Cutting taxes sounds great till

Spoken like a true PASSIVE, ENVIOUS VICTIM.

I have no envy. Nor am I passive.

Take a look at history. What has happened in every society where wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few?

It generally ain't pretty.

You're history lessons are wrong. Tyranny of governments have shown to be the downfall and greatest source of suffering for a nations people, not some make believe class trying to hold everyone else down.

No most tyranny of governments come from governments not taking care of their citizens and being repressive, which most of the time causes the military to take over and install their puppet. And usually there is a group of people in that country that have hoarded most of the asset that finally bring an uprising.
Cutting taxes sounds great till those cuts affect you. America is understanding more every day about what is going on here since the election. Tax cutting has consequences and when most all the cuts go to help one sector of the nation while everything else is force to either cut benefits or programs or make the general public do without or get by with less.

What were told is govt is costing us too much, and it should be cut. Putting money in the hands of people who will create jobs was/is being the big push behind most tax cuts, but where are the JOBS?

People who have money have proven that if you can get to this point where you can use that money you can increase your wealth and never lift a finger, create a job, start a business or help anyone but their own self worth.

So what is the new group in congress all about, there is only one thing that shows up at every step of the process, make the rich have a better oppertunity to get wealthier and those in the middle made to pick up more of the cost of running our nation and our local govts.

So we get to that point when we have the top 20% who have anything they want, the next 20% who have a decent life and then the rest of you that have so little chance to improve it will be sad.

Fact: Capitalism has created more opportunity and brought more people out of poverty than any government program ever did. That's been PROVEN with stats.

Fact; The U.S contitution guaranteed " Equal opportunity," it did not guarantee and "Equal outcome."

Fact: The so called wealthy already pay the lion's share of taxes in this country, 46% of Americans pay NO federal income tax at the expense of the rest of us. The so-called rich are small business owners whose GROSS income is more than $250,000, most have employees, so by the time they pay themselves it is much, much less than $250,000.

Fact: The governor of New York thinking he needed more money taxed the so-called wealthy thinking that he would make up for a short-fall of 2 billion dollars in the state budget. What he got---- a 3 billion dollar short-fall after the increase. The so-called rich took their money and in a lot of cases their business's and relocated to a state that does not tax so much.

The super wealthy have the money to move overseas and spend their money there helping to drive the economies of foriegn countries.

Look up "Dead weight loss" it is an accounting principle- for every dollar taken from the taxpayer it costs the private sector $1.25. For every dollar that the government borrows to support all their handouts to people who do not want to contribute to their own lives it costs the private sector $3.50. You wonder why we are in an economic recession- just look up the debt.
To answer your question I have to ask another question. You seem to want to penalize business for not creating jobs by taxing them more meaning they will have less money. How does THAT benefit the country in terms of job creation?

This is the kind of thing that irritates me when people don't understand. It's not a penalty to NOT give someone a tax break. We've tried cutting taxes to businesses and wealthy individuals, under the premise that it will create jobs. That is proving to be untrue. Rescinding that tax cut, or declining to extend it, is NOT a penalty. That's like saying "Well, I'm going to only charge you half price for your groceries this week because I'm hoping that you'll invite us over for dinner. Oh wait, you're not inviting us over for dinner? Well then, next week's groceries are full price as a penalty."
But by asking that, whether you say you know it or not, you're assuming the purpose of business is to benefit other people, thus leading you to conclude that if a business is not benefitting society it should be taxed more. Again I really don't see how taking more money from a business is beneficial to society either. The only way to believe that is to believe that government will do more good things with that extra money it's taking. THAT in turn asssumes a few things; that whatever government spends money on is beneficial to society AND that government trying to do more and more for society is really what is in societies best interest. And I have never believed absolving people of the repsonsibility of providing for themsleves what they are able to provide for themselves in societies best interest. Because human nature says most peope who don't really have to do something, won't, which will lead to weakening the society over all.

No, I'm not assuming anything. You're twisting my words around to fit your agenda. I said that the purpose of government action is to benefit the country. Government giving businesses tax cuts, in the hopes that such cuts will contribute to job creation, is a government action. If that action does not see the hoped for results, then why should the government continue to do the same thing? I never said anything about absolving people of their own responsibility to take care of themselves. See, YOU are the one assuming things that I'm not saying at all. So many people always have to paint things as suggesting that ANY action by the government must mean advocacy of COMPLETE AND TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL.
I like how in huge portions of of the world their primary view of government is they are worried about government breaking down their doors at night and they or their parents or children disappear. In most of the world they are worried that government doesn't allow them the freedom to simply make their own choices or speak out for making their own choices. In this country, liberals live in endless hysterical fear that government isn't giving them enough. It's just a fundamental lack of perspective.

Have you been snorting propaganda confetti again?

No, why. Did you run out?

Oh, I just ask because your view of the greater world being fearful that their government is going to break down their doors is so far off of reality I figure it must be drug induced.
Have you been snorting propaganda confetti again?

No, why. Did you run out?

Oh, I just ask because your view of the greater world being fearful that their government is going to break down their doors is so far off of reality I figure it must be drug induced.

