Crazy Cruz: Impeach Holder

Ted Cruz Wants To Impeach Eric Holder Over A Non-Scandal In An Agency Holder Doesn't Run | ThinkProgress

Attorney General Eric Holder leads the United States Department of Justice. He has no control over the Internal Revenue Service, which is housed at the Treasury Department. Yet, due to Holder’s indirect tie to an embarrassing — if not, exactly, scandalous — incident that occurred at the IRS, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested on Thursday that Holder should be impeached and removed from office.

To explain, Cruz is upset that a Justice Department prosecutor Holder appointed to investigate accusations that the IRS targeted conservative groups when it singled out certain organizations seeking non-profit status for additional scrutiny has, at times, donated money to Democrats. Appointing this woman, according to Cruz, “mocks the rule of law.” The Texas Senator added that “when an Attorney General corrupts the Department of Justice by conducting a nakedly partisan investigation to cover up political wrongdoing that conduct by any reasonable measure constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The Constitution permits executive branch officials to be impeached and removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

This guy is certifiable.

I'm not just saying that. I believe it. Every time he opens his mouth, it becomes more apparent that he's just not wrapped too tight.

But, it gets him the votes from the low info folks.


It's about pandering to the base and deflecting from the fact that republicans have nothing of substance to offer the American people.
And one more thing...that is what made Reagan a great LEADER...he could compromise and work with the most stout of men. That is what leaders do...they don't obstruct to get their name in the newspaper.

You've now seen almost 6 years of obuma's leadership, and what do we have to show for it? Obumacare, that was forced through the Congress, by spurious means, deception, and coercion. You see a 40 hour work week turned into 29 hours. You see DRAMATIC increases in the costs to all but a few, and we now see that the costs will only increase drastically over the next year or two.

Anthem requests to spike insurance rates | WTNH

Report: Many Obamacare Customers Will Have To Switch Plans Or Face Skyrocketing Costs--

So we shouldn't FIGHT an awful law, with NO COMPROMISE and shoved down our throats, with waivers and exemptions for Obuma's favored UNIONS and political donors?

You can't compromise if the POTUS refuses to! When was the last time a BUDGET was passed? The Obama Budget for 2013 was voted down 99-0 in the Senate following a 414-0 vote in the House. Even his own party REFUSED to compromise on his budget!

It's NOT the Congress's fault, as these few examples show, it is the PRESIDENT'S refusal to work things out!

Yes, there is NO REAGAN, certainly NOT on the Democratic side. BUT, Reagan was a master of speaking to the people, about what he wanted to do, was able to convince them, even with a liberal press always at his back, he was unique in our politics, BUT we need someone with a clear vision for the country, both IMHO Cruz and Sarah have that, have spoken about it, and if the people would listen, instead of them listening to a MSM that aides and conspires with the socialists, they'd might understand.

Even YOU don't listen, you prejudged them by what you've heard, and if you haven't, what have they said that you don't agree with?
And one more thing...that is what made Reagan a great LEADER...he could compromise and work with the most stout of men. That is what leaders do...they don't obstruct to get their name in the newspaper.

You've now seen almost 6 years of obuma's leadership, and what do we have to show for it? Obumacare, that was forced through the Congress, by spurious means, deception, and coercion. You see a 40 hour work week turned into 29 hours. You see DRAMATIC increases in the costs to all but a few, and we now see that the costs will only increase drastically over the next year or two.

But I am not calling Obama a great leader, now am I?

So we shouldn't FIGHT an awful law, with NO COMPROMISE and shoved down our throats, with waivers and exemptions for Obuma's favored UNIONS and political donors?
Did you ever give the lawful law, passed by Congress a chance?
You can't compromise if the POTUS refuses to! When was the last time a BUDGET was passed? The Obama Budget for 2013 was voted down 99-0 in the Senate following a 414-0 vote in the House. Even his own party REFUSED to compromise on his budget!

It's NOT the Congress's fault, as these few examples show, it is the PRESIDENT'S refusal to work things out!
You attribute way too much power to the President. You should take a refresher course in civics.
Yes, there is NO REAGAN, certainly NOT on the Democratic side. BUT, Reagan was a master of speaking to the people, about what he wanted to do, was able to convince them, even with a liberal press always at his back, he was unique in our politics, BUT we need someone with a clear vision for the country, both IMHO Cruz and Sarah have that, have spoken about it, and if the people would listen, instead of them listening to a MSM that aides and conspires with the socialists, they'd might understand.
No matter how you try to spin it, Cruz is no Reagan.
Even YOU don't listen, you prejudged them by what you've heard, and if you haven't, what have they said that you don't agree with?

