Decriminalizing Domestic Violence - Smaller Government - GOP Thrilled



Ironically, the age of austerity may provide an out for people who abuse their wives, girlfriends, and children, but if the federal government gets its way, decriminalized marijuana will become a thing of the past. Apparently putting taxdollars to work locking up pot smokers and hippies is more important than protecting battered women.

Topeka Kansas Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence

You gotta love right wing "family" values. Every man for himself. The party of "voter suppression" and "let him die" strikes again.
It's sick...Anyone that would do that to someone that they're supposed to love should be hung in a tree. Seriously. There is some really fucked up people out there.
Ironically, the age of austerity may provide an out for people who abuse their wives, girlfriends, and children, but if the federal government gets its way, decriminalized marijuana will become a thing of the past. Apparently putting taxdollars to work locking up pot smokers and hippies is more important than protecting battered women.

Topeka Kansas Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence

You gotta love right wing "family" values. Every man for himself. The party of "voter suppression" and "let him die" strikes again.

I am not thrilled that is for sure. I am outraged. But this is what you get when you have a government that cares only for money. Pot cases are just more profitable then domestic violence.
Of course the fact the Democratic District Attorney lobbied for it completely sails over Rdeans head.
Ironically, the age of austerity may provide an out for people who abuse their wives, girlfriends, and children, but if the federal government gets its way, decriminalized marijuana will become a thing of the past. Apparently putting taxdollars to work locking up pot smokers and hippies is more important than protecting battered women.

Topeka Kansas Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence

You gotta love right wing "family" values. Every man for himself. The party of "voter suppression" and "let him die" strikes again.

The GOP Is thrilled, right wing values? Please.

County District Attorney Chad Taylor of Kansas is a DEMOCRAT and he is the one who stopped the prosecution.

In 2008, ASA worked the successful primary and general campaigns of Democrat newcomer Chad Taylor for Shawnee County District Attorney and the historic campaign of Carolyn Campbell, first African American elected to the Kansas State Board of Education.

Why ASA | ASA Marketing | Topeka, Kansas

Now the real story is that they are not prosecuting the cases at a county level but sending them up to a district court and they want them back down at a county level.

Two domestic violence survivors addressed the Topeka City Council on Tuesday evening after it heard the first reading of a proposal targeted at forcing Shawnee County District Attorney Chad Taylor to resume prosecuting domestic batteries committed in Topeka.

Council discusses domestic battery prosecution |
Of course the fact the Democratic District Attorney lobbied for it completely sails over Rdeans head.

Faced with their worst budget crises since the Great Depression, states and cities have resorted to increasingly desperate measures to cut costs. State and local governments have laid off teachers, slashed Medicaid funding, and even started unpaving roads and turning off streetlights.

Topeka, Kansas City Council Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence To Save Money

His budget was cut. What's he supposed to do without money? Another reason to raise taxes on the wealthy.

Kansas is even tearing up paved roads and replacing them with gravel. Too bad Republicans are against science and gays. We can see that in the Republican State Party platform.

Take a good look America. This is what Republicans want for the entire country. No government until even crimes aren't prosecuted. No infrastructure until the paved roads are turned into gravel. Religion in place of science. Hate the gays. This is why I say Republicans have no "plans". And when their schemes stop working, we have Kansas.

State Platform | Kansas Republican PartyKansas Republican Party

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