I always enjoy some clown who pulls accusations out of their ass. So, show me wrong. Where have I said that government is going to break down our doors or anything remotely like that? Oh, and pull your hands out of your pants before you answer...
Typical static pie leftwing thinking, with the underlying assumption that Hoards Of Food are just there to be scooped up and HOARDED.

Actually, that's more right wing thinking--that wealth is just there to be scooped up and hoarded, and the only reason people are poor, or aren't rich, is because they didn't bother to go scoop up the money.
Fact: Capitalism has created more opportunity and brought more people out of poverty than any government program ever did. That's been PROVEN with stats.

Okay, let's see 'em.

Fact: The so called wealthy already pay the lion's share of taxes in this country, 46% of Americans pay NO federal income tax at the expense of the rest of us.

Citation for that bullshit is needed.

The super wealthy have the money to move overseas and spend their money there helping to drive the economies of foriegn countries.

Let them. We don't want their anti-American lot anyway.
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I always enjoy some clown who pulls accusations out of their ass. So, show me wrong. Where have I said that government is going to break down our doors or anything remotely like that? Oh, and pull your hands out of your pants before you answer...

You said that the rest of the world lives in such a state of being afraid of their government breaking down their door. I quoted it when I asked if you'd been snorting propaganda confetti. Are you feeling okay? Your memory seems to be a little lacking. You can't remember what you've said.
No one is preventing any class from doing anything. For the love of god stop whining you whining sacks of shit. There is no barrier in the way that is keeping you or anyone else from achieving. There is no assualt on the middle class. No one is stopping them from doing anything. This war on the middle class is the excuse of lazy fucks like yourself.

Well then, I hope you're equally willing to throw out the idea of a war on the rich, too.

The Left's war on this country has nothing to do with what class they are in. They have declared war on anyone who believes in personal liberty
I always enjoy some clown who pulls accusations out of their ass. So, show me wrong. Where have I said that government is going to break down our doors or anything remotely like that? Oh, and pull your hands out of your pants before you answer...

You said that the rest of the world lives in such a state of being afraid of their government breaking down their door. I quoted it when I asked if you'd been snorting propaganda confetti. Are you feeling okay? Your memory seems to be a little lacking. You can't remember what you've said.

This isn't that hard. You accused me of saying I'm afraid the government will break down my door. You can accuse anyone of anything you want, I'm asking for a quote from me which indicates I think that. You're the accuser, so far you're accepting zero responsibility for backing up the accusation. I'm calling you out for the limp dick little pussy that you are and saying to man up and back up your accusation, bitch. Provide one quote which I have said I'm afraid the government will break down my door.
I always enjoy some clown who pulls accusations out of their ass. So, show me wrong. Where have I said that government is going to break down our doors or anything remotely like that? Oh, and pull your hands out of your pants before you answer...

You said that the rest of the world lives in such a state of being afraid of their government breaking down their door. I quoted it when I asked if you'd been snorting propaganda confetti. Are you feeling okay? Your memory seems to be a little lacking. You can't remember what you've said.

OK, since you like to accuse without evidence and it's my job to prove you wrong, let's try the other direction. You're a rapist. Prove me wrong, bitch.
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Here's a thought. Go get a job ya smelly hippie.
I don't need a job. I've been retired since 1985 and my remaining years are quite secure. But I do have three married daughters and five grandchildren to be concerned about.

I'm also old enougn to remember when most ordinary Americans would hold someone who thinks like you in contempt. But today your mentality seems to be commonplace and gaining ground. I attribute your obvious orientation to two factors; one being the complete absence of civics and political education in the public schools, the other being the dumbing-down effect and the brainwashing capability of television and talk radio, almost all of which is dominated by the right-wing corporatist influence propagated by such efficient propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and others.

It's too bad you don't have the ability to understand that in spite of your chauvinistic support of what in fact is an emerging plutocracy the time is coming when you will have cause to regret the arrogant ignorance by which you are aiding the demise of the American middle class and the return to the Gilded Age.
This isn't that hard. You accused me of saying I'm afraid the government will break down my door. You can accuse anyone of anything you want, I'm asking for a quote from me which indicates I think that. You're the accuser, so far you're accepting zero responsibility for backing up the accusation. I'm calling you out for the limp dick little pussy that you are and saying to man up and back up your accusation, bitch. Provide one quote which I have said I'm afraid the government will break down my door.

Dude, you're either not paying attention, schizophrenic, or purposely lying and twisting words around. Either way, you've stopped being relevant to the discussion a long time ago.
What's arbitrary about it? God asks for 10%. Why the heck should the government get more than God?

For starters, I don't believe in your God, so such an argument is meaningless to me. Even if I did, I was under the impression that religion and government were separate things under our constitution. So argument from God on government matters is still an inadequate argument.
Really? Can you please site for all of us where this rule that says the correct morality is to dole out money to everyone evenly regardless of what they contribute to society?
No one in this entire thread has suggested evenly doling out money to everyone or anything like that. But the fact that you believe it, imagine it, is evidence that you've been brainwashed. That thought has been implanted in your pre-conscious and it plainly influences your thinking.

Of course you won't believe it but you're not expected to. You probably don't believe that pre-conscious indoctrination (brainwashing) is a real psychic phenomenon.

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