Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?
You mean Where?
Trump u ?
Hunter Biden’s salary could be considered a bribe if anyone at Burisma made his salary contingent on getting some type of action from the US government, which is what they’re accused of doing.

The problem is, no one can show that was what happened.

What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
Try being honest and admit you have no evidence that Burisma asked to have Shokin fired. And since you have no evidence of that, there's zero evidence of any actual wrongdoing.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
It's far from perfect, but it's the most logical explanation for what went on. Tell me why you think Trump put a pause on Ukrainian aid?

It's in the transcript, to get Ukraine to get to the bottom of 2016 election meddling. It's not Trump's fault that Joe Biden and his son were involved with the corrupt Burisma. It is the President's job to vet Foreign corruption before sending them aid. BTW, the aid was never held back because they got the Javelins. The ones that Obama refused to give them but instead gave them blankets. You also have to be an idiot to think Trump is a Russian asset when those Javelins were sent to target Russian tanks.
What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
Sondland said he "presumed" there was a quid pro quo. His presumptions are no more credible than yours, and they are not admissible.
Educating you TDS dumbfucks is so annoying. If I aid the sky is blue you would demand proof.

There's plenty of evidence, Sergent Shultz.

Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.

NO!!! BIDEN asked for Shokin to get fired...OR ELSE....He would hold up American aid!!! We have it on VIDEO!! Biden says "Son of a Bitch....he got fired"....Did you not see that or do you have selective memory loss?
Yeah he sold the vice presidency like the BS Hillary sold uranium Can't you folks tell the truth ,,ever?? Are you catching something from Trump?

Another non-answer by a TDSer/BSer.^^^^^^^^
How can one answer when the question was BS ??? He didn't sell his office and Hillary didn't sell uranium All you repubs are doing is just throwing shit up against the wall
What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?
You mean Where?
Trump u ?
Or maybe they mean stealing from his bs charity??
It's far from perfect, but it's the most logical explanation for what went on. Tell me why you think Trump put a pause on Ukrainian aid?

It's in the transcript, to get Ukraine to get to the bottom of 2016 election meddling. It's not Trump's fault that Joe Biden and his son were involved with the corrupt Burisma. It is the President's job to vet Foreign corruption before sending them aid. BTW, the aid was never held back because they got the Javelins. The ones that Obama refused to give them but instead gave them blankets. You also have to be an idiot to think Trump is a Russian asset when those Javelins were sent to target Russian tanks.

The president made more than one ask. While you bring it up, the president also asked him to look into an obviously false conspiracy theory about Crowdstrike and Ukraine. The poor old man can't even get simple facts straight and thinks that Crowdstrike is owned by a Ukrainian oligarch, which is incorrect and so easily disproven, it makes me really question his mental capacity. Either way, Trump asking Zelinsky to look into his political opponents (the DNC) is still corrupt. That wasn't the only ask. Trump's other request was also to investigate Biden, was specifically mentioned in the transcript.

The issue of the Javelins is totally different than the security assistance. Zelinsky brought up the Javelins. The security assistance wasn't raised by either of them during the phone call. The Ukrainians would find out about the hold shortly after the phone call took place.

Do you think that the security assistance (not the javelins) was held up because Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate the DNC and Biden?
Of course there is evidence. You just can't point to it. It's a secret.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.

NO!!! BIDEN asked for Shokin to get fired...OR ELSE....He would hold up American aid!!! We have it on VIDEO!! Biden says "Son of a Bitch....he got fired"....Did you not see that or do you have selective memory loss?

Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.
It has been posted in this forum many times, you TDS moron.
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
US trade deficit drops in October to lowest level in more than a year
US trade deficit drops in October to lowest level in more than a year

  • The U.S. trade deficit tumbled 7.6% to $47.2 billion in October from a revised print of $51.1 billion for September.
  • Imports dropped by 1.7%, or $4.3 billion, to $254.3 billion.
  • Exports dipped 0.2%, or $400 million, to $207.1 billion.

It's far from perfect, but it's the most logical explanation for what went on. Tell me why you think Trump put a pause on Ukrainian aid?

It's in the transcript, to get Ukraine to get to the bottom of 2016 election meddling. It's not Trump's fault that Joe Biden and his son were involved with the corrupt Burisma. It is the President's job to vet Foreign corruption before sending them aid. BTW, the aid was never held back because they got the Javelins. The ones that Obama refused to give them but instead gave them blankets. You also have to be an idiot to think Trump is a Russian asset when those Javelins were sent to target Russian tanks.
Well them Trump should have no problem getting the full transcript out of their top secret server and turning it over to the impeachment process. Right?
You know that's a lie. Don't forget what we're talking about here. We're talking about evidence that Burisma asked the Biden's to have Shokin fired. That doesn't exist. We both know it.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
I know it has been posted because I posted it, dumbfuck. I also know that you are immune to facts and logic. You will keep repeating the same shit no matter how many times it has been proven wrong.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.
If I missed it, I'm sorry. Can you point it out to me?
I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.

You're educating me all right. How to think like a Trump supporter. Make an allegation. When asked to provide evidence of an allegation, call the other person names.

You have nothing. Maybe you can't admit it here, but at least be honest with yourself.
What is it that made Hunter Biden worth $83000 a month to the gas company, or $1.5 million to China? fact, made Hillary Clinton worth $145 million to the Kremlin?

Take your time.

I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?
I don’t know. Do you?

I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.

Yeah, a President not wishing to give aid to a corrupt government is now called a 'scheme' what a bunch of unmitigated, recycled horse shit. I thought you were at least part objective, now you have revealed yourself as a dyed in the wool Trump hater. Nice acting though.

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