Cutting taxes sounds great till

What qualifies JFK as even a good President? It's unlikely that he would have been reelected, had he not been shot.

Huh? Kennedy had the highest approval ratings of any modern president - before he was shot. He was very popular at the time, and remains so.

As for what made him a good president? The New Frontier programs, pushing for the Civil Rights bill that was passed after he died. The Cuban Missile Crisis. The Peace Corps. NASA. Strongest economic policy of any modern president, including an effective stimulus program. Vastly expanded student loan programs to increase education. Protections for mentally retarded.

I could go on....
I'd really like to see the clause in the Constitution which says that it's the role of the Federal Government to effect Equitable Redistribution.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thusly: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

What do you think general welfare means? Do you think it means allowing more than 60% of the Nation's wealth resources to be directed by maneuver and manipulation to 2% of the population while 80% of the population shares less than 20% and an increasing percentage is relegated to poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own?

Do you think "general welfare" allows for the accumulation of a national debt which leaves the Nation vulnerable to economic collapse because its wealth resources are being hoarded by a small group of financial manipulators?

You're retired and you're this fucking stupid? I have seen the general welfare clause get bastardized an awful lot by the left, but that it means wealth is supposed to be distrubuted evenly is a new one.

What the clause means is that when government spends it's tax revenue the spending must for the betterment (welfare) of all citizens(general).
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Blind Reagan worship. :puke3:

I think you guys wanna name airports after him just so you can scream "I'M COMING INTO REAGAN!"

and you guy still have hero worship for a serial adulterer, impeached Billyboy Clinton.

Yes, Clinton had an affair while president. Thanks for pointing that out. It's EXTREMELY relevant to his tenure as president.

oh, and in case you couldn't tell.

THAT was sarcasm.


It is relevant to his tenure as President. He's President 24/7, not President 10/5 - adulterer 14/2

Perhaps if he focused on his duties as POTUS, vs. getting his knob polished and having affairs with under-age interns (also a crime( he would have gotten Osama Bin Laden.

Yes, you are an idiot.

And yes, Clinton was impeached and disbarred.
and you guy still have hero worship for a serial adulterer, impeached Billyboy Clinton.

Yes, Clinton had an affair while president. Thanks for pointing that out. It's EXTREMELY relevant to his tenure as president.

oh, and in case you couldn't tell.

THAT was sarcasm.


It is relevant to his tenure as President. He's President 24/7, not President 10/5 - adulterer 14/2

Perhaps if he focused on his duties as POTUS, vs. getting his knob polished and having affairs with under-age interns (also a crime( he would have gotten Osama Bin Laden.

Yes, you are an idiot.

And yes, Clinton was impeached and disbarred.

which underage interns were those, chairwarmer?

sober up
Who was the best Pres...?

To answer this question you must first define the parameters of the exercise. A President is a figurehead that essentially leads. He cannot introduce legislation, create jobs or other things attributed to them while they are in office. They do have control on foreign policy and this is one area you can rate them on and leadership ability.

Leadership was definitely Reagan's strong-point and a President must be able to lead and on this basis He was the best. He also brought the country out the economic quagmire of the Carter years and the Foreign policy nightmare that Carter got us into.

I can't leave this post unchallenged. Carter inherited the economic quagmire (google: Ford stagflation WIN) and had very bad luck when our Embassy was taken over. Yet eventually all hostages came home safely. Carter did try to get us off oil, putting solar panels on the White House which Reagan promptly removed. Had Carter's vision prevailed we might be energy independent today and not engaged in two (three?) wars all of which have something to do with oil.
Presidents can create jobs, at least they can if the Congress cooperates. Posting that they cannot create policies which stimulate job growth is a lie.
Yes, Clinton had an affair while president. Thanks for pointing that out. It's EXTREMELY relevant to his tenure as president.

oh, and in case you couldn't tell.

THAT was sarcasm.


It is relevant to his tenure as President. He's President 24/7, not President 10/5 - adulterer 14/2

Perhaps if he focused on his duties as POTUS, vs. getting his knob polished and having affairs with under-age interns (also a crime( he would have gotten Osama Bin Laden.

Yes, you are an idiot.

And yes, Clinton was impeached and disbarred.

which underage interns were those, chairwarmer?

sober up

Sober up?
It is relevant to his tenure as President. He's President 24/7, not President 10/5 - adulterer 14/2

Perhaps if he focused on his duties as POTUS, vs. getting his knob polished and having affairs with under-age interns (also a crime( he would have gotten Osama Bin Laden.

