Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

It’s pretty apparent that’s true. It’s quite slimy that Hunter Biden got the job. But it’s not illegal. And it’s not uncommon either.
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

I need someone to connect Joe Biden’s actions with the benefit of Hunter Biden. Not just in innuendo. In actual evidence. That’s never been provided.
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.
It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.
Psst. When the Prosecutor General of Ukraine is corrupt, they tend to do things like create phony investigations and allegations against the people who are calling out their corruption, such as various NGOs.
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?
It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.

This is sleaze
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings that began last month is well underway now, despite the White House’s efforts to delegitimize the probe. State Department officials who have been instructed not to testify before Congress are coming forward.

One reason for this cooperation is lawmakers’ subpoena power.

The president’s lawyer wrote a letter on Oct. 8 denouncing the investigation and alleging that it is unconstitutional and unprecedented and warning Congress that the administration won’t cooperate. But the claims in the letter contradict the impeachment process described by constitutional law experts. And administration officials who fail to comply with a subpoena to testify do risk criminal and civil fines, including jail time
It actually is illegal. There's a piece of legislation called "the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" which makes paying bribes to American businesses a crime.

It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.
Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.

This is sleaze
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings that began last month is well underway now, despite the White House’s efforts to delegitimize the probe. State Department officials who have been instructed not to testify before Congress are coming forward.

One reason for this cooperation is lawmakers’ subpoena power.

The president’s lawyer wrote a letter on Oct. 8 denouncing the investigation and alleging that it is unconstitutional and unprecedented and warning Congress that the administration won’t cooperate. But the claims in the letter contradict the impeachment process described by constitutional law experts. And administration officials who fail to comply with a subpoena to testify do risk criminal and civil fines, including jail time

eddie.....don't you know that the impeachment hoax is simply the Democrat attempt to cover-up the fact that Quid Pro Joe sold the vice-presidency to the gas company in Ukraine, and to Red China?

You didn't know that, a perceptive guy like you????
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

It's not Hunter's pay that the accusation of bribery is based upon, it's the fact that Biden withheld American aid using the office of the Vice President of the United States to get Shokin (who was after Burisma for corruption) fired. The excuse that Shokin was not investigating corruption was denied by Shokin.

Hey if the Democrats can try to impeach Trump on thinner evidence why can't Republicans go after Biden who actually admitted he withheld aid to get Shokin fired? Double standard much?
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

It's the nature of the true believer.

The grand inquisitor hold up three fingers, but tells him there are two and so he swears up and down that there are two.

Some people simply have no functioning intellect - no ability to deal with the world based upon something they are able to perceive directly or reason out. All they know is what team they are one and what they are expected to say.
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.
It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

You mean the $1.5 billion the Chinese gave?
Whoops it was $15mm that went to the company Biden was a consultant, not Biden.
And omg, you still believe uranium?
You do know 8? Depts were involved?
I thought the sex was consensual.
It was the con who dragged his wife by the hair before raping her.
And his lawyer thank god who said you couldn't rape your wife.
My hero
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.

This is sleaze
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings that began last month is well underway now, despite the White House’s efforts to delegitimize the probe. State Department officials who have been instructed not to testify before Congress are coming forward.

One reason for this cooperation is lawmakers’ subpoena power.

The president’s lawyer wrote a letter on Oct. 8 denouncing the investigation and alleging that it is unconstitutional and unprecedented and warning Congress that the administration won’t cooperate. But the claims in the letter contradict the impeachment process described by constitutional law experts. And administration officials who fail to comply with a subpoena to testify do risk criminal and civil fines, including jail time

eddie.....don't you know that the impeachment hoax is simply the Democrat attempt to cover-up the fact that Quid Pro Joe sold the vice-presidency to the gas company in Ukraine, and to Red China?

You didn't know that, a perceptive guy like you????

All knees news and gateway pundit garbage.
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.

