Country First - not part of this Senators agenda

Don't think whining about who takes money from whom makes much sense given that sorta defines how our government works and is set up to work. If the whole system is corrupt, complaining about specific corrupt politicians doesn't make much sense.
from OP:

I think it Mitch McConnell got caught in his 47% Mitt Romney moment, I think it shows the extent and the lengths he will go to to pander to his party millionaires and billionaires at the expense of hurting Kentuckians," Democratic candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes told CNN.
At least he didn't say he'd cut the Kochs' taxes and raise ours.
The point of the OP is simple, McConnell is not doing his job, and he is the problem, one manifested by the poor polling of the Congress. McConnell's stated goal is to obstruct, not work with the Democrats, while he complains they won't work with him.

Of course every Pol takes bribes, that's one reason why money in politics needs to be completely transparent and regulated. We can thank five members of he Supreme Court for compounding the problem with their view that money is = to freedom of speech.
The point of the OP is simple, McConnell is not doing his job, and he is the problem, one manifested by the poor polling of the Congress. McConnell's stated goal is to obstruct, not work with the Democrats, while he complains they won't work with him.

And our counterpoints are equally simple: namely, that our golfer-in-chief is a textbook narcissist who's too busy making photo ops, hitting the talk show circuit, talking about things before he's informed himself well enough with the situation to be talking about those things, and of course, playing golf to be doing Americans any favors right now, too. :badgrin:

Wry Catcher said:
Of course every Pol takes bribes, that's one reason why money in politics needs to be completely transparent and regulated. We can thank five members of he Supreme Court for compounding the problem with their view that money is = to freedom of speech.

So given that you know that every politician takes bribes, you are essentially now conceding to being a troll then, yes? :badgrin:
I ask Myself the very thing whenever I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid on the telly....
And what do you tell yourself? Pelosi and Reid passed the PPACA and McConnell kisses the ring on the hand of the Koch Brothers and promises them he'll repeal Obamacare.
yeah, Pelosi and Reid are two of the richest people in government because they took tips working the local food shelter.

Those two are of the most corrupt in government. Note also that I am not defending the Republican. Only pointing out your hypocrisy.
I ask Myself the very thing whenever I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid on the telly....
And what do you tell yourself? Pelosi and Reid passed the PPACA and McConnell kisses the ring on the hand of the Koch Brothers and promises them he'll repeal Obamacare.
yeah, Pelosi and Reid are two of the richest people in government because they took tips working the local food shelter.

Those two are of the most corrupt in government. Note also that I am not defending the Republican. Only pointing out your hypocrisy.
I don't know about the hypocrisy card. Most often these days it seems like voting for the least bad option. I'd have been happy to vote for Mitt had he just left out the TPM talking points. In the end, I left the potus vote blank. I voted for Thad Cochran even though I know welfare continues a cycle of poverty.

McConnell just said he prefers the Kochs' agenda on Citizens United to raising minimum wage, lowering interest on student loans and extending UI. And, he'll shut down the govt over Obamacare and CO2 emissions.

I don't like Obamacare and I don't like shutting down coal plants, and I wasn't in favor of that last UI extension, but dam, something's a bit radical in Mitch's pitch,
Why would anyone believe politicians on either side?

but hyperpartisans (useful idiots, the communists call them) need to blame the "other" side.
I ask Myself the very thing whenever I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid on the telly....
And what do you tell yourself? Pelosi and Reid passed the PPACA and McConnell kisses the ring on the hand of the Koch Brothers and promises them he'll repeal Obamacare.
yeah, Pelosi and Reid are two of the richest people in government because they took tips working the local food shelter.

Those two are of the most corrupt in government. Note also that I am not defending the Republican. Only pointing out your hypocrisy.
I don't know about the hypocrisy card. Most often these days it seems like voting for the least bad option. I'd have been happy to vote for Mitt had he just left out the TPM talking points. In the end, I left the potus vote blank. I voted for Thad Cochran even though I know welfare continues a cycle of poverty.

McConnell just said he prefers the Kochs' agenda on Citizens United to raising minimum wage, lowering interest on student loans and extending UI. And, he'll shut down the govt over Obamacare and CO2 emissions.

