Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

I'm simply not interested in educating your dumb ass.

I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.

You're educating me all right. How to think like a Trump supporter. Make an allegation. When asked to provide evidence of an allegation, call the other person names.

You have nothing. Maybe you can't admit it here, but at least be honest with yourself.
I call you a moron because you have proven it over and over. You've also proven that you're immune to facts and logic. You keep demanding proof even though it has been served to you a number of times. You won't be satisfied until you have Biden on video demand to be paid for getting Shokin canned.
I sure do.

Quid Pro Joe selling the vice-president's office to the gas company, and to Red China.

Just as Hillary did with America's asset, uranium.

And Bill 'the rapist' did with our missile technology.

They sure are lucky to have simpletons ready to ignore the corruption.....raise your paw.

Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
You have proof of this scheme?
I call you a moron because you have proven it over and over. You've also proven that you're immune to facts and logic.
Fact like the fact that there was no investigation of Hunter Biden or Burisma to interfere with?

Like the fact that even Republican Senators wanted Shokin removed?

Those facts?
Sondland testified to it.
Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
You have proof of this scheme?
I can't tell if you're just really confused (it's a complicated subject) or just lying. We both know youve never posted what I asked.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.

You're educating me all right. How to think like a Trump supporter. Make an allegation. When asked to provide evidence of an allegation, call the other person names.

You have nothing. Maybe you can't admit it here, but at least be honest with yourself.
I call you a moron because you have proven it over and over. You've also proven that you're immune to facts and logic. You keep demanding proof even though it has been served to you a number of times. You won't be satisfied until you have Biden on video demand to be paid for getting Shokin canned.

Funny because that’s what Trumps defenders are demanding.

I’m looking for any evidence at all that Burisma asked Biden for Shokin’s firing. There is none and you know it.
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
Is there any evidence Old Joe pushed to have Shokin removed because of his kid's involvement with Burisma? No. How could there be since Shokin was not investigating Burisma? A fact that contributed to Shokin's dismissal demanded by the EU and the IMF for NOT adequately investigating corruption in Ukraine.

All the facts in evidence point to Trump's demand that an announcement be made the Bidens were being investigated by Ukraine had nothing to do with a realistic expectation anything nefarious would be found. Rather, Ukraine's acquiescence to conduct an investigation was what Don wanted because he knew it was enough to smear Biden.

Trump's belief has been borne out. Even though no investigation was launched and no evidence of wrongdoing exists millions of gullible rubes have it in their easily manipulated heads Biden is guilty of something............based on unsubstantiated innuendo.

Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.

Well....We don't have a lot because the Obama admin never investigated. Gee, I wonder why...Maybe because Biden was part of that administration? Now Trump wants to find all the facts and you and the Democrats want to impeach him. Do everyone a favor and give up pretending NOT to be a flaming TDSer.
We both know that you're mentally retarded.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.

You're educating me all right. How to think like a Trump supporter. Make an allegation. When asked to provide evidence of an allegation, call the other person names.

You have nothing. Maybe you can't admit it here, but at least be honest with yourself.
I call you a moron because you have proven it over and over. You've also proven that you're immune to facts and logic. You keep demanding proof even though it has been served to you a number of times. You won't be satisfied until you have Biden on video demand to be paid for getting Shokin canned.

Funny because that’s what Trumps defenders are demanding.

I’m looking for any evidence at all that Burisma asked Biden for Shokin’s firing. There is none and you know it.
I'm done responding to your idiocies.
Sondland testified to it.
/----/ "Great. Now where is evidence that Burisma paid Biden to get Shokin fired?"
Were is the evidence President Trump did anything wrong?

Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
You have proof of this scheme?
He presumed it, moron. His testimony was worthless.
Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.

Well....We don't have a lot because the Obama admin never investigated. Gee, I wonder why...Maybe because Biden was part of that administration? Now Trump wants to find all the facts and you and the Democrats want to impeach him. Do everyone a favor and give up pretending NOT to be a flaming TDSer.

For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.
You claimed that Burisma told Hunter to tell Joe to fire Shokin. I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. So far all you've come up with is insults.
As I already said, I have no desire to educate a moron like you.

You're educating me all right. How to think like a Trump supporter. Make an allegation. When asked to provide evidence of an allegation, call the other person names.

You have nothing. Maybe you can't admit it here, but at least be honest with yourself.
I call you a moron because you have proven it over and over. You've also proven that you're immune to facts and logic. You keep demanding proof even though it has been served to you a number of times. You won't be satisfied until you have Biden on video demand to be paid for getting Shokin canned.

Funny because that’s what Trumps defenders are demanding.

I’m looking for any evidence at all that Burisma asked Biden for Shokin’s firing. There is none and you know it.
I'm done responding to your idiocies.

If you could, you would have provided the evidence by now. But you can’t. And you can’t admit it because you’re a coward.
Sondland testified to it.
Sondland was taking orders from Trump who said there was a quid pro quo for a White House meeting and told Bill Taylor that everything including aid was contingent on launching investigations into Biden. The transcript says "do us a favor though". Aid was held up at the direction of Trump and no one else's. There's no plausible alternative put forth at this time.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
You have proof of this scheme?
He presumed it, moron. His testimony was worthless.
Trump made himself crystal clear. We know how he operates. Like a gangster.
For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.

