Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

Right on cue!

"Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter

'I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma, and Joe Biden's son'

Published September 27, 2019 at 3:18pm

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president's son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden's threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

…Solomon reports that hundreds of pages "of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative."
…Shokin said he was planning to question Hunter Biden about "$3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma."
Ukrainian prosecutor: I WAS fired for investigating Hunter - WND

Shokin said he was gonna investigate Hunter Biden? Did he cross his heart and hope to die?

Give me a break. You accuse others of believing lies but here you are repeating the unsupported allegations for a disgraced Ukrainian prosecutor that he conveniently waited three years to make.
He said he was going to investigate Burisma, and no one in Ukraine contradicts him.

Did Shokin manage to tell anyone in Ukraine that he was gonna to investigate Burisma? Or did it just slip his mind?
Sorry you dumb fucking turd, but we don't have a video of a Burisma executive handing Biden bundles of cash and saying "Get the prosecutor fired."

Is the evidence we have sufficient to convict? No one said it was, but it certainly justifies further investigation. We have far more evidence that we had for the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hysteria.

Nice foul mouth.
Does anyone read swill after this?
And no evidence of the Don giving orders?
No evidence according to you?
Who is "the don?"
Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
Did you imagine they wrote out a contract or something?
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

Sort of like the mafia don and Rudy?
No evidence there
What "mafia don?"
The con.
Guess you still don't know the def of snowflake?
Pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be a proud one.
Did you imagine they wrote out a contract or something?
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

Sort of like the mafia don and Rudy?
No evidence there
What "mafia don?"
The con.
Guess you still don't know the def of snowflake?
Pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be a proud one.
Who is the con, dumbfuck?

A snowflake is a college student who can't bare to hear information that contradicts the horseshit his professors feed him in class.
Shokin said he was gonna investigate Hunter Biden? Did he cross his heart and hope to die?

Give me a break. You accuse others of believing lies but here you are repeating the unsupported allegations for a disgraced Ukrainian prosecutor that he conveniently waited three years to make.
He said he was going to investigate Burisma, and no one in Ukraine contradicts him.

Did Shokin manage to tell anyone in Ukraine that he was gonna to investigate Burisma? Or did it just slip his mind?
Sorry you dumb fucking turd, but we don't have a video of a Burisma executive handing Biden bundles of cash and saying "Get the prosecutor fired."

Is the evidence we have sufficient to convict? No one said it was, but it certainly justifies further investigation. We have far more evidence that we had for the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hysteria.

Nice foul mouth.
Does anyone read swill after this?
And no evidence of the Don giving orders?
No evidence according to you?
Who is "the don?"

Guess 5 yr olds don't know
My hero, the orange one who said it was ok to rape your wife.
And mothers were an unsatisfactory screw because their vaginas had been expanded.
Your hero too??
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

Sort of like the mafia don and Rudy?
No evidence there
What "mafia don?"
The con.
Guess you still don't know the def of snowflake?
Pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be a proud one.
Who is the con, dumbfuck?

A snowflake is a college student who can't bare to hear information that contradicts the horseshit his professors feed him in class.
Just quoting the orig Webster def.
It's a dictionary
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.

There is less evidence for Trump's impeachment. Thanks, now I know where you are coming from. BTW the ONLY evidence is the transcript of the call which contains no evidence of any wrong doing. Yet we have Biden on video actually saying he withheld American aid until a Foreign prosecutor got fired...which just so happened to be the one investigating his SON. Tell me truthfully, if that were Trump don't you think that the Democrats would be all over that?
Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
Did you imagine they wrote out a contract or something?
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

If I were engaging in bribery, I wouldn’t put it in email. Do you have any evidence that the request was communicated orally?
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

Sort of like the mafia don and Rudy?
No evidence there
What "mafia don?"
The con.
Guess you still don't know the def of snowflake?
Pro slavery white boys?
Thought you would be a proud one.
Who is the con, dumbfuck?

A snowflake is a college student who can't bare to hear information that contradicts the horseshit his professors feed him in class.

Just quoting the orig Webster def.
It's a dictionary
You mean bear? I presume?
Did you imagine they wrote out a contract or something?
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

If I were engaging in bribery, I wouldn’t put it in email. Do you have any evidence that the request was communicated orally?
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I said the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.
Last edited:
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.

There is less evidence for Trump's impeachment. Thanks, now I know where you are coming from. BTW the ONLY evidence is the transcript of the call which contains no evidence of any wrong doing. Yet we have Biden on video actually saying he withheld American aid until a Foreign prosecutor got fired...which just so happened to be the one investigating his SON. Tell me truthfully, if that were Trump don't you think that the Democrats would be all over that?

I disagree. The testimony given show pretty clearly that they were demanding an investigation to get a White House meeting and foreign aid. Are we to think it was just a coincidence that Trump put a hold on foreign aid without explanation at the same time as he was pressuring for an investigation?

The idea that Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden is one of these bizarre zombie lies. It just won't die.
Yeah he sold the vice presidency like the BS Hillary sold uranium Can't you folks tell the truth ,,ever?? Are you catching something from Trump?

Another non-answer by a TDSer/BSer.^^^^^^^^
If the allegations against Biden are correct, someone at Burisma must have communicated the demand to Biden at some point in time. Is there any evidence to such an agreement?
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

If I were engaging in bribery, I wouldn’t put it in email. Do you have any evidence that the request was communicated orally?
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.