Yes, you are an idiot.

And yes, Clinton was impeached and disbarred.

which underage interns were those, chairwarmer?

sober up

Sober up?

it's only a suggestion, no need for you to panic.
Who was the best Pres...?

To answer this question you must first define the parameters of the exercise. A President is a figurehead that essentially leads. He cannot introduce legislation, create jobs or other things attributed to them while they are in office. They do have control on foreign policy and this is one area you can rate them on and leadership ability.

Leadership was definitely Reagan's strong-point and a President must be able to lead and on this basis He was the best. He also brought the country out the economic quagmire of the Carter years and the Foreign policy nightmare that Carter got us into.

I can't leave this post unchallenged. Carter inherited the economic quagmire (google: Ford stagflation WIN) and had very bad luck when our Embassy was taken over. Yet eventually all hostages came home safely. Carter did try to get us off oil, putting solar panels on the White House which Reagan promptly removed. Had Carter's vision prevailed we might be energy independent today and not engaged in two (three?) wars all of which have something to do with oil.
Presidents can create jobs, at least they can if the Congress cooperates. Posting that they cannot create policies which stimulate job growth is a lie.

Did you LIVE during the Carter years? The military crumbled, we waited in line for gas, our foreign policy was a disaster - as was the unemployment rate, interest rates on homes were 21%, we were the laughing stock of the middle east.....

Why the left continues to prop this failure Carter - as well as Obaba - up as successful presidents are truly amazing...

Obama is Carter on Steroids...
Who was the best Pres...?

To answer this question you must first define the parameters of the exercise. A President is a figurehead that essentially leads. He cannot introduce legislation, create jobs or other things attributed to them while they are in office. They do have control on foreign policy and this is one area you can rate them on and leadership ability.

Leadership was definitely Reagan's strong-point and a President must be able to lead and on this basis He was the best. He also brought the country out the economic quagmire of the Carter years and the Foreign policy nightmare that Carter got us into.

I can't leave this post unchallenged. Carter inherited the economic quagmire (google: Ford stagflation WIN) and had very bad luck when our Embassy was taken over. Yet eventually all hostages came home safely. Carter did try to get us off oil, putting solar panels on the White House which Reagan promptly removed. Had Carter's vision prevailed we might be energy independent today and not engaged in two (three?) wars all of which have something to do with oil.
Presidents can create jobs, at least they can if the Congress cooperates. Posting that they cannot create policies which stimulate job growth is a lie.

Did you LIVE during the Carter years? The military crumbled, we waited in line for gas, our foreign policy was a disaster - as was the unemployment rate, interest rates on homes were 21%, we were the laughing stock of the middle east.....

Why the left continues to prop this failure Carter - as well as Obaba - up as successful presidents are truly amazing...

Obama is Carter on Steroids...

...and bush2 was harding on thalidomide
Who was the best Pres...?

To answer this question you must first define the parameters of the exercise. A President is a figurehead that essentially leads. He cannot introduce legislation, create jobs or other things attributed to them while they are in office. They do have control on foreign policy and this is one area you can rate them on and leadership ability.

Leadership was definitely Reagan's strong-point and a President must be able to lead and on this basis He was the best. He also brought the country out the economic quagmire of the Carter years and the Foreign policy nightmare that Carter got us into.

I can't leave this post unchallenged. Carter inherited the economic quagmire (google: Ford stagflation WIN) and had very bad luck when our Embassy was taken over. Yet eventually all hostages came home safely. Carter did try to get us off oil, putting solar panels on the White House which Reagan promptly removed. Had Carter's vision prevailed we might be energy independent today and not engaged in two (three?) wars all of which have something to do with oil.
Presidents can create jobs, at least they can if the Congress cooperates. Posting that they cannot create policies which stimulate job growth is a lie.

Did you LIVE during the Carter years? The military crumbled, we waited in line for gas, our foreign policy was a disaster - as was the unemployment rate, interest rates on homes were 21%, we were the laughing stock of the middle east.....

Why the left continues to prop this failure Carter - as well as Obaba - up as successful presidents are truly amazing...

Obama is Carter on Steroids...

