Cutting taxes sounds great till

You just lost an almost good argument by referring to psychic phenomenon.
The distribution system, which had functioned very efficiently for decades, was altered by changing the rules.

The solution to the problem is to reinstate the rules and effect an equitable redistribution.

Here's a thought. Go get a job ya smelly hippie.
I don't need a job. I've been retired since 1985 and my remaining years are quite secure. But I do have three married daughters and five grandchildren to be concerned about.

Working is more than just something to make money. There is a reason God commanded us to work six days and rest on the Seventh. We need to labor and not remain idle. Otherwise, we waste our talents and any ability to do good we have in this world.
If I get to keep more of the $$ I have worked my ass off for how is that "diversion of the American wealth"
I earned that fucking $$$. It is MINE.
Wealth is not to be "redistributed".
Wealth is EARNED.
Unions ruined the life style of many in the middle class. An uneducated blue collar worker making 60K a year in pay and benefits in the 70s?
Do the math.
No cary babies.
Don't flatter yourself by presuming yourself to be among the category which is in fact an emerging plutocracy. You've said your assets amount to around two million dollars, which makes you a comparative pauper in relation to those whose holdings justify being significantly redistributed throughout the economy.

Resumption of the progressive tax rate that existed prior to the Reagan revolution will not affect you nearly as much as you might think. But keep in mind that you earned that money within the framework of the American economic system which recently found itself on the verge of collapse -- a situation brought about by the following circumstance:

The income tax rate of upper income levels:

1950 - 91%

1980 - 70%

1985 - 50%

1987 - 38%

2004 - 35%

2010 - 15%
Working is more than just something to make money. There is a reason God commanded us to work six days and rest on the Seventh. We need to labor and not remain idle. Otherwise, we waste our talents and any ability to do good we have in this world.
I don't believe in any "God." But if you do your socio/political orientation identifies you as an abject hypocrite.
I'd really like to see the clause in the Constitution which says that it's the role of the Federal Government to effect Equitable Redistribution.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thusly: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

What do you think general welfare means? Do you think it means allowing more than 60% of the Nation's wealth resources to be directed by maneuver and manipulation to 2% of the population while 80% of the population shares less than 20% and an increasing percentage is relegated to poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own?

Do you think "general welfare" allows for the accumulation of a national debt which leaves the Nation vulnerable to economic collapse because its wealth resources are being hoarded by a small group of financial manipulators?
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Do any of you really think that a God gives a crap about what happens to each person in this world. There are millions every year that devote themselves to him that are waisted away for no really good reason, and then there are millions who are about as slimy as you can get who care nothing about anybody but themselves that are given great wealth and stature in this world. Do you really think that GOD is controlling anything on this earth.

It's like my daddy told me about 50 years ago, the bible is a book of fiction that tells a pretty good story where if a person could lead their life anywhere close to it's story line you would be one hell of a person on this earth.

The part about working 6 days a week is pretty much BS, life is more about what have you done to make someone else better off or a better person. Becoming rich does not in any way say you have had a successful life. Being a glutton in life is about the lowest form of humanity there is.
You're history lessons are wrong. Tyranny of governments have shown to be the downfall and greatest source of suffering for a nations people, not some make believe class trying to hold everyone else down.
Tyranny is typically oppression of the general populace by an aristocratic government and it usually results in violent revolution, as in the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the American Revolution.

In case you haven't noticed an aristocracy is beginning to take form in contemporary America. And while there are no indications of imminent violent revolution the political atmosphere hasn't been this divisive since the years preceding the Civil War.
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Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

does anyone really believe that close to 100 million Americans are just completely lazy and so worthless that they only between them have 3/10 ths of one percent of the wealth of this country, and the next 100 million have ownership of 14.5% of the country's wealth which means that if you throw a bucket of shit against the wall a little will stick, but overall these 100 million people just aren't a whole lot better than the bottom 100 million, just plain ass lazy and worthless or they would have accomplished a lot more. You know since everyone has the same chances in life, (RIGHT).
Instead of being grateful that you live in a society where you don't have to be a dirt farmer to feed your family, you whinge about somebody having more than you.

