Cutting taxes sounds great till

Cutting taxes would be great. I'd love to have more money in my paycheck. Not sure why you think being affected by allowing me to keep more of my hard earned money would be a bad thing.
If the income tax rate of the average earner is increased by one percent it will mean the difference of a few dollars less in their paychecks. But for the billionaires and multi-millionaires who have become excessively wealthy because of incremental reductions in the progressive tax rate the difference will be sufficient to pay down the deficit.

And unless one is in the $250k+ earning bracket a restoration of the pre-Reagan progressive tax rate will not affect him at all.

And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?

Easy. The answer to both of your questions is having more then he does...
And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?
And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Your hypothetical is not analogous to wealth. There is no such concept of too much wealth. Money, unlike your food supply on a deserted island is not a finite resource. That is the fundamental problem with people that think like you do. Money is not a pie of which there is only so much to go around. Money is something that anyone can 'grow'.
Cutting taxes sounds great till those cuts affect you. America is understanding more every day about what is going on here since the election. Tax cutting has consequences and when most all the cuts go to help one sector of the nation while everything else is force to either cut benefits or programs or make the general public do without or get by with less.

What were told is govt is costing us too much, and it should be cut. Putting money in the hands of people who will create jobs was/is being the big push behind most tax cuts, but where are the JOBS?

People who have money have proven that if you can get to this point where you can use that money you can increase your wealth and never lift a finger, create a job, start a business or help anyone but their own self worth.

So what is the new group in congress all about, there is only one thing that shows up at every step of the process, make the rich have a better oppertunity to get wealthier and those in the middle made to pick up more of the cost of running our nation and our local govts.

So we get to that point when we have the top 20% who have anything they want, the next 20% who have a decent life and then the rest of you that have so little chance to improve it will be sad.

Did you know that if the government confiscated all the money and assets from all the billionaires in this country it would not cover the deficit for this year, never mind the actual debt? Why do you think that taxes is going to solve anything? Do you think for yourself, or are you actually nothing more than a bot that posts Democratic Party talking points?
Know who said these famous words and meant it.

famously called "haves and the have-mores . . . some people call you the elite. I call you my base."

This should be put on every republicans quotes as it speaks volume as to who they are and who they represent.

I think it's become obvious that you're just here to troll. Everyone would do well to stop talking to you.
What he's said is very relevant to this discussion. He's talking about George W. Bush, the champion of the new Robber Barons. What is obvious is your unwillingless to acknowledge the implication of what Bush had said at that dinner.

What I find most interesting is your willingness to promote the interests of the super-rich over those of the common people -- the presently besieged middle class. Either you are a wealthy member of the neo-aristocracy or you are just one more of the brainwashed acolytes who eagerly and faithfully serve the interests of the rich in the manner of trained dogs. In either case I am academically curious to know what motivates you.
And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?
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And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Your hypothetical is faulty.

There is no reason 4 people would be starving if there is enough food to feed thousands.

And even if your hypothetical were possible. It wouldn't be an issue of someone having excessive wealth, it would be an issue of a lack of charity.
Cutting taxes would be great. I'd love to have more money in my paycheck. Not sure why you think being affected by allowing me to keep more of my hard earned money would be a bad thing.
If the income tax rate of the average earner is increased by one percent it will mean the difference of a few dollars less in their paychecks. But for the billionaires and multi-millionaires who have become excessively wealthy because of incremental reductions in the progressive tax rate the difference will be sufficient to pay down the deficit.

And unless one is in the $250k+ earning bracket a restoration of the pre-Reagan progressive tax rate will not affect him at all.

the fact that you use that 250K number speaks volumes of where you get your information from.

A small business owner with a family of four living in the NYC tri state area making 250K is, at best, middle class.

You are a puppetr of the left wing talking heads.

That one little thing....250K...siad it all.

Nite all.

Median household income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you are a small business owner living in the Tri-State area and your household income is $250k+ you are doing much better than the average American, so you have no complaint if your tax rate is increased. And you'll pardon me if I don't feel sorry for you because you're earning more than twice as much as I or the vast majority of American workers have ever earned.
If the income tax rate of the average earner is increased by one percent it will mean the difference of a few dollars less in their paychecks. But for the billionaires and multi-millionaires who have become excessively wealthy because of incremental reductions in the progressive tax rate the difference will be sufficient to pay down the deficit.

And unless one is in the $250k+ earning bracket a restoration of the pre-Reagan progressive tax rate will not affect him at all.

the fact that you use that 250K number speaks volumes of where you get your information from.

A small business owner with a family of four living in the NYC tri state area making 250K is, at best, middle class.

You are a puppetr of the left wing talking heads.

That one little thing....250K...siad it all.

Nite all.

Median household income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you are a small business owner living in the Tri-State area and your household income is $250k+ you are doing much better than the average American, so you have no complaint if your tax rate is increased. And you'll pardon me if I don't feel sorry for you because you're earning more than twice as much as I or the vast majority of American workers have ever earned.

