Cutting taxes sounds great till

I'd really like to see the clause in the Constitution which says that it's the role of the Federal Government to effect Equitable Redistribution.
You presently are incapable of understanding the damage done to the U.S. economy since Ronald Reagan commenced the incremental disassembly of the middle class and the diversion of the Nation's wealth resources to a two percent minority of the population. The reason you are incapable is you've succumbed to the corporatist propaganda effort and it would take a substantial re-education effort to enable you to comprehend the difference between success and excess.

No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.

Actually, there are barriers...erected by our government.

The enormous maze of regulations and tax compliance make it very difficult to start a successful small business these days.

No, no, no. It's some person who is the embodiment of pure evil that spends every waking hour make sure you don't get to start your business, not government. GOVERNMENT WILL SAVE US ALL!!!!!!
Well, first I'd wonder why if food can be gathered in enough quantities to feed thousands why are there are six individuals who are starving. Were their arms and legs broken?
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Oh,, so you'd steal from those who worked for it to give to those who had not. you izzz a true dyed in the wool marxist. good job.

Don't you ever ask yourself how the few got in the position to own it all?

Do you really think it was through hard work and fair play?
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Oh,, so you'd steal from those who worked for it to give to those who had not. you izzz a true dyed in the wool marxist. good job.

Don't you ever ask yourself how the few got in the position to own it all?

Do you really think it was through hard work and fair play?

Do you have any understanding of human history?

(Don't bother answering, it's a rhetorical question.)

Most humans throughout history have lives as slaves or serfs in abject poverty.

The EVUL RICH in the U.S. who invested capital and created jobs helped raise living standards so that the U.S. actually has a middle class. Even The Poor in the U.S. live better than The So Called Middle Class around much of the rest of the world.

Instead of being grateful that you live in a society where you don't have to be a dirt farmer to feed your family, you whinge about somebody having more than you.

As for the ones who got their money through Unfair Play, there is a strong Government Cronyism connection for the vast majority of those. The answer is not More Government.
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He is likely an hourly employee upset that he didnt pay more attention while in high school.

The kid knows nothing of how the tax code works.

The kid is nothing more then a leftist troll who thinks he knows what it is that he is talking about. After the three responses he should have realized he was in over his head LOL instead hold's his talking points up like some sort of unstoppable do have to laugh at the left. The time for pity has long since past.

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates know more about taxes than anybody here, and both state that the middle class pays a higher percentage of their income in taxes than do the wealthy.

Warren Buffett: Read My Lips, Raise My Taxes - ABC News

In an exclusive interview on "This Week," Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, told Christiane Amanpour that the rich should be paying more taxes and that the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy should be left to expire at the end of December.

More Video
Watch: Buffett Says Feds 'Did the Right Thing' in 2008
Watch: Madeleine Albright and Sen Lindsey Graham on START
Watch: Mike Mullen on the Future of Afghanistan (Part 1)"If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut further," Buffett said. "But I think that people at the high end -- people like myself -- should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we've ever had it."

The full Buffett interview will air on a special Thanksgiving edition of "This Week" focused on The Giving Pledge, a major philanthropic effort spearheaded by Buffet, and Bill and Melinda Gates

What is stopping EITHER of them from paying as much into the system as they want??? DO they NEED government to tell them to do it?

The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Here's a thought. Go get a job ya smelly hippie.
But tellingly, both Buffet and Gates have shielded most of their wealth from government taxation via charitable trusts. They apparently think that the managers of said trusts can spend the largess better than an army of government bureaucrats.

And guess what? They're correct.
No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.

Reality is there are no classes. Classes are a construct created by the left to divide us as a people based on the principles of greed, jealousy, and envy.

I don't accept them.
Oh,, so you'd steal from those who worked for it to give to those who had not. you izzz a true dyed in the wool marxist. good job.

Don't you ever ask yourself how the few got in the position to own it all?

Do you really think it was through hard work and fair play?

Do you have any understanding of human history?

(Don't bother answering, it's a rhetorical question.)

Most humans throughout history have lives as slaves or serfs in abject poverty.

The EVUL RICH in the U.S. who invested capital and created jobs helped raise living standards so that the U.S. actually has a middle class. Even The Poor in the U.S. live better than The So Called Middle Class around much of the rest of the world.