If that is what you think...I have heard what these idiots have to say. They are nothing but obstructionists that are manipulating poorly educated trailer trash who hate our Black president and would rather see America fail than work with the HNIC.
And one more thing...that is what made Reagan a great LEADER...he could compromise and work with the most stout of men. That is what leaders do...they don't obstruct to get their name in the newspaper.

You've now seen almost 6 years of obuma's leadership, and what do we have to show for it? Obumacare, that was forced through the Congress, by spurious means, deception, and coercion. You see a 40 hour work week turned into 29 hours. You see DRAMATIC increases in the costs to all but a few, and we now see that the costs will only increase drastically over the next year or two.

But I am not calling Obama a great leader, now am I?

Did you ever give the lawful law, passed by Congress a chance?

You attribute way too much power to the President. You should take a refresher course in civics.
Yes, there is NO REAGAN, certainly NOT on the Democratic side. BUT, Reagan was a master of speaking to the people, about what he wanted to do, was able to convince them, even with a liberal press always at his back, he was unique in our politics, BUT we need someone with a clear vision for the country, both IMHO Cruz and Sarah have that, have spoken about it, and if the people would listen, instead of them listening to a MSM that aides and conspires with the socialists, they'd might understand.
No matter how you try to spin it, Cruz is no Reagan.
Even YOU don't listen, you prejudged them by what you've heard, and if you haven't, what have they said that you don't agree with?
If that is what you think...I have heard what these idiots have to say. They are nothing but obstructionists that are manipulating poorly educated trailer trash who hate our Black president and would rather see America fail than work with the HNIC.

Give Obumacare a chance? We've had it now for almost 4 years, and the president keeps fucking with implementing it... that my friend, is unconstitutional, in anyone's book. It has cost more, has a higher deductible, less coverage, and by the links I provided will only cost YOU more over the next few years. Wake up and realize that this president has now been slapped down by the SCOTUS 13 times in the last 2 years for doing things UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, and a bunch of stuff that is also unconstitutional, LIKE PROSECUTING some laws and NOT others, is a blatant slap in our faces that hasn't been challenged as NO ONE WITH STANDING has come forth to make a bitch about it! Perhaps you don't mind living under a TYRANT that picks and chooses what he wants to prosecute, and the laws he wants enforced while others are swept away, I don't want to live under a dick-tator! are spewing nonsense, Vigilante...devoid of the history of the Executive Branch and the ongoing battle between the estates.

I don't agree with Obama's policies and I did not vote for him...but I am a rational and impartial thinker...and you spew nothing that is notable beyond the fact that you disagree with him. You are can't differentiate truth from fiction. I would suggest you stop listening to Teaper propaganda and research yourself. are spewing nonsense, Vigilante...devoid of the history of the Executive Branch and the ongoing battle between the estates.

I don't agree with Obama's policies and I did not vote for him...but I am a rational and impartial thinker...and you spew nothing that is notable beyond the fact that you disagree with him. You are can't differentiate truth from fiction. I would suggest you stop listening to Teaper propaganda and research yourself.

Nutz, we'll just have to disagree, as I see you as delusional in your refusal to admit to your Obomanation partisanship. History has NOTHING to do with what the POS is doing by expanding Executive privilege into both the Congressional and judicial branches! Keep looking the other way, and you'll be happier with yourself.

That's the whole thing about Holder. He cherry picks what laws HE wants to enforce and WHO he will go after. He's big on going after Hobby Lobby, The Boy Scouts and corporations. He does nothing when states flaunt their open legalization of dope.

He SHOULD be impeached for failing to perform his duty. That, and he's Obama's chief pimp. So, there's THAT. are spewing nonsense, Vigilante...devoid of the history of the Executive Branch and the ongoing battle between the estates.

I don't agree with Obama's policies and I did not vote for him...but I am a rational and impartial thinker...and you spew nothing that is notable beyond the fact that you disagree with him. You are can't differentiate truth from fiction. I would suggest you stop listening to Teaper propaganda and research yourself.

Nutz, we'll just have to disagree, as I see you as delusional in your refusal to admit to your Obomanation partisanship. History has NOTHING to do with what the POS is doing by expanding Executive privilege into both the Congressional and judicial branches! Keep looking the other way, and you'll be happier with yourself.
LOL...I will approach it like Reagan...with wisdom, tolerance and intelligence.

Cruz is no Reagan...Palin is no Nancy. They are teaper loons that have deceived you. are spewing nonsense, Vigilante...devoid of the history of the Executive Branch and the ongoing battle between the estates.