This is sleaze
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings that began last month is well underway now, despite the White House’s efforts to delegitimize the probe. State Department officials who have been instructed not to testify before Congress are coming forward.

One reason for this cooperation is lawmakers’ subpoena power.

The president’s lawyer wrote a letter on Oct. 8 denouncing the investigation and alleging that it is unconstitutional and unprecedented and warning Congress that the administration won’t cooperate. But the claims in the letter contradict the impeachment process described by constitutional law experts. And administration officials who fail to comply with a subpoena to testify do risk criminal and civil fines, including jail time

eddie.....don't you know that the impeachment hoax is simply the Democrat attempt to cover-up the fact that Quid Pro Joe sold the vice-presidency to the gas company in Ukraine, and to Red China?

You didn't know that, a perceptive guy like you????
Yeah he sold the vice presidency like the BS Hillary sold uranium Can't you folks tell the truth ,,ever?? Are you catching something from Trump?
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
Is there any evidence Old Joe pushed to have Shokin removed because of his kid's involvement with Burisma? No. How could there be since Shokin was not investigating Burisma? A fact that contributed to Shokin's dismissal demanded by the EU and the IMF for NOT adequately investigating corruption in Ukraine.

All the facts in evidence point to Trump's demand that an announcement be made the Bidens were being investigated by Ukraine had nothing to do with a realistic expectation anything nefarious would be found. Rather, Ukraine's acquiescence to conduct an investigation was what Don wanted because he knew it was enough to smear Biden.

Trump's belief has been borne out. Even though no investigation was launched and no evidence of wrongdoing exists millions of gullible rubes have it in their easily manipulated heads Biden is guilty of something............based on unsubstantiated innuendo.
/—-/ Here's your front runner. Ain’t ya proud?

Paul Crookston - DECEMBER 5, 2019 2:25 PM

Former vice president Joe Biden on Thursday could not remember during which century the Obama administration took place, and also called a voter a "damn liar."

Speaking in New Hampton, Iowa, at a stop on his "No Malarkey" tour, Biden worked to recall the year the Obama administration signed an executive order, ending up with the year 1976.
Your attempt to deflect attention away from the point of the OP is noted.
you don't have a point but wishful thinking
It's the same thing left wingers do in regard to Trump.
Is it? What shit have Dems been throwing around about Trump that isn't legit?
Russia collusion
Emoluments violations
Campaign violations
Money laundering
Tax evasion
Soliciting a foreign power to aid his campaign and smear an opponent
That sounds like Nancy Pelosi's wrap up smear campaign against the president.
It would be if there was any evidence of a bribe being paid. Do you have that evidence?

Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.
The video where Papa Joe was bragging on how he delivered the goods has been posted numerous times by now.

What do you need - A two by four smacking you along side the head?

Uh oh Some truth for republican liars

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Obama administration officials are implicated in this sleaze. Their testimony is worthless. The so-called "anticorruption" advocate is an NGO that was itself under investigation for corruption. The four former officials were the Trump hating douchebags who testified before the Schiffferbrains show trial. The Ukrainian official was the corrupt prosecutor who replaced Shokin at the request of Biden, and who Zelinksy fired.

This is sleaze
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings that began last month is well underway now, despite the White House’s efforts to delegitimize the probe. State Department officials who have been instructed not to testify before Congress are coming forward.

One reason for this cooperation is lawmakers’ subpoena power.

The president’s lawyer wrote a letter on Oct. 8 denouncing the investigation and alleging that it is unconstitutional and unprecedented and warning Congress that the administration won’t cooperate. But the claims in the letter contradict the impeachment process described by constitutional law experts. And administration officials who fail to comply with a subpoena to testify do risk criminal and civil fines, including jail time
You failed to disprove anything I posted. Your claims about state department personnel lack any visible means of support. The House will vote on impeachment before any of these "state department officials" can testify. It's the usual TDS bluster and bullshit.
Last edited:
Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
Did you imagine they wrote out a contract or something?
Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?

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