There is less evidence for Trump's impeachment. Thanks, now I know where you are coming from. BTW the ONLY evidence is the transcript of the call which contains no evidence of any wrong doing. Yet we have Biden on video actually saying he withheld American aid until a Foreign prosecutor got fired...which just so happened to be the one investigating his SON. Tell me truthfully, if that were Trump don't you think that the Democrats would be all over that?

I disagree. The testimony given show pretty clearly that they were demanding an investigation to get a White House meeting and foreign aid. Are we to think it was just a coincidence that Trump put a hold on foreign aid without explanation at the same time as he was pressuring for an investigation?

The idea that Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden is one of these bizarre zombie lies. It just won't die.
It shows no such thing, dumbass. the "testimony" was all hearsay, meaning it's worthless. It proves nothing.
That's probably true, but that doesn't mean it's documented. Do you imagine people do such things by email? They communicated their request to Hunter orally and then he communicated it to Daddy orally on the plane back from Kiev.

If I were engaging in bribery, I wouldn’t put it in email. Do you have any evidence that the request was communicated orally?
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.

There is less evidence for Trump's impeachment. Thanks, now I know where you are coming from. BTW the ONLY evidence is the transcript of the call which contains no evidence of any wrong doing. Yet we have Biden on video actually saying he withheld American aid until a Foreign prosecutor got fired...which just so happened to be the one investigating his SON. Tell me truthfully, if that were Trump don't you think that the Democrats would be all over that?

I disagree. The testimony given show pretty clearly that they were demanding an investigation to get a White House meeting and foreign aid. Are we to think it was just a coincidence that Trump put a hold on foreign aid without explanation at the same time as he was pressuring for an investigation?

The idea that Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden is one of these bizarre zombie lies. It just won't die.
It shows no such thing, dumbass. the "testimony" was all hearsay, meaning it's worthless. It proves nothing.

It's far from perfect, but it's the most logical explanation for what went on. Tell me why you think Trump put a pause on Ukrainian aid?
I disagree. The testimony given show pretty clearly that they were demanding an investigation to get a White House meeting and foreign aid. Are we to think it was just a coincidence that Trump put a hold on foreign aid without explanation at the same time as he was pressuring for an investigation?

The idea that Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden is one of these bizarre zombie lies. It just won't die.

The 'testimony given' is hearsay. he said to she said to he said. Some of these Democrat 'witnesses' are even radical leftists. There is absolutely 0 hard evidence in that transcript that Trump asked for anything of value. To believe Schiff, you have to be gullible and stupid enough to accept his fake rendition of the call as 'truth' which, to me, would describe you as a flaming TDSer which I'm not sure you are not.
Barisma isn't an American company so that law doesn't apply.

Hunter Biden isn't a company so that law doesn't apply to him they paid him a salary not a bribe. Biden didn't pay a bribe to Barisma so it doesn't apply there either.

I don't see how that law can apply in the situation.

Nor is there any evidence that any bribes were paid or demanded by the Bidens.

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?
Hunter’s pay is at the center of the matter, obviously since everyone keeps bringing it up.
By itself, Biden using US money to have Shokin fired can’t be considered corruption unless it was tied to a personal benefit. The allegation is the personal benefit is Hunter’s position. If these two aren’t connected, then there’s no case.

No the personal benefit was the indictment of Hunter's son and the unraveling of the Burisma corruption that Biden and his son were allegedly involved in. There is also the apparent lie by Biden that Shokin was not doing his job.

That’s your allegation. Is there anything to back it up?

I already posted my back up and you have been denying it ever since. Now you ask for back up? How many times and how many ways do you need to be shown that Biden's actions are highly suspect. I have noticed that anyone with evidence of Biden wrong-doing in this matter is summarily discounted by folks like you or you completely ignore it. I think I need to know a little more about you....Do you agree with Trump's impeachment?

You keep claiming things are evidence when it really isn’t. Most of it is no more than innuendo. More is directly contradicted by numerous sources. The root of the allegation is that Shokin was investigating Burisma, a highly suspect claim. Just as important is the idea that Joe Biden was pushing for his firing when the policy recommendation came from the career state dept officials and signed off on by Obama.

I’m torn on impeachment. There’s little doubt in my mind that Trump was using a meeting and aid to push for an investigation that was intended to benefit his candidacy by hurting his chief opponent. I don’t know that the House has the level of proof that would be required in a regular criminal case. That being said, I think they would have sufficient evidence if Trump weren’t ordering the administration to ignore subpoenas. That said, if the House were to take this all the way to SCOTUS, they’d win easily but it would literally take years and the entire case would be moot. So in the end, I don’t really see any actual alternative and I hope that if it gets to actual trial in the Senate, they can actually call Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo and Bolton to testify and can actually get the documents they need to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. If no new information comes to light in the trial, then I don’t think Trump can be removed from office.

There is less evidence for Trump's impeachment. Thanks, now I know where you are coming from. BTW the ONLY evidence is the transcript of the call which contains no evidence of any wrong doing. Yet we have Biden on video actually saying he withheld American aid until a Foreign prosecutor got fired...which just so happened to be the one investigating his SON. Tell me truthfully, if that were Trump don't you think that the Democrats would be all over that?

No, the guy wouldn't investigate
That was why Biden and the euros were together on his firing.
If his son was guilty do you think he wanted to fire the corrupt guy who wouldn't investigate??
Man the con has really done his job.
Yup, I'll fire the guy who won't investigate.
If I were engaging in bribery, I wouldn’t put it in email. Do you have any evidence that the request was communicated orally?
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
Try not proving that you're a total moron.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.

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