Oh gee, I don't know, maybe because the DOJ in concert with the FBI and CIA tried to say Trump was a Russian asset and use a fake dossier with fake information to get a FISA warrant in order to keep him from being President? You are either an anti-Trump operative or a very dense individual. Why don't you take a look at that video put up by Progressive Hunter a few posts ago?
Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.

Well....We don't have a lot because the Obama admin never investigated. Gee, I wonder why...Maybe because Biden was part of that administration? Now Trump wants to find all the facts and you and the Democrats want to impeach him. Do everyone a favor and give up pretending NOT to be a flaming TDSer.

For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.
The DOJ is full of backstabbing deep state douchebags. That's the last place he should go to have politicians and bureaucrats investigated.

I crack up every time some TDS moron makes this suggestion.
For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.

Oh gee, I don't know, maybe because the DOJ in concert with the FBI and CIA tried to say Trump was a Russian asset and use a fake dossier with fake information to get a FISA warrant in order to keep him from being President? You are either an anti-Trump operative or a very dense individual. Why don't you take a look at that video put up by Progressive Hunter a few posts ago?
He keeps repeating the deep state talking points over and over and over.
Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.

Well....We don't have a lot because the Obama admin never investigated. Gee, I wonder why...Maybe because Biden was part of that administration? Now Trump wants to find all the facts and you and the Democrats want to impeach him. Do everyone a favor and give up pretending NOT to be a flaming TDSer.

For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.
The DOJ is full of backstabbing deep state douchebags. That's the last place he should go to have politicians and bureaucrats investigated.

I crack up every time some TDS moron makes this suggestion.

Every prosecutor and the AG serves at the pleasure and has been appointed by Trump.

Besides, the DoJ is currently investigating the origin of the Russia investigation. Can you explain why it’s good enough for that but not for investigating Biden?

Yeah, let’s go instead to the famously corrupt Ukrainian judicial system. That makes sense.

Or are you just coming up with bullshit excuses again?
Sondland testified to it.
/----/ Was there a meeting? Was there an investigation? Where is the evidence?

There was a meeting. There was no investigation (as far as I can tell). The meeting took place after this was all starting to be exposed. I don't find it particularly exculpatory that Trump's scheme was exposed and he started trying to undo it.
You have proof of this scheme?
He presumed it, moron. His testimony was worthless.
Trump made himself crystal clear. We know how he operates. Like a gangster.
Every time you say stuff like that you only convince me that you're an idiot and a fool. If anyone acts like a gangster, it's schiffferbrains. Piglosi and Nadless are a close second.
For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.

Oh gee, I don't know, maybe because the DOJ in concert with the FBI and CIA tried to say Trump was a Russian asset and use a fake dossier with fake information to get a FISA warrant in order to keep him from being President? You are either an anti-Trump operative or a very dense individual. Why don't you take a look at that video put up by Progressive Hunter a few posts ago?

Let’s assume all that’s true (it really isn’t) Isn’t that DoJ investigating currently investigating the origin of the Russian investigation?
Are you saying Trump’s DoJ, full of his appointees hand selected by him, can investigate that but not Biden?

I’ve looked at Progressive Hunter’s video. I actually responded weeks ago with factual errors to it (there’s many). They had no interest in discussing it.
Yes. We both know that Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. What we don't have is whether Burisma asked Biden to get Shokin fired. You see, if you don't have that, there is no case against Biden.

Well....We don't have a lot because the Obama admin never investigated. Gee, I wonder why...Maybe because Biden was part of that administration? Now Trump wants to find all the facts and you and the Democrats want to impeach him. Do everyone a favor and give up pretending NOT to be a flaming TDSer.

For sure. I wouldn’t expect Obama to ask his DoJ to investigate the policy he ordered. But that raises an important question. If Trump wants a legitimate investigation, why wouldn’t he go to a legitimate investigator like the DoJ? Instead Trump is using his private lawyer, using secret phone calls with Zelinsky, excising all career officials from the process and getting the Ukrainians to announce an investigation which obfuscates the fact that he requested it.

Sorry, but that behavior doesn’t fit with someone just looking for the facts.
The DOJ is full of backstabbing deep state douchebags. That's the last place he should go to have politicians and bureaucrats investigated.

I crack up every time some TDS moron makes this suggestion.

Every prosecutor and the AG serves at the pleasure and has been appointed by Trump.

Besides, the DoJ is currently investigating the origin of the Russia investigation. Can you explain why it’s good enough for that but not for investigating Biden?

Yeah, let’s go instead to the famously corrupt Ukrainian judicial system. That makes sense.

Or are you just coming up with bullshit excuses again?
Barr and Durham are investigating the origin of the Russia investigation, not the entire DOJ. They are trustworthy, not the rest of the DOJ. The later is infested with deep state backstabbers.

It's hilarious that you trust the even more corrupt previous Ukraine government but not the current government.
I think right wingers don't particularly care if he's actually guilty or not. They think he's bad and they want their person to win, so they'll instigate and throw shit around regardless. It's the same thing left wingers do in regard to Trump.

Elect this individual as President because they have the sense to know what is going on!

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