Instead of being grateful that you live in a society where you don't have to be a dirt farmer to feed your family, you whinge about somebody having more than you.

As for the ones who got their money through Unfair Play, there is a strong Government Cronyism connection for the vast majority of those. The answer is not More Government.

I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?
No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.

Reality is there are no classes. Classes are a construct created by the left to divide us as a people based on the principles of greed, jealousy, and envy.

I don't accept them.

Classes existed before "the left".
Don't you ever ask yourself how the few got in the position to own it all?

Do you really think it was through hard work and fair play?

Do you have any understanding of human history?

(Don't bother answering, it's a rhetorical question.)

Most humans throughout history have lives as slaves or serfs in abject poverty.

The EVUL RICH in the U.S. who invested capital and created jobs helped raise living standards so that the U.S. actually has a middle class. Even The Poor in the U.S. live better than The So Called Middle Class around much of the rest of the world.

Instead of being grateful that you live in a society where you don't have to be a dirt farmer to feed your family, you whinge about somebody having more than you.

As for the ones who got their money through Unfair Play, there is a strong Government Cronyism connection for the vast majority of those. The answer is not More Government.

I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

How much in taxes should Oprah Pay???? Tell us.
I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

You clearly learned the wrong lesson and think that MOB RULE is justified when the majority covet what the minority OWN.
I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

You clearly learned the wrong lesson and think that MOB RULE is justified when the majority covet what the minority OWN.

I think they have a big "let's capsize the economy" rally in May.. don'tthey?
If I get to keep more of the $$ I have worked my ass off for how is that "diversion of the American wealth"
I earned that fucking $$$. It is MINE.
Wealth is not to be "redistributed".
Wealth is EARNED.
Unions ruined the life style of many in the middle class. An uneducated blue collar worker making 60K a year in pay and benefits in the 70s?
Do the math.
No cary babies.
I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

You clearly learned the wrong lesson and think that MOB RULE is justified when the majority covet what the minority OWN.

I'm not saying it is justified.

I am saying it is inevitable.

Learn your history lessons.
I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

You clearly learned the wrong lesson and think that MOB RULE is justified when the majority covet what the minority OWN.

I'm not saying it is justified.

I am saying it is inevitable.

Learn your history lessons.

Spoken like a true PASSIVE, ENVIOUS VICTIM.
You clearly learned the wrong lesson and think that MOB RULE is justified when the majority covet what the minority OWN.

I'm not saying it is justified.

I am saying it is inevitable.

Learn your history lessons.

Spoken like a true PASSIVE, ENVIOUS VICTIM.

I have no envy. Nor am I passive.

Take a look at history. What has happened in every society where wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few?

It generally ain't pretty.
I'm not saying it is justified.

I am saying it is inevitable.

Learn your history lessons.

Spoken like a true PASSIVE, ENVIOUS VICTIM.

I have no envy. Nor am I passive.

Take a look at history. What has happened in every society where wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few?

It generally ain't pretty.

You're history lessons are wrong. Tyranny of governments have shown to be the downfall and greatest source of suffering for a nations people, not some make believe class trying to hold everyone else down.
Do you have any understanding of human history?

(Don't bother answering, it's a rhetorical question.)

Most humans throughout history have lives as slaves or serfs in abject poverty.

The EVUL RICH in the U.S. who invested capital and created jobs helped raise living standards so that the U.S. actually has a middle class. Even The Poor in the U.S. live better than The So Called Middle Class around much of the rest of the world.

Instead of being grateful that you live in a society where you don't have to be a dirt farmer to feed your family, you whinge about somebody having more than you.

As for the ones who got their money through Unfair Play, there is a strong Government Cronyism connection for the vast majority of those. The answer is not More Government.

I have a thorough understanding of human history. I understand completely that technological innovation has raised the standard of living for most humans on the planet and that in most instances, these discoveries have occurred at the behest and largess of the government. I'm certainly not whining about anyone having more than me. But I do understand how power works and that money is a form of power. I understand that those that have the power of money are constantly at work to make sure that no other forms of power undermine theirs, including the power of the vote.

So again, in the proverbial example, when the minority are able to invoke their private property rights to the detriment of the majority, what is the usual result?

How much in taxes should Oprah Pay???? Tell us.

Whatever her tax bracket say she should. And I don't think you will find her asking for a lower rate so she can keep more, DO YOU?

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