Creation of a new Conservative Right leaning party.

The Cheney Party supports endless foreign wars, the surveillance state, increasing the national debt, subservience to transnational corporations and AIPAC, and Deep State interference in American elections.
I believe I would gladly join the new part that the Chaneys are proposing. The GOP is so corrupt from all levels of government, the court system and others that it may not ever recover. We may need to do to it what our founding did with thr Whig Party ended up being so corrupt.

Liz Cheney Suggests New Political Party May Be Needed

Said Cheney: “Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done.”

The Whigs died because it refused to do anything about Slavery.

The Whigs that were left started it's own party knowing the Whig Party was lost, they created the Know Nothing party. Here is you MAGAts new party.

Well, Cheney's own constituents overwhelmingly threw her out of office and 92% of Republican voters voted for Trump in the primaries, despite having many other options. So, that leaves almost no one to be in a new party. If they do it, they could call themselves the Totally Irrelevant Party of 100.
We have Progs propaganda spewing that Republicans are going to get rid of Social Security and Medicare and abortions just to start. Everything is total and hundreds of millions will die or affected negatively. Lies on top of lies. Kamala is a walking lie. We all know what she is going to do if elected. Progs want it or are in denial. She is of Joy and is Stylish.

Wrong. YOUR types spew that "They" are spewing all kinds of narratives.
She is a hard core Conservative Republican that won't cater to your "Leaders" every wish. By what you typed, YOU are the right wing of the John Birch Society that needs to be cleaned out of America.
The very basics on the John Birch Society is:
Anti-Communism: Which I'm definitely onboard with. It's a One-Party-Only government and ALL One-Party-Only governments are authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous to their own people.
Conservative: Against frivolous spending, especially towards giving its citizens hard-earned dollars to huge numbers of people flowing over our border.
Pro-Populist: That's a silly complaint to be against. It only means a politician who strives to appeal to a large number of the common people. For that matter any politician that wins by the popular vote, can be defined as a populist candidate.
The claim that supporters are "far-right wing: Frankly, any candidate that the far-left, Neo-Marxist, pro-Communist left disagrees with are immediately tossed into the category of being "far-right wing," even though that's not factual. I was in the military when John F. Kennedy was president and based upon those things he did, today's leftists would label him far-right wing, which he wasn't. But, he was one of my favorite presidents.
Anti-Collectivism: Pro-individual liberties. Succeeding on your own merits.
Things I'm NOT onboard with regarding the John Birch Society:
Being Pro-Libertarian.
Conspiracy Theories.
Civil Rights Movement.
Equal Rights Amendment.
Federal Reserve System.
I believe I would gladly join the new part that the Chaneys are proposing. The GOP is so corrupt from all levels of government, the court system and others that it may not ever recover. We may need to do to it what our founding did with thr Whig Party ended up being so corrupt.

Liz Cheney Suggests New Political Party May Be Needed

Said Cheney: “Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done.”

The Whigs died because it refused to do anything about Slavery.

The Whigs that were left started it's own party knowing the Whig Party was lost, they created the Know Nothing party. Here is you MAGAts new party.

No need to start a new party...just reconstitute an old one.

I've got a perfect choice for you and Liz Cheney...

The Know Nothing Party!

Resurrect the party of President Millard Fillmore!

You'll both fit right in.

As an added bonus... You'll never be accused of violating truth in advertising laws.
Well, Cheney's own constituents overwhelmingly threw her out of office and 92% of Republican voters voted for Trump in the primaries, despite having many other options. So, that leaves almost no one to be in a new party. If they do it, they could call themselves the Totally Irrelevant Party of 100.