I don't like Obamacare and I don't like shutting down coal plants, and I wasn't in favor of that last UI extension, but dam, something's a bit radical in Mitch's pitch,
You're right. But then, I don't like McConnell anyway. I think he is as bad as the majority of them. In My opinion, we'd all be better off just flushing the lot of them and trying to start at scratch.
I ask Myself the very thing whenever I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid on the telly....
And what do you tell yourself? Pelosi and Reid passed the PPACA and McConnell kisses the ring on the hand of the Koch Brothers and promises them he'll repeal Obamacare.
Reis is the most obstructionist senator in history. He holds up legislation from his own party, much less the GOP.
Yeah, you're one big honking hypocrite.
The point of the OP is simple, McConnell is not doing his job, and he is the problem, one manifested by the poor polling of the Congress. McConnell's stated goal is to obstruct, not work with the Democrats, while he complains they won't work with him.

And our counterpoints are equally simple: namely, that our golfer-in-chief is a textbook narcissist who's too busy making photo ops, hitting the talk show circuit, talking about things before he's informed himself well enough with the situation to be talking about those things, and of course, playing golf to be doing Americans any favors right now, too. :badgrin:

Wry Catcher said:
Of course every Pol takes bribes, that's one reason why money in politics needs to be completely transparent and regulated. We can thank five members of he Supreme Court for compounding the problem with their view that money is = to freedom of speech.

So given that you know that every politician takes bribes, you are essentially now conceding to being a troll then, yes? :badgrin:

Every Pol takes 'donations', they are bribes in my opinion. The rational goes like this, 'if I don't take the money, I will not be reelected/elected; since I'm the lesser of two evils, I will take the money. It's in the best interest of the people.

Of course raising money takes time:

"Newly elected congressional Democrats had just a week to savor their victories before coming face to face with a harsh reality of Washington.

At a party-sponsored orientation session, the freshmen — many still giddy from winning close races in which they espoused grand plans to change the Capitol’s toxic atmosphere — were schooled in their party’s simple list of priorities for them.

The newcomers were told to devote at least four hours each day to the tedious task of raising money — so-called dialing for dollars — so they could build a war chest and defend their seats, according to those present. That’s twice as much time as party leaders expect them to dedicate to committee hearings and floor votes, or meetings with constituents."
See Link to above, here:

Freshman lawmakers are introduced to the permanent hunt for campaign money - Politics - The Boston Globe

The POTUS doesn't pass laws, his powers are limited as anyone who has read Article II of the COTUS understands. Even on the back nine the POTUS is as tied to his job as he is in the Oval, at Camp David or cutting brush in Texas.
The point of the OP is simple, McConnell is not doing his job, and he is the problem, one manifested by the poor polling of the Congress. McConnell's stated goal is to obstruct, not work with the Democrats, while he complains they won't work with him.

And our counterpoints are equally simple: namely, that our golfer-in-chief is a textbook narcissist who's too busy making photo ops, hitting the talk show circuit, talking about things before he's informed himself well enough with the situation to be talking about those things, and of course, playing golf to be doing Americans any favors right now, too. :badgrin:

Wry Catcher said:
Of course every Pol takes bribes, that's one reason why money in politics needs to be completely transparent and regulated. We can thank five members of he Supreme Court for compounding the problem with their view that money is = to freedom of speech.

So given that you know that every politician takes bribes, you are essentially now conceding to being a troll then, yes? :badgrin:

Every Pol takes 'donations', they are bribes in my opinion. The rational goes like this, 'if I don't take the money, I will not be reelected/elected; since I'm the lesser of two evils, I will take the money. It's in the best interest of the people.

Of course raising money takes time:

"Newly elected congressional Democrats had just a week to savor their victories before coming face to face with a harsh reality of Washington.

At a party-sponsored orientation session, the freshmen — many still giddy from winning close races in which they espoused grand plans to change the Capitol’s toxic atmosphere — were schooled in their party’s simple list of priorities for them.

The newcomers were told to devote at least four hours each day to the tedious task of raising money — so-called dialing for dollars — so they could build a war chest and defend their seats, according to those present. That’s twice as much time as party leaders expect them to dedicate to committee hearings and floor votes, or meetings with constituents."
See Link to above, here:

Freshman lawmakers are introduced to the permanent hunt for campaign money - Politics - The Boston Globe

The POTUS doesn't pass laws, his powers are limited as anyone who has read Article II of the COTUS understands. Even on the back nine the POTUS is as tied to his job as he is in the Oval, at Camp David or cutting brush in Texas.

Sure, but note that McConnell was expressly touting how Citizens United "leveled the playing field." I'm not sure the super rich needed help on leveling the field, but I'm real sure Citizens United didn't help with the fundraising game.

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