Country in grave danger

The national security people need to keep this short and simple. Don doesn't understand much and we know a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. Donald Trump to receive first classified intel briefing Wednesday -
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.
You are a blithering moron.

There is plenty that Trump doesnt talk about that you dont know about, dumbass.
The national security people need to keep this short and simple. Don doesn't understand much and we know a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. Donald Trump to receive first classified intel briefing Wednesday -
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.

Trump lacks basic troubleshooting mentality of any kind. I will yell to Trump, bottom up or top down are the only troubleshooting. Trump picked divide in half and conquer that does not solve the problem but may pick shotgun troubleshooting when that doesn't work.
Divide is what the dems ALWAYS do. But share your empire with us since Trump is such a troubleshooting failure in your eyes.
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.

Trump lacks basic troubleshooting mentality of any kind. I will yell to Trump, bottom up or top down are the only troubleshooting. Trump picked divide in half and conquer that does not solve the problem but may pick shotgun troubleshooting when that doesn't work.

I guess that's why he's worth $4.5 billion dollars and you're not.

How much money is too much money? I earned good money in my early years and retired a country squire surrounded by grain fields. I don't want or need a jetport like my neighbor has.

That's for each person to decide not someone else deciding for them. If that is what YOU chose, I'm happy for you and wish you well. However, to hear people say someone else has too much or more than they need is bullshit. There isn't but one person that can determine how much they need or want and that's the person. I can't decide for you or anyone else and you can't decide for me or anyone else.

I never inherited one penny or took one penny of government assistance and started with nothing except for my God given smarts. Never went to college and barely graduated high school. I joined the Navy when 18 and was trained high tech and was in Vietnam when I turned 21 killing the enemy. I got strength somewhere.
The national security people need to keep this short and simple. Don doesn't understand much and we know a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. Donald Trump to receive first classified intel briefing Wednesday -
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.

Trump lacks basic troubleshooting mentality of any kind. I will yell to Trump, bottom up or top down are the only troubleshooting. Trump picked divide in half and conquer that does not solve the problem but may pick shotgun troubleshooting when that doesn't work.

I guess that's why he's worth $4.5 billion dollars and you're not.
Since the Donald will not release his tax returns, he may be dead broke for all you or I know. Until those returns are released, his worth is unknown,.
The national security people need to keep this short and simple. Don doesn't understand much and we know a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. Donald Trump to receive first classified intel briefing Wednesday -
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.
You're an idiot, Biden just the other day in his speech. Turned around and pointed out the guy carrying the nuclear codes. After he said how dangerous Trump is. It's liberals that are the big mouths.
The national security people need to keep this short and simple. Don doesn't understand much and we know a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous.

Donald Trump to receive first classified intel briefing Wednesday -
OMG....this isn't good guys, not good at all. He likes to brag and I am 1000% sure, everything he's told will be discussed by this guy....Big mistake and God help us if he does a Putin phone call...DONALD TRUMP IS DANGEROUS AND WE ALL SHOULD A LITTLE BIT ON EDGE.
When Hillary will send classified information in an unsecure manner then lie about it, the least of your worries is Trump.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.
Are you aware of what Hillary did with her electronic communications as SOS?I suspect you are not.
konradv said Hillary "learned her lesson". If, as Liberals say, she did nothing wrong and didn't like, what lesson did she learn? How can a lesson be learned by someone that Liberals say didn't do anything.
She didn't do anything criminal. The FBI confirmed it and I'll take their opinion over political opportunists.
What lesson did she learn?
Don't use a private server. Please try and keep up. Are you that much in the Trump bag that you'd trust the country to a narcissistic sociopath over a person that even her political enemies say can sit across the table from and work with?
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only a fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. This is the most interesting election year that I can remember.
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only one fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. It is the most interesting election year that I can remember.
You supported Trump until he spoke? Are you high? But when you start with every sane person thinks ... you lost.
Are you insane? Trump's got such a big mouth, he'd just blab about it on the campaign stump. He's a much greater danger. Hillary has learned her lesson. Trump is unteachable. All his ex-campaign people will tell you that.
Are you aware of what Hillary did with her electronic communications as SOS?I suspect you are not.
konradv said Hillary "learned her lesson". If, as Liberals say, she did nothing wrong and didn't like, what lesson did she learn? How can a lesson be learned by someone that Liberals say didn't do anything.
She didn't do anything criminal. The FBI confirmed it and I'll take their opinion over political opportunists.
What lesson did she learn?
Don't use a private server. Please try and keep up. Are you that much in the Trump bag that you'd trust the country to a narcissistic sociopath over a person that even her political enemies say can sit across the table from and work with?

As SoS, why should she have to learn a lesson you guys say by claiming she didn't commit crime she apparently already knew? Shouldn't she know that and not need a lesson?

Work with? You mean send classified information to.
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only a fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. This is the most interesting election year that I can remember.

What Trump's doing is saying things in a MANNER the PC crowd doesn't like. They judge the what based on the how and that isn't how it should be done. Many don't listen to what he says because they're too busy pissing their pants about how he's saying it.
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only one fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. It is the most interesting election year that I can remember.
You supported Trump until he spoke? Are you high? But when you start with every sane person thinks ... you lost.

He's just another one that bases that ignores the what because of the how.
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only one fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. It is the most interesting election year that I can remember.
You supported Trump until he spoke? Are you high? But when you start with every sane person thinks ... you lost.

Just a little high but speak my mind stoned or sober. I supported Nixon too but he was my Commander-in-Chief. Who was your Commander-in-Chief?
When Trump puts classified information on his private server get back to me and I will start to worry.
When that happens, it'll be too late. Don't give him the chance.
But yet your wiling to give Hillary who mishandled classified a chance.

According to konradv, she didn't mishandle a thing yet she learned a lesson in the process that, as SoS, is one that she should have already known. The lesson konradv said she learned was "don't use a private server". Wouldn't you think someone in her position would already know not to do that? If she didn't, tells me she isn't capable of doing the job.
Every sane person in the United States knows Trump is a loose cannon and I used to support Trump until he opened his mouth. I still supported Trump thinking that was only one fax pas. Trump is pure crazy and Hillary is a little off balance too. It is the most interesting election year that I can remember.
You supported Trump until he spoke? Are you high? But when you start with every sane person thinks ... you lost.

Just a little high but speak my mind stoned or sober. I supported Nixon too but he was my Commander-in-Chief. Who was your Commander-in-Chief?

Oh, another pothead.

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