The party's will have to fix themselves within.
The party's will have to fix themselves within.
Democrats need to jettison the progressives. But, the right get very unfairly portrayed as being MAGA. Yes, there are some extremists on the far right who are MAGA but, overall, the Republican party (which is actually voters and not politicians), has changed itself into being populists and nationalists. The voters who vote Republican aren't voting for the old Republican party and they aren't voting for MAGA either. They are voting for populism and nationalism and some moderates on the left are also voting for that as well.
The very basics on the John Birch Society is:
Anti-Communism: Which I'm definitely onboard with. It's a One-Party-Only government and ALL One-Party-Only governments are authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous to their own people.
Conservative: Against frivolous spending, especially towards giving its citizens hard-earned dollars to huge numbers of people flowing over our border.
Pro-Populist: That's a silly complaint to be against. It only means a politician who strives to appeal to a large number of the common people. For that matter any politician that wins by the popular vote, can be defined as a populist candidate.
The claim that supporters are "far-right wing: Frankly, any candidate that the far-left, Neo-Marxist, pro-Communist left disagrees with are immediately tossed into the category of being "far-right wing," even though that's not factual. I was in the military when John F. Kennedy was president and based upon those things he did, today's leftists would label him far-right wing, which he wasn't. But, he was one of my favorite presidents.
Anti-Collectivism: Pro-individual liberties. Succeeding on your own merits.
Things I'm NOT onboard with regarding the John Birch Society:
Being Pro-Libertarian.
Conspiracy Theories.
Civil Rights Movement.
Equal Rights Amendment.
Federal Reserve System.
I'm replying to my own post as I left out an important part of my personal anti-John Birch Society stance on the ones I did list.
I said I was against their stance on the Civil Rights Movement. I should have said I was against their ANTI-Civil Rights Movement and their ANTI-Equal Rights Amendment and their ANTI-Federal Reserve System.
No, the last thing we need is a Neocon party, or one proposed by any Cheney. It would be nice to have a true Republican party, but these days I don't think that will ever be allowed to happen. :dunno:

No, the last thing we need is a Neocon party, or one proposed by any Cheney. It would be nice to have a true Republican party, but these days I don't think that will ever be allowed to happen. :dunno:

Is your idea of a true Republican where they blindly follow on single leader?
I'd much rather see a new party that was less about ideology and more about the problem-solving process.

Businesses do this every day. But because of the way our political/electoral "system" works, problem-solving doesn't translate to politics.

That's our own fault.
Nope, absolutely not. Did you assume that I'm a Trumper? Because FYI, I'm not.

Neither am I and I don't blindly follow Harris either. In fact, I don't blindly follow anyone. And anyone that does is yielding their vote to that "Leader" and that one vote should be counted as only one for both of them.

I still think the Republican Party should be more like they were in 1956 when William F. Buckley Jr made some stark predictions if the party was ever taken over by the JBSers. His words were not headed.
Democrats need to jettison the progressives. But, the right get very unfairly portrayed as being MAGA. Yes, there are some extremists on the far right who are MAGA but, overall, the Republican party (which is actually voters and not politicians), has changed itself into being populists and nationalists. The voters who vote Republican aren't voting for the old Republican party and they aren't voting for MAGA either. They are voting for populism and nationalism and some moderates on the left are also voting for that as well.
MAGA is NOT "extremism". :eusa_naughty:

There are many former Republicans closer to this disaster who think the party can't be fixed. They can see things that are going on that the rest of us can't. They definitely sound pretty hopeless.

They see a party of Trump, MTG, JD Vance, Matt Gaetz, Mr Pillow and Mark Robinson. One can understand their hopelessness.
Good. Fuck em
I believe I would gladly join the new part that the Chaneys are proposing. The GOP is so corrupt from all levels of government, the court system and others that it may not ever recover. We may need to do to it what our founding did with thr Whig Party ended up being so corrupt.

Liz Cheney Suggests New Political Party May Be Needed

Said Cheney: “Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done.”

The Whigs died because it refused to do anything about Slavery.

The Whigs that were left started it's own party knowing the Whig Party was lost, they created the Know Nothing party. Here is you MAGAts new party.

So you're sick of the corruption but are ready to join the people ....who were in on the rot in DC

Well ok then

Pfft down with the union
She is a hard core Conservative Republican that won't cater to your "Leaders" every wish. By what you typed, YOU are the right wing of the John Birch Society that needs to be cleaned out of America.
By using the term hard core Conservative, and by the actions of Cheney and her ilk, the terms are defined by:
Unlimited growth in the size and scope of government.
Non stop aggressive interventions at home and abroad.
Indifferent sacrifice of US servicemen in pursuit of of those interventions.
Equal indifference to the lives, and deaths, of innocents when implementing the goals of those interventions.
Active, vigorous, and spirited use of security apparatus in the denial of individual rights under the Constitution.

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