I don't agree with Obama's policies and I did not vote for him...but I am a rational and impartial thinker...and you spew nothing that is notable beyond the fact that you disagree with him. You are can't differentiate truth from fiction. I would suggest you stop listening to Teaper propaganda and research yourself.

Nutz, we'll just have to disagree, as I see you as delusional in your refusal to admit to your Obomanation partisanship. History has NOTHING to do with what the POS is doing by expanding Executive privilege into both the Congressional and judicial branches! Keep looking the other way, and you'll be happier with yourself.
LOL...I will approach it like Reagan...with wisdom, tolerance and intelligence.

Cruz is no Reagan...Palin is no Nancy. They are teaper loons that have deceived you.

I only see you slipping deeper and deeper into subversiveism! Sorry for someone like you that has been brainwashed by notoriety of this man!

I must admit, I have never seen such fear of the "tea party" in all my life. Men and women who want return to smaller government, the end to government intrusion into our lives, and a return to smaller taxes and balanced budgets.

Yet, these liberal Nazis are absolutely TERRIFIED of these people. I'm sorry, but I guess this country has, indeed, gone to hell.

God, I'm glad to be a member! :D

I must admit, I have never seen such fear of the "tea party" in all my life. Men and women who want return to smaller government, the end to government intrusion into our lives, and a return to smaller taxes and balanced budgets.

Yet, these liberal Nazis are absolutely TERRIFIED of these people. I'm sorry, but I guess this country has, indeed, gone to hell.

God, I'm glad to be a member! :D

Yes, both Democrats and FAUX Republican's FEAR us.... Love this TP members T-Shirt!

Yes, both Democrats and FAUX Republican's FEAR us.... L

Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Yes, both Democrats and FAUX Republican's FEAR us.... L

Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Just another example of the irrational, propagandized fear that these clowns work in. It's their medium. FEAR.

Fuck 'em. After November of this year - when Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid slips into obscurity and the republicans take over - you will see these assholes begin to slink back under the rocks that they crawled out from under.
Yes, both Democrats and FAUX Republican's FEAR us.... L

Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I see the truth still offends you? And that you are still addicted to emoticons, which I block but see as text when I reply. So be it...
Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I see the truth still offends you? And that you are still addicted to emoticons, which I block but see as text when I reply. So be it...

Yes the truth is your an arrogant piece of shit, thanks for confirming! :eusa_clap:
Yes, both Democrats and FAUX Republican's FEAR us.... L

Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

But its true. That's why I call them tee potties - they are the excrement of US politics. Sad because that's not how they started.

Now, they're owned by the Koch brothers = excrement.

If they want to impeach the president or Holder, then do it legally.

They don't have the grounds so they're screwing around with Cruz and/or the idiotic "law suit".

If those who say they are "tea partiers" had any integrity, they would demand their leaders follow the law and the Constitution.

Tee potty.

The lowest of the low.
Fear? In the "dog or child off its leash" way you are somewhat correct. We still have nothing to fear but fear itself. That doesn't include America's Lowest, the teabaggers.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: See you are still acting like the arrogant POS that you are...Never change, you're entertaining!...Although it appears your 2 digit IQ has lost a few points! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

But its true. That's why I call them tee potties - they are the excrement of US politics. Sad because that's not how they started.

Now, they're owned by the Koch brothers = excrement.

If they want to impeach the president or Holder, then do it legally.

They don't have the grounds so they're screwing around with Cruz and/or the idiotic "law suit".

If those who say they are "tea partiers" had any integrity, they would demand their leaders follow the law and the Constitution.

Tee potty.

The lowest of the low.

Since your IQ has never been over 50, I assume that you actually believe what you print!

You call them Tee Potties, I call you and yours, subversives, socialists, communists, Marxists, and Fascists.... I am factually correct, your stuck in potty thinking!

The Koch Brothers who have donated hundreds of millions to charities, and because they stand behind the traditional culture, and American values, instead of the perverse cultural utterings you and like minded morons do, they are excrement.... again, your thinking is in the potty!

Since we on the right realize that we can't impeach your fellow subversive, since the Senate is filled with subversives, talking about ALL THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts, and policies of the little Dick-tator brings his actions before the public, especially the Independents, that like Conservatives will actually think about what has been said.... you think that's a bunch of potty, no doubt!

And just how is your "Tee Potty" breaking the law and the Constitution, as currently there are only a handful of GOOD PATRIOTS present in Congress, and are easily subdued, by the POTTY that is the current Republican leadership.

Nuttley, there isn't one Tea Party person that can't out think, and out debate you on this forum, YOU are the spectacle we come to laugh at, and your Tee Potty analogy, is exactly why we are so entertained by halfwits! :badgrin:

Please continue! :eusa_clap:

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