Yes I did. I was both a Navy Vet and College Graduate by the time Carter was elected POTUS. I went looking for career employment during the Ford Administration, a time when the Econ Profs needed to invent a word for our economic malaise: Stagflation, meaning a period of inflation, low economic growth and high unemployment.
The first OPEC action against the West and long lines was in 1972 (I believe) when Nixon was in office. Your ignorance is without limit and the only reason to acknowledge your existence is because you directed a post to me. Don't do it again.
I can't leave this post unchallenged. Carter inherited the economic quagmire (google: Ford stagflation WIN) and had very bad luck when our Embassy was taken over. Yet eventually all hostages came home safely. Carter did try to get us off oil, putting solar panels on the White House which Reagan promptly removed. Had Carter's vision prevailed we might be energy independent today and not engaged in two (three?) wars all of which have something to do with oil.
Presidents can create jobs, at least they can if the Congress cooperates. Posting that they cannot create policies which stimulate job growth is a lie.

Did you LIVE during the Carter years? The military crumbled, we waited in line for gas, our foreign policy was a disaster - as was the unemployment rate, interest rates on homes were 21%, we were the laughing stock of the middle east.....

Why the left continues to prop this failure Carter - as well as Obaba - up as successful presidents are truly amazing...

Obama is Carter on Steroids...

Yes I did. I was both a Navy Vet and College Graduate by the time Carter was elected POTUS. I went looking for career employment during the Ford Administration, a time when the Econ Profs needed to invent a word for our economic malaise: Stagflation, meaning a period of inflation, low economic growth and high unemployment.
The first OPEC action against the West and long lines was in 1972 (I believe) when Nixon was in office. Your ignorance is without limit and the only reason to acknowledge your existence is because you directed a post to me. Don't do it again.

actually the first long lines were in 1973, but nixon was president. 50 mph speed limit, all the streetlights turned off odd/even rationing etc.i think ford and carter both get a bad rap due to circumstances outside their control.
Big Bill Clinton. I want him back in the Whitehouse.

LOL, Billy Boy was the WORST President. It's and illusion that he was great.
(1) He Created the Mortgage Meltdown:He put back to life the Carter era ill-conceived Community Reinvestment Act and then he gave Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac more power and oversight of the mortgage industry. He forced FM and FM to rewrite guidelines that were illogical! These two actions forced the banks and other lenders hands, forcing them to make risky loans. This skyrocketed home values and started the current mess we are in!
More Mortgage Meltdown: 6 Ways to ... - Google Books

(2) He Created the Student Loan Crisis and Skyrocketing Tuitions:
Billy Boy made student loans nondischargable. This chain and effect action caused colleges to shoot up their tuitions to levels unheard of the biggest increase in students in general and biggest increase over inflation happend from the 90s to today. It's insane. The schools raised tuition and lenders gave money out like candy. Now a college education has caused a financial crisis to recent graduates.

(3) Let Osama Bid Laden Go Free:
Asshole had the shot and declined to take it.

(4) Unjustifiably Bombed Serbia:
The Muslim Albanians had invaded the Kosovo for years and were ethnically cleansing the native Serbian people from their heartland. In fact not to long ago they urged Albania to annex Serbia, which would have ment war. The Gangster in Kosovo started to slaughter the Serbs, the Serbs finally said enough is enough and fought back. They did it brutally, but the fictious people of Kosovo were no boyscouts. What we have now in Kosovo is a HOTBED for ISLAMIC EXTREMEISM, a large mafia based government (one of the most corrupt in the world) and ironcially and ungrateful Kosovo is now a hotbed for ANTI-AMERICANISM!!!

(5) Rwanda:
While he unjustifably bombed Serbia, he allowed one of the world's great genocides to happen!

(6) NAFTA:
Great for Mexico and Canada, bad for America!

(7) Questionable Pardons:
Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(8) He Signed into Law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act:
I know I know I am a socialist pig for thinking this was bad. But sometimes separation of business interest is essential. This is the case here. I mean it would be horrendous for law firms to answer to stockholders right? That doesn't make me a socialist pig for supporting the ban on allowing law firms to go public!

This bill is another root cause of the mortgage meltdown!
The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLB), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, (Pub.L. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338, enacted November 12, 1999) is an act of the 106th United States Congress (1999–2001). It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton and it repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, opening up the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies. The Glass–Steagall Act prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company.

