Deaths of bees and pollinators and the prophecy of the Bible


Aug 22, 2011
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food
So what is the explanation for prior mass extinctions?

Blame the Zionist, prophets spoke for the day they lived in, not today There have also been earthquakes and wars since the beginning forever.

Indictment of Israel
1 Hear the word of the Lord, Israelites,
for the Lord has a dispute
with the inhabitants of the land:
There is no fidelity, no loyalty,
no knowledge of God in the land.

2 Swearing, lying, murder,
stealing and adultery break out;
bloodshed follows bloodshed.

3 Therefore the land dries up,
and everything that dwells in it languishes:
The beasts of the field,
the birds of the air,
and even the fish of the sea perish
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

Funny how supposed religious prophecies are only written about after the fact. In confidence schemes that's called past posting. Betting on a race or event already run and determined.

Isn't prophecy when it's already happened.
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

You do realize that people have been pointing to current events of the day and claiming it is the sign of the end of times for thousands of years, right? Know what all of them have in common? Take a wild guess.
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

Learn how to write in English, troll.

Are you too fucking stupid to do that?
99% of species that have ever walked the planet are extinct. :rolleyes:
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

I want to share something with you, PetriFB. Recently the LORD has been opening my eyes to see that the judgment of God is already being poured out in the earth. I believe the world is on the edge of unprecedented famine. As written about in Revelation of Jesus Christ (last book of the King James Bible) depicts. Now this is the scripture I want to share with you.

It is written:
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Revelation 6:6

If you will take the time to research this you'll find that the oil comes from the olive. The wine comes from the vineyard. These are the two that will remain unharmed - the olive tree / and the vine that produces grapes for wine - they are not being effected by what you are describing. It is a fulfillment of Scripture.

While the world is fast asleep and many do not know of the extent thus far of sea life dying, it is still going on. I looked up the latest news about Fuchishima the other night and listened to many scientists and those researching what is happening right now. There was sailor on a ship (he was Australian I believe) he said that he traveled from Japan to America by ship and noted that the ocean looked dead. He said that during the entire voyage - 3000 miles - he saw not one sign of sea life. Or bird life. Only a whale turned on its side with a tumor on its head. It was dying. This grieved me deeply. He said that he had traveled over this span of ocean before and had always seen sea birds, dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks but on this recent trip? Nothing. No sign of life. Except for that whale turned on its side with a tumor on its head.

The truth is that the truth is being kept from the people. The oceans are being dying and the same is holding true for North America / Canada and Alaska waters. There have been sightings of seals dying with open sores on their bodies. Sea creatures that are washing up and appear to be starving to death.

I am not a scientist and cannot explain this as they can but the evidence points to their lungs being unable to breathe and their bodies unable to eat anything which leads to their deaths. There is much evidence of this washing up on the west coast beaches but again - the people are not being warned about this. Recently there was a report that there is a flesh eating bacteria in the waters off of Florida. Over 30 people have died already is what I believe I read in one report. The people affected have also developed open sores on their bodies. This is the same type thing we see happening with the seals and other sea life. The seafood industry is a very huge industry and if the people knew the truth they would not eat the food that comes from the sea. Perhaps that is one reason the truth is not being reported by mainstream media news sources or our government.

Now when this famine finally happens - the waters will not be an alternative source for food. Because rain spreads these nuclear poisons that are still spilling forth from Fuchishima which was caused by an earthquake some years ago. So it poisons everything. This will lead to another judgment. The animals will turn on people because they are starving to death. They will look at people as the only food source available to them. There is scripture in the Bible that speaks of animals being used as a judgment on the people too.

It is written:
I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword,famine,plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Revelation 6:8

It is all part of the judgment of God but if people are not willing to believe the Bible is true, if they are not willing to repent of their sins now and turn to Jesus Christ with their whole hearts and obey Him, I do not see how they shall escape these judgments.

People may mock and laugh at what I am telling them but it is the truth. The judgment of God is already being poured out.
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I read this to my husband to make sure it was alright and he said, He who has an ear let him hear.

With that, I pray the LORD will open up the eyes of the people and the ears of the people and that He will move upon every heart and cause them to turn to Him with all their being! And that they will be saved. Amen.

May the LORD's will be done in all your lives.
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food
Mindless what's new...???
I didn't know that Monsanto was mentioned in the bible. WOW!
I didn't know that Monsanto was mentioned in the bible. WOW!

