COVID Was the 3rd Largest Cause of Death in America in 2020, Under Only Cancer (Fuck you Cancer) and Heart Disease


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%

It's going to move up to number 2 this year, given Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with it and is actually intentionally spreading Covid from the border north.

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%

It's going to move up to number 2 this year, given Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with it and is actually intentionally spreading Covid from the border north.
Take your shots and rest your neck~
You'll be OK...well, except for heart disease..still the champ!
George Floyd is a Covid death.


I heard Trayvon Martin died of Covid too. So sad, he had a lot of potential.

Don't you believe all the John Wilkes Booth nonsense ... it were COVID what done in Lincoln.


Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%

Pretty much what I TRIED to explain to panicked Leftists in Feb/Mar 2020 when they were posting graphs showing the COVID death toll zooming right past heart/cancer deaths in that 1st wave.. Unfortunately, they failed to grasp the concept that heart/cancer/traffic deaths were plotted as straight line YEARLY TOTALS and the big ass covid spike was not plotted the same way..

Told them if they waited a year -- Covid would under all 3 of them..

Folks we have here on the left dont generally understand mathematical manipulation and lying with numbers and graphs. So they FELL for the hysteria...

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%

It is amazing how many ignorant sheep continue to believe and parrot the grotesquely-exaggerated #CoronaHoax2020 death counts, when every person who is not an ignorant sheep knows that the overwhelming vast majority of claimed #CoronaHoax deaths were really from other causes.

The criminals who rule over us want to keep us scared and submissive, and too many of us are stupid enough to allow them to do so.

I guess it makes little difference to a worthless parasite who does nothing but do drugs all day in his parents' basement, and who somehow imagines that the refrigerator will remain stocked, and the roof will remain over his head, no matter what he and other ignorant cowards allow to be done to the economy and the supply chains in the name of this absurd hoax.

If there was true justice in the world, worthless parasites such as the OP would be the first to be kicked out into the streets, and the first to starve to death, as the economy collapses. Perhaps if they died off fast enough, we'd have a majority of worthwhile productive citizens, relived of the burden of AFrench2 types, able to save the economy in time to save ourselves.

Also now evident and predictable, the overall CVid population death rate is probably 1/3 of the "case mortality rate" that the media uses.. Because they dont understand that the number of INFECTIONS was WAY HIGHER than the number of cases reported or verified thru testing..

Recent numbers out of LA -- just PRIOR to vaccinations showed that 47% of the folks in LA tested POSITIVE for Covid anti-bodies -- meaning that damn near 1/2 of LA CONTRACTED Covid and the vast MAJORITY never showed up for treatment.. So if the case mortality rate is 0.8% -- the mortality rate over the ENTIRE population was more like 0.25 to 0.3%....

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%
Funny how their graph shows no significant drop in regular influenza deaths (about 50,000 per year), yet all other information the CDC has put out about influenza throughout the year is that it has been 1/5 lower rate than the lowest year on record (2011).

They are fudging the numbers and double counting influenza as WuFlu for sure.

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%
Did you know that last year there wasnt one Flu death? Are you really that stupid to NOT ask questions why that wasnt reported on?
Why was it, that people who were dying of lung disease, got the Kung Flu, kicked the bucket, but was put as a COVID death? Back in my day, you were taught to ask question and never trust the government. Are you that much of a sheep to believe what your prog masters tell you? Dont answer that, yes you are..


Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%
Did you know that last year there wasnt one Flu death? Are you really that stupid to NOT ask questions why that wasnt reported on?
Why was it, that people who were dying of lung disease, got the Kung Flu, kicked the bucket, but was put as a COVID death? Back in my day, you were taught to ask question and never trust the government. Are you that much of a sheep to believe what your prog masters tell you? Dont answer that, yes you are..

View attachment 474858
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :yes_text12: The brainless kid will of course never bother to ask how come the yearly flu virus we have had for decades is now all of a sudden never mentioned as a cause of death in hospitals now,why it has all of a sudden vanished

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%

It is amazing how many ignorant sheep continue to believe and parrot the grotesquely-exaggerated #CoronaHoax2020 death counts, when every person who is not an ignorant sheep knows that the overwhelming vast majority of claimed #CoronaHoax deaths were really from other causes.

The criminals who rule over us want to keep us scared and submissive, and too many of us are stupid enough to allow them to do so.

I guess it makes little difference to a worthless parasite who does nothing but do drugs all day in his parents' basement, and who somehow imagines that the refrigerator will remain stocked, and the roof will remain over his head, no matter what he and other ignorant cowards allow to be done to the economy and the supply chains in the name of this absurd hoax.

If there was true justice in the world, worthless parasites such as the OP would be the first to be kicked out into the streets, and the first to starve to death, as the economy collapses. Perhaps if they died off fast enough, we'd have a majority of worthwhile productive citizens, relived of the burden of AFrench2 types, able to save the economy in time to save ourselves.

View attachment 474851
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Gives standing ovation. :banana::dance:
you sir get the gold medal for best damn post on this thread bar none.:thup: Nobody will be able to top this excellent post.:thup:

Fuck you Cancer. Anyways, COVID killed a ton of people....US overall death rate increased by 16%
This is now the epitome of a filthy human in the US. Sad.

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