The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to consolidate

(8) All the controversies:
Travelgate, The Blow Job, FBI Firing, Getting Disbarred, Whitewater, Troopergate

(9) Somalia:
Another attempt to help a Muslim country. When are we going to learn that helping them does little. They still remain radicalized. They still hate us. And we do nothing by going in. Then the failed nation building projects costs US tax payors billions of dollars!

(10) U.S.–China Relations Act of 2000:
Clinton unleashed China on out markets! Every year the trade deficit keeps growing and growing and we lose more and more manufacturing. It steam-rolled China into the WTO!!! Good job Bill!


Why people say he was great:
For two reasons: (1) The Surplus and (2) Unemployment Numbers

He had a surplus, because the Republicans took both houses and forced spending cuts on him. The HIGHLY artificial dotcom boom was filling the coffers at the white house. There was no ground war (such as Iraq or Aghanistan). The Baby Boomers weren't flooding social security and medicare yet (they started to do it, but not like what happend in 2000s). No costly war on terror. The Mortgage Meltdown causes were in motion, but only the short term gains were felt, not the devastating long term effects. Clinton (as did Bush) saw the short-term gains of ill conceived CRA act.

Unemployment was low, because, (1) The Artificial Dotcom boom was in full effect, (2) The short term gains of the reduced lending guidelines were in effect, (3) The Hazardous effect felt by the student loan nondischargability and tuition increases hadn't been felt yet,
(4) China had NOT be unleashed on American manufacturing quite yet (Bill allowed the unleashing onto Bush), (5) NAFTA hadn't sucked away jobs yet and (6) Oil was pretty cheap!!!

The illusion that Clinton was a good President is just that an illusion. He ranks there with Jimmy Carter. Just because the horrendous effects of Clinton's policies weren't felt to after his Presidency, doesn't make him a good President!!! In fact, it makes him short sighted!
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This isn't that hard. You accused me of saying I'm afraid the government will break down my door. You can accuse anyone of anything you want, I'm asking for a quote from me which indicates I think that. You're the accuser, so far you're accepting zero responsibility for backing up the accusation. I'm calling you out for the limp dick little pussy that you are and saying to man up and back up your accusation, bitch. Provide one quote which I have said I'm afraid the government will break down my door.

Dude, you're either not paying attention, schizophrenic, or purposely lying and twisting words around. Either way, you've stopped being relevant to the discussion a long time ago.

There is no relevance to any discussion you are involved in. But at least you admitted you can't back up that I said government was going to break my door down. BTW, you couldn't because I've never said that.

What I have said is that government is corrupt and inefficient. They use the power of guns in brute force. There is nothing clandestine or conspiracy about government. They plunder citizens money in the open and take it in the light of day. That's why you couldn't back up the accusation against me that you pulled out of your ass. It's one of the downsides of pulling accusations out of your ass, being wrong a lot. Then again you're clearly used to that.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thusly: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

What do you think general welfare means? Do you think it means allowing more than 60% of the Nation's wealth resources to be directed by maneuver and manipulation to 2% of the population while 80% of the population shares less than 20% and an increasing percentage is relegated to poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own?

Do you think "general welfare" allows for the accumulation of a national debt which leaves the Nation vulnerable to economic collapse because its wealth resources are being hoarded by a small group of financial manipulators?

:lol: I love when you Commies trot out the good ole general welfare clause. It's an immediate example of how completely ignorant you are (which we all already knew anyway). You want to know what it means? Try listening to the people who actually wrote the damn thing.

"With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." --James Madison
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thusly: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

What do you think general welfare means? Do you think it means allowing more than 60% of the Nation's wealth resources to be directed by maneuver and manipulation to 2% of the population while 80% of the population shares less than 20% and an increasing percentage is relegated to poverty and homelessness through no fault of their own?

Do you think "general welfare" allows for the accumulation of a national debt which leaves the Nation vulnerable to economic collapse because its wealth resources are being hoarded by a small group of financial manipulators?

:lol: I love when you Commies trot out the good ole general welfare clause. It's an immediate example of how completely ignorant you are (which we all already knew anyway). You want to know what it means? Try listening to the people who actually wrote the damn thing.

"With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." --James Madison

You know what. I just figured out how someone really really dense could read that clause wrong. When MikeK read collect taxes for the general welfare he actually thought welfare meant welfare like it's used today. He actually thought government is supposed to collect taxes and distribute actual welfare checks to everyone! Can ya believe that?!

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