Monsanto could not create any poison or destroy anything without first God having granted Satan permission to use Monsanto to bring destruction on food sources, crops, etc. God is in full control of everything. Including what Satan can do and when he can do it. Everything is on God's time table.

The wicked are God's sword when He brings judgment on the land. For instance, when America is invaded by the Russians, Chinese, and communist nation allies - that would be an example of God's sword being the wicked. He can use the wicked to destroy the wicked! It's true. King David refers to the wicked as the sword in God's hand in Psalm 17:13. The good news is if you are walking in obedience to Jesus Christ and abiding in Him, you've got nothing to worry about.
World's Pollinators, Food Supply Threatened...

World's Pollinators, Food Supply Threatened, Study says
February 26, 2016 - While 75% of world's food supply relies on bees, birds and other pollinators, significant percentage at risk due to changes in land use, pesticides, invasive species, climate change
It is a simple but chilling statistic: 75 percent of the world's food supply relies on bees, birds and other pollinators, and they're increasingly threatened. That is part of the conclusion of a two-year study conducted and released Friday by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Tens of thousands of species of insects, birds and bats are a vital part of the natural cycle of pollination, and the study found that a significant percentage of them are at risk. Sixteen percent of vertebrate pollinators — birds, bats, anything with a backbone — are threatened with global extinction. For isolated populations on islands, like Darwin's finches, the number is nearly double that. On a local level, in any given community, up to 40 percent of invertebrate species, like bees and butterflies, are threatened.


Bees, which pollinate about one-third of the world's fruits and vegetables.​

Pesticides, land use

The report lays out a long list of things that are contributing to the pollinators decline. IPBES Vice-Chair, Sir Robert Watson, points to changes in land use as the primary factor, adding that "intensive agricultural practices and pesticide use, alien invasive species, diseases and pests, and climate change" also contribute to the pressure on these species. Pesticides, particularly neonicotinoid pesticides, are singled out as clearly having a negative impact on wild bees. And while the authors admit they need more information and more studies on the subject, the links are clear. "While gaps remain in our knowledge of pollinators, we have more than enough evidence to act," said biologist Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca from the University of Sao Paulo.


In any given community, up to 40 percent of invertebrate species, like bees and butterflies, are threatened, a new study reports​

Any good news?

IPBES leaders say there are some fairly simple steps that can be taken to reduce the risks, and perhaps invigorate some of these threatened species. Focusing on bees, which pollinate about one-third of our fruits and vegetables, the report suggests creating more diverse habitats for the wild bees that thrive near agricultural and urban areas, reducing pesticide usage, and managing bee populations to help fight the damage being done by "diseases, pests, and invasive species." It notes that parasites like the Varroa mite can destroy entire colonies of bees. And it references the relatively recent news that the phorid fly, which was known to infect bumblebees, was also laying its eggs in honeybees, leading them to abandon their hives.


Bee hunters across the U.S. take pictures of pollinators and the plants they pollinate, and then upload them to an online database that keeps track of trends showing the effects of climate change, pollution or invasive species.​

The researchers hope that their study will encourage farmers, scientists and agricultural companies to get together to help protect the industry that is currently delivering over $230 billion worth of crops to the world every year. "All farmers, especially family farmers and smallholders around the world, benefit from these services" said José Graziano da Silva, director-general of the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization. "Improving pollinator density and diversity has a direct positive impact on crop yields, consequently promoting food and nutrition security." That's a complicated way of saying that healthy bees mean more food for the nearly 800 million people the U.N. estimates are undernourished.

World's Pollinators, Food Supply Threatened, Study says
Shining a light on Colony Collapse Disorder...

Scientists See the Light with a Novel Way to Save Bees
November 15, 2016 - It can be hard to make sense of what is going on with bees around the world.
But we do know a few things: neonicotinoids, a class of pesticide used by commercial farmers in the United States, can make bees more susceptible to illness and infestation by parasites like the Varroa mite. We also know that in 2006, beekeepers began reporting a big problem: in some cases, 50 to 90 percent of the bees in their hives were just disappearing. These massive losses got the collective name Colony Collapse Disorder. We also know that bees are big money. They pollinate an estimated 15 billion dollars of U.S. produce a year. That alone was enough to scare the heck out of farmers and grocers everywhere.