All you have to say is "I'm for punishing your success." It's easier than all the spin you are trying to spew.. ... ya know what I mean jellybean?
Your hypothetical is faulty.

There is no reason 4 people would be starving if there is enough food to feed thousands.

And even if your hypothetical were possible. It wouldn't be an issue of someone having excessive wealth, it would be an issue of a lack of charity.
There are millons of formerly middle class American workers who are living below the poverty line, many of whom have been driven from their homes, while the number of billionaires and multi-millionaires has steadily risen for the past three decades, many of whom enjoy annual dividend incomes in the multi-million dollar range and whose cash hoards exceed $500 million.

"Despite our economy being mired in the deepest recession since the 1930s, people in the top 1% continue to own as much wealth as those in the bottom 90%, and education is essential to reversing this trend and constructing a strategy for recovery."

The Growing Divide | United for a Fair Economy
All you have to say is "I'm for punishing your success." It's easier than all the spin you are trying to spew.. ... ya know what I mean jellybean?
You presently are incapable of understanding the damage done to the U.S. economy since Ronald Reagan commenced the incremental disassembly of the middle class and the diversion of the Nation's wealth resources to a two percent minority of the population. The reason you are incapable is you've succumbed to the corporatist propaganda effort and it would take a substantial re-education effort to enable you to comprehend the difference between success and excess.
Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.
And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?

Just what would you want to happen? The left would think that if you want a society then everyone needs to share somehow. The right would say hey I figured it out and was able to gather all the food and I owe nothing to anyone so either Die or figure it out for yourself. Oh by the way we have also taken over ownership of all the food fields and your not welcome to any of it. but your welcome to look through our garbage and if you find anything we will sell it to you.:clap2:
There was a reason behind the inheritance tax, it was to keep a family or a group of families from becoming, basicly a hierarchy and the rest of the society as servants.

Many rich people understand this and have no problem with a system that allows someone from helping his family out in their lifes after he is gone. The problem is the people who are waiting for their share have decided that they want it all and many of those families have spent a lot of money to make it happen.

since mid 2000's they have spent 500,000,000 in an attemp to save their estates 78 billion. The system was made for every person to be as successful as they can in this lifetime, but that isn't good enough now as they want to take it to their future life, their kids and their kids and then their kids. sooner or later it will be all in the hands of a few, the wealth of the USA, something our founders never wanted to happen.

It has become whole sale GREED.
Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Oh,, so you'd steal from those who worked for it to give to those who had not. you izzz a true dyed in the wool marxist. good job.
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?

Just what would you want to happen? The left would think that if you want a society then everyone needs to share somehow. The right would say hey I figured it out and was able to gather all the food and I owe nothing to anyone so either Die or figure it out for yourself. Oh by the way we have also taken over ownership of all the food fields and your not welcome to any of it. but your welcome to look through our garbage and if you find anything we will sell it to you.:clap2:

from the scenario he presented it looks as if all the six have nots needed to do was to get up off their asses and help the other two gather the food. you miserable little marxist.
And who are you to determine who is "excessively" wealthy? Why do you get to determine when someone has enough?
What would you consider to be excessive wealth?

If we reduce this question to the hypothetical example of six individuals on an island, four of whom are starving while two have managed to accumulate hoards of enough food to feed thousands, what would your assessment of that situation be?

Typical static pie leftwing thinking, with the underlying assumption that Hoards Of Food are just there to be scooped up and HOARDED.

Why didn't the other four scavenge for food for themselves on the Desert Island?

But that would be too much work, so the realistic Leftwing approach will be for the Four to threaten and/or beat the shit out of the Two who did the gathering to give them food instead.
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All you have to say is "I'm for punishing your success." It's easier than all the spin you are trying to spew.. ... ya know what I mean jellybean?
You presently are incapable of understanding the damage done to the U.S. economy since Ronald Reagan commenced the incremental disassembly of the middle class and the diversion of the Nation's wealth resources to a two percent minority of the population. The reason you are incapable is you've succumbed to the corporatist propaganda effort and it would take a substantial re-education effort to enable you to comprehend the difference between success and excess.

No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.
All you have to say is "I'm for punishing your success." It's easier than all the spin you are trying to spew.. ... ya know what I mean jellybean?
You presently are incapable of understanding the damage done to the U.S. economy since Ronald Reagan commenced the incremental disassembly of the middle class and the diversion of the Nation's wealth resources to a two percent minority of the population. The reason you are incapable is you've succumbed to the corporatist propaganda effort and it would take a substantial re-education effort to enable you to comprehend the difference between success and excess.

No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.

Actually, there are barriers...erected by our government.

The enormous maze of regulations and tax compliance make it very difficult to start a successful small business these days.
Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Really? Can you please site for all of us where this rule that says the correct morality is to dole out money to everyone evenly regardless of what they contribute to society?

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