the APPEARANCE of impropriety! That part is understandable and why everyone should follow our govt's rules and standards on ethics... including ones on just the appearance of something looking fishy, or in Trump's case, ethics rules on nepotism, with his daughter and Jarod, or having friends and consiglieri do govt diplomat's jobs.... all have the appearance of impropriety.

your govt employee corruption statute/law that you posted actually fits with what the impeachment of Trump is about, no?

Shokin was not fired by Joe for his son's sake or income.... Shokin WAS NOT investigating Burisma or Burisma's owner at the time....

Firing Shokin for not fighting the prevalent corruption in Ukraine, would not help Hunter... it would have hurt him more with a new prosecutor replacing Shokin, fighting corruption and investigating Burisma, for a change...

Shokin is claiming his bull crap now about Hunter or Burisma is a day late and a dollar short... it is meaningless, and an attempt to rewrite history in Shokin's own favor, now.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
By Andrew E. Kramer

  • March 29, 2016
MOSCOW — Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

But in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for moment, veteran observers of Ukrainian politics said that the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had played an important role in balancing competing political interests, helping maintain stability during a treacherous era in the divided country’s history.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

With this pressure mounting, Parliament on Tuesday voted by a comfortable margin to remove Mr. Shokin.

In the final hours before Parliament voted him out, Mr. Shokin had fired his reform-minded deputy prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze, with whom he had been feuding. It was not immediately clear whether that firing would remain in force.

Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corruption.

With the prosecutor’s office in turmoil throughout Ukraine on Tuesday, one of Mr. Sakvarelidze’s appointees in the Odessa regional office was arrested by military prosecutors, assumed to be loyal to Mr. Shokin.

Foreign donors had complained about rot in the prosecutor’s office, not least because much of the money suspected of being stolen was theirs.

In one high-profile example, known in Ukraine as the case of the “diamond prosecutors,” troves of diamonds, cash and other valuables were found in the homes of two of Mr. Shokin’s subordinates, suggesting that they had been taking bribes.

But the case became bogged down, with no reasons given. When a department in Mr. Shokin’s office tried to bring it to trial, the prosecutors were fired or resigned. The perpetrators seemed destined to get off with claims that the stones were not worth very much.

For many Ukrainians, the case encapsulated a failure to follow through on the sweeping promises made during the heady days of the revolution to root out corruption and establish a modern, transparent state. Instead, there has seemed to be a return to business-as-usual horse-trading and compromise among the tightly knit Ukrainian oligarchic and business elite.

Since his appointment a year ago, Mr. Shokin had been criticized for not prosecuting officials, businessmen and members of Parliament for their roles in corrupt schemes during the government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. He also did not press cases for sniping by the police and opposition activists during the street protests in 2014 that killed more than 100 people and wounded about 1,000.

To a certain extent, analysts say, accommodations of this sort are necessary if the government is to get anything done in Parliament, because supporters of the Yanukovych government remain a political force in Ukraine, coalesced around the Opposition Bloc party. It represents Russian-speaking southeastern areas of Ukraine and the former elite, whose support in Parliament President Petro O. Poroshenko needs to push through reforms and to try to implement a peace accord with Russia.

“There are prices the new political establishment has to pay,” Tymofiy Mylovanov, the president of the Kiev School of Economics, said in an interview. “How do they pay? They guarantee some security for their opponents’ business interests.”

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

"The $83k a month, if even true.... was for TWO BOARD MEMBERS, not for simply Hunter Biden... his business partner was a Board member on Burisma first, and then convinced Hunter to take a Board Member position... so, just for accuracy's sake, the money was for 2 board members."

It probably goes without say that, as're wrong.

But I don't mind repeating it.

"Specifically, the records show 18 months in which two payments of $83,333 per month were paid to Rosemont Seneca Bohai for “consulting services.” The two sources said that one of those monthly payments was intended for Biden and one for Archer."
What Hunter Biden did on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.
A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think Hunter got that job based upon his own merits.

Since he was so obviously unqualied, only an incredibly stupid person would fail to ask WHY he got that job.

when asked why he got that job, only an incredibly stupid person would arrive at .the conclusion that it could not be anything BUT the influence he delivers by way of his father.

It's just basic logic, boys and girls .

AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.
AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
Aside from the fact that he did get some action from the federal government, your definition of bribery is wrong. An exact tit-for-tat isn't required.
A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think Hunter got that job based upon his own merits.

Since he was so obviously unqualied, only an incredibly stupid person would fail to ask WHY he got that job.

when asked why he got that job, only an incredibly stupid person would arrive at .the conclusion that it could not be anything BUT the influence he delivers by way of his father.

It's just basic logic, boys and girls .

AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.
Burisma paid the money to Biden's company, which means the law applies. Biden screwed himself with that arrangement.
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

It's not Hunter's pay that the accusation of bribery is based upon, it's the fact that Biden withheld American aid using the office of the Vice President of the United States to get Shokin (who was after Burisma for corruption) fired. The excuse that Shokin was not investigating corruption was denied by Shokin.

Hey if the Democrats can try to impeach Trump on thinner evidence why can't Republicans go after Biden who actually admitted he withheld aid to get Shokin fired? Double standard much?
What evidence to Trump hide from Congress?
You fn stupid shithead WHY do you think he told 6 of his ass kissers not to testify ??? Because he's innocent??
Yes, exactly. Why should he participate in his own lynching? You assholes just don't get it. You keep expecting to pretend that was is going on in Congress is some kind of fair process.
Why can't your lying AH trump prove his innocence? Why does he like you run like the traitor and coward you are?

Suck it up, OUR legal system is premised on "innocent until proven guilty". Stuff your BS cry baby.
Is not our legal system also based on NO PRESIDENT IS ABOVE THE LAW??

"Innocent until proven guilty" you illiterate idiot.
AND Hunter admitted it was his last name that probably got him that job in an interview. These dunder heats also either don't know or are hiding the fact that Hunter Biden was paid 12 times more than any other Bursima board member....And with 0 experience. I am afraid TDS precludes logic these days.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.

Biden was the point man for investigating corruption in the Ukrain. Therefore, the 'proof' that Shokin was not investigating corruption was promoted and disseminated by Biden himself. No evidence, no proof just a summary firing using a bribe to withhold American aid using the U.S. Office of the VP and American aid paid for by U.S. taxpayers.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

It's not Hunter's pay that the accusation of bribery is based upon, it's the fact that Biden withheld American aid using the office of the Vice President of the United States to get Shokin (who was after Burisma for corruption) fired. The excuse that Shokin was not investigating corruption was denied by Shokin.

Hey if the Democrats can try to impeach Trump on thinner evidence why can't Republicans go after Biden who actually admitted he withheld aid to get Shokin fired? Double standard much?

Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.
It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

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