But, we also know, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, that "reported cases of CCD have declined substantially over the last five years." And domesticated bee hives seem to be on the comeback trail. And just about a year ago, the EPA put out an enormous reseach paper that concluded that neonicotinoids can indeed pose a risk to the health of domesticated honeybees. The report went into great detail on the effects of the most common neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, and found that neonicotinoids don't cause much harm when used on "corn, berries and tobacco," but can be absorbed in great enough amounts to do damage when sprayed on cotton and citrus plants. The U.S. is coming to the game pretty late because Europe banned the use of imidacloprid in 2013.

New research sheds light on how the damage is done

When you lay out all this information on paper, what becomes clear is that a lot of what's happening in the bee world is still a mystery, especially why exactly domesticated bees are on the comeback trail. But there is no question that neonicotinoids, particularly imidacloprid, can do a lot of damage to bees when enough of it gets into their systems, and their hives and honey. That's the focus of some new research from University College London. VOA spoke with Glen Jeffery, one of the authors of a paper being published today in PLoS One on neonicotinoids and bees. Jeffery's work focused on how neonicotinoids affect the bees on a cellular level, specifically how the pesticides affect mitochondria. "Mitochondria are the batteries in our cells that make the energy they need in the form of ATP," a molecule that transports the energy, he explained. "Mitochondrial decline is a key feature of the action of the insecticide, so ATP goes down when bees are exposed to it." In other words, the pesticide pushes the bee's cells into overdrive and they use up all their energy, and then just simply become immobile, unable to move or feed themselves and they die of starvation.

Seeing a solution in light

But science is a funny thing. Jeffery and his team were initially doing research on aging, not necessarily bees, so they knew that "...mitochondrial function can be improved with specific wavelengths of light" and light therapy was shown to improve mobility and life span in flies. And here's the great part: Jeffery says the idea of using a similar therapy on bees "occurred to me (a visual scientist) cycling home in the rain after reading about the mode of action of the insecticide and I thought that the light should help." So, he took the idea to the lab. "The researchers used four groups of bees from commercial hives, with more than 400 bees in each colony. Two groups were exposed to a neonicotinoid, Imidacloprid, for ten days, with one group also being treated with light therapy over the same period."

Jeffery says he was "surprised by the positive impact." The bees that were poisoned but got light therapy "had significantly better mobility and survival rates, living just as long and functioning just as well as bees that had not been poisoned," while the bees that didn't get light therapy showed less mobility and higher death rates. The team also found that the light therapy -- "15 minutes of near infrared light (670nm) twice daily" -- didn't affect the bees' behavior because they can't see the light. So now Jeffery says he and his team are "working to develop a small device that can be fitted into a commercial hive, which could be an economic solution to a problem with very widespread implications." Talk about seeing the light.

Baal was the son of the fishman god Dagon.
Baal's son was "the morning star", the fish born out the giant Ishtar(easter) egg.
Christians are "the fish" who follow
the fallen morning star=Lucifer-Rev 22;16.
The priests are the fishers of men, the head of this priesthood wearing the fishead hat called mitre and fisman god ring of Dagon.
Therefore when knowing the Bible era
slang word SEAS=Rome and Fish=luciferian Christians you secret
the 1/3 fish that did die in Rome or
the 1/3 the earth being those that have fallen with Lucifer.
Secondly there is no fear of famine in our time if you notice agriculture & grain futures are at an all time price low=abundance.
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds
and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.

We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

So what season is this abundance?

Psalm 16:7-11 has the answer:7: "I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the Night seasons, my reins instruct me."

We therefore shall thankfully say:
"Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam
shehecheyanu, v'kiymanu, v'higiyanu, lazman hazeh."
(Blessed are You, Adonai our G0D, Ruler of the universe, for
giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this season.)
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

Do you have a date on this?
Last I heard bees are making a comeback.
What is happening in the world when animal kingdom has odd symptoms and big mass deaths and disappearing is happening around the world? In my writing, I bring out things that explain reasons that are behind disappearing of bees and other pollinators and mass deaths of fishes. The mankind has got a warning for this long time ago, but they haven't believed it. The prophecy of the Bible says about these events.

Whole article is here: Bees pollinators dying crop harvest hunger catastrophe food

The bible is so full of bullshit that there's something in there for everybody. Personally....I think it's a load of horse shit!

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