I'm not aware of anyone "whinging" about any individual "having more than" another. What I am acutely aware of is increasing resentment for an emerging class of financial manipulators and wealth hoarders whose limitless greed has resulted in a virtually irreparable deficit, the financial ruin of millions of ordinary workers, the exportation of millions of American jobs to foreign countries, the dissolution of the American manufacturing base and the growth of a military industrial complex and its attendant bureaucracy which requires an endless progression of aggressive military adventures to satisfy its hunger for inordinate wealth.

The wealth of our Nation is being stolen right before our eyes and what you are seeing is resentful, legitimate anger, not something as comparatively benign as simple envy. What surprises me is how so many, including you, appear oblivious to what is being done to your Country.
the one problem I have with all that has happened in the last 2 years is how can anyone not vote when you have to know that if you don't things are only going to get worse for you?

I knew so many people that I was obligated to help in my job as a Union REP, who because they were gun owners or religious pro lifers or have only hear one side of the political argument for their entire life will go straight to the polls and vote against their own best interest or just don't vote thinking someone else will make it happen.

But after the fact they have seen what not voting or voting against their own financial best has done for them and what direction we are headed. I think a giant has been awakened in the USA by republican governors over the last 3 months.
Reagan, he has been the best one in the last 30 years, hands down. He was not like the current pussy we have in office now who is terrified to make a decision. Reagan made a decision and went with it, our current pussy does not wanna leave a print on any decision just so he can have deniablity. What a vagina. This is the best the left has to offer, so sad.
In my lifetime, I remember the following men as Presidents:


In my opinion, Ronald Reagan was the best President there has been in my lifetime and it's a toss up between Carter and Obama for the absolute worst. I would say that Clinton was the 3rd worst President simply because of his shameful personal conduct. The most popular would probably be Kennedy. I think both of the Bush's were very good Presidents - especially George W. Bush. I'm not sure who the next President will be but I know it won't be Obama. He's a one-term President and thankfully so. Trouble is, I don't see anybody on the horizon right now that I would consider strongly Presidential. I'm hoping that soon someone will step up to the plate with some real leadership abilities regardless of political parties. We need very strong leadership right now and sad to say that we don't have it and it doesn't seem to be on the horizon.
I'd really like to see the clause in the Constitution which says that it's the role of the Federal Government to effect Equitable Redistribution.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thusly: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

What do you think general welfare means? Do you think it means allowing more than 60% of the Nation's wealth resources to be directed by maneuver and manipulation to 2% of the population while 80% of the population shares less than 20% and an increasing percentage is relegated to poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own?

Do you think "general welfare" allows for the accumulation of a national debt which leaves the Nation vulnerable to economic collapse because its wealth resources are being hoarded by a small group of financial manipulators?
The Individualist Journal: Law and The General Welfare

From a pure logical standpoint, the general welfare, emphasis on the word general, means that which benefits everyone in some way. So, in order for something to qualify as the general welfare, it has to be proven that it is mutually beneficial to everyone affected by it. But obviously there are many things that are not beneficial to everyone; things that benefits only particular interests or groups, don't benefit anyone at all or take away the welfare of everyone or a particular interest or group. There is an inherent degree of conflict between what individuals and groups consider to be their personal welfare and happiness. It should be clear, therefore, that most if not all government actions that are legally backed by claims of the general welfare are absurd.

So tell me how does confiscating the money of some people to give it to another benefits everyone?

Here is a very good discussion. (It's audio only)

Rob Natelson: A Lesson on the General Welfare Clause – Tenth Amendment Center
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Since every president in my life time has increased the size, scope and cost of government, I'd say they all tie as the worst.

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