DADT repeal: Question for Republicans/Conservatives.

If you are a conservative/republican, do you support the repeal of DADT?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • I'm not a right winger but I don't want to be left out of the poll.

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
This poll is just for us right wingers. Do you support the repeal of DADT?

Here's my thought on it.

The military have a who slew of reasons of why people can't join. Medical conditions, weight, height, political leanings (can't join if you are an admitted communist or Nazi) etc. Nearly all of those have a justifiable reason.

The rational behind DADT was that homosexuality was still incompatable with military service, but as long as you didn't tell anyone, no one is going to ask you about it. There was also the third component, "Don't Persue". (So it was technically DADTDP) If your superiors suspected, they weren't supposed to hunt it down. That didn't work out quite as well because a few officers were.

Still, most of the guys and gals discharged under DADT were people who outed themselves, when they figured out the military was the cool thing their recruiters told them it was. This was probably the case before DADT, which was my experience, that if you did your job and didn't cause trouble, no one cared what you did off duty.

So my thought was, if the military was unwilling to put down in no uncertain terms why homosexuality was incompatable with military service, then you might as well allow it.
The issue seems to boil down to a left vs right opinion. The left supports male soldiers in dresses and the right thinks they should keep their sexuality to themselves.

Liberals don't get this concept.

You are not special because you are gay, especially in the military. Keep your mouth shut, do your job and don't bother others.

All sexuality belongs in the closet and private. It's no one else's damned business.

Liberals don't get this concept.

You are not special because you are gay, especially in the military. Keep your mouth shut, do your job and don't bother others.

All sexuality belongs in the closet and private. It's no one else's damned business.

Nobody said gays are special. Being special would be having special rights that straight service members don't have. If anybody was getting special treatment, it was the straight service members. They could openly talk about their sexuality without fear of being discharged from the military and ruining their chosen career.
The issue seems to boil down to a left vs right opinion. The left supports male soldiers in dresses and the right thinks they should keep their sexuality to themselves.

:lol::lol::lol: Way to show how intelligent the right is. Thanks for the laugh.
I don't need disattractions when I'm trying to stay alive and kill a bunch of other people. Start whining about anything and your likely to fall into my expendable list.
This poll is just for us right wingers. Do you support the repeal of DADT?

I had to check unsure--because we really haven't had the time to see what effect--if any--it has military morale.

I don't believe that simply because someone is gay that they should be exempted from military service.
Get someone who isn't a clueless bigoted prick to explain it to you. Just because you say something is so, doesn't make it so. Go fuck yourself, asshole.

You do realize that you just called yourself a clueless bigoted prick, right?

Context is fun!

You do realize that you just admitted that you have a low IQ, right? To bad that context escaped you. :lol::lol::lol:

Actually, I didn't. I just said someone with a higher IQ.

However you did call yourself a clueless bigotted prick.

Words, they have meanings and stuff. :thup:
The military is not civilian life. You dint have the freedoms of the rest of the country. It is not a drafting military where you have no choice. They are not run via the bill of rights or constitution.

The military is a killing machine, they have their own laws, laws that have been around a long time and have served this nation quite well in past engagements. As a solder, it's not your job to ask why, it's your job to do and if that means charge a machine gun position on the top of hill, that's what it means.

You must have absolute trust that everyone in a combat position is on the same page. Not just for your safety, but for everyone else in the units safety and taken further out to the battalion and front level. Everyone must trust that everyone will do as they are ordered.

Recuits have their heads shaved to remove their individuality. It is an Army of One ... One Army, not one individual.

When you insert into the mix anything that breeds suspision in a shipmate or platoon gunner, you mess with that level of trust.

Woman and men in combat situations is dangerous, not because of the sexual contact, but because of a males natural instint to protect the female. If she is in danger, there is a chance that he will violate orders to protect her.

The fear is a gay male is one of a possible sexual rejection by someone in his foxhole and what effect that will have. Do you trust the man that you just turned away? Does he have your back or will he hold a grudge?

Not this is not an issue this will be resolved in time one way or another. Do not think that the issue is closed because of something was passed or repealled or enacted. The military will adjust to the new guideline and if problems arise from it, they will patition the Pres to change the ruling. And guess what, the pres will weigh the evidence and make another ruling. The protection of this nation is the goal, not making someone feel better about themselves
I don't need disattractions when I'm trying to stay alive and kill a bunch of other people. Start whining about anything and your likely to fall into my expendable list.

Well, at least you've proven that you've never served.
The military is not civilian life. You dint have the freedoms of the rest of the country. It is not a drafting military where you have no choice. They are not run via the bill of rights or constitution.

The military is a killing machine, they have their own laws, laws that have been around a long time and have served this nation quite well in past engagements. As a solder, it's not your job to ask why, it's your job to do and if that means charge a machine gun position on the top of hill, that's what it means.

You must have absolute trust that everyone in a combat position is on the same page. Not just for your safety, but for everyone else in the units safety and taken further out to the battalion and front level. Everyone must trust that everyone will do as they are ordered.

Recuits have their heads shaved to remove their individuality. It is an Army of One ... One Army, not one individual.

When you insert into the mix anything that breeds suspision in a shipmate or platoon gunner, you mess with that level of trust.

Woman and men in combat situations is dangerous, not because of the sexual contact, but because of a males natural instint to protect the female. If she is in danger, there is a chance that he will violate orders to protect her.

The fear is a gay male is one of a possible sexual rejection by someone in his foxhole and what effect that will have. Do you trust the man that you just turned away? Does he have your back or will he hold a grudge?

Not this is not an issue this will be resolved in time one way or another. Do not think that the issue is closed because of something was passed or repealled or enacted. The military will adjust to the new guideline and if problems arise from it, they will patition the Pres to change the ruling. And guess what, the pres will weigh the evidence and make another ruling. The protection of this nation is the goal, not making someone feel better about themselves

You obviously have no idea how a modern military is run. You are EXPECTED to question irrational commands no matter how high the rank is that gave them to you.
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You obviously have no idea how a modern military is run. You are EXPECTED to question irrational commands no matter how high the rank is that gave them to you.

You have the right to follow commands, should you give up that right, anything you touch can and will blow up.
The repeal of DADT will alienate what few moderates in the Muslim nations we had developed some ties with. They cant be seen as supporting the homosexual affirming US in front of their neighbors and so we can never resolve this war on terror in a way that is good for us.

We will either have to stay in the ME and fight for ever or leave at some point and cut our losses. Everyone associated with us will suffer for it.

Our leadership is a bunch of politically correct fools and too many of the public still have respect for these sheep-skinned morons.

Our nation is going to recede till enough wake up and do what the nation needs done.

But our military will never again be the same quality of people it has been.

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