Creation of a new Conservative Right leaning party.

They need an 'America First' party to save 'something' of traditional America as it was founded. Reps have shown without a doubt, question or prayer they can't fight the commie dems in even the smallest way. You think this shit is bad? Just wait until dems have perpetual control of America, SCOTUS, D.C. and the military. Forget MAGA. Your goal should be SSOA...Save Something of America! You can work towards secession and save a few states or you will eventually lose all 50 states to the commies and be disarmed as a bonus.

It is not by mistake America's borders are open. This migration is organized and paid for by our government to facilitate the invasion. It is on-purpose, weaponized migration to take America down. A guest on one of the YT channels summed up the best conservatives can hope for. He said our goal as conservatives should be 'to conserve the good and improve on the bad.' I believe we have passed the point of no return in America. A country can go in 3 directions. It can be getting better, staying the same or getting worse. America only goes in 1 direction...down!

You would be hard pressed to find a group better at destroying America than the commie dems. Likewise, you would be hard pressed to find a group that is more useless at saving America than the reps. There is NO hope to save all 50 states. If you could would of. Every waking second, minute and hour must be spent on secession. Praying harder won't fix things.

Here is the score... You don't compare secession to living in old America. People say secession is bad for business and bad for your standard of living.

Yes, that is true...

But you can't compare old America to the America of now. Old America is GONE and never to return. You compare secession to living under perpetual commie rule and being disarmed.

Dems have paid for, groomed and built their sick base, dems have destroyed America at all costs. Now they demand everyone else adopt their sick ways. Without secession America is OVER! Now secession is not practical unless both sides worked honestly to make it happen. But dems will never let you go...they want you as tax slaves to redistribute your monies to their base.

Check out the film 'Trump Card' from 2020. It's election content is dated, but it gives a great summation of the dems plan to make America into a socialist utopia. Get the DVD from your library or see on YT.

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The answer isn't in right-wing conservative capitalism or with the liberal lunacy that injects children with puberty blockers and can't define what a woman is. The solution is a political platform that prioritizes the interests of the working class, which comprises 94% of the population. Both right-wing conservatism in this country and liberalism aren't the solution. They both just serve the wealthy ruling class to the detriment of the American public. The solution also includes addressing our Judeo-Zionist problem, which undermines our national sovereignty and security.
Your attempt to read my mind has failed.

I'm not a Trump supporter.

I didn't even Attempt at trying to read your mind. YOu would have to have at least 3 brain cells for that to be. Be wery, wery wery careful. It might be dead brain cells and where would that leave you.
I didn't even Attempt at trying to read your mind. YOu would have to have at least 3 brain cells for that to be. Be wery, wery wery careful. It might be dead brain cells and where would that leave you.
That still leaves me with twice as many brain cells as you.

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