Deep thoughts from Kamala Harris, Vol 23

Folks, this is the best and brightest the Democrats have. Must be why people of all stripes are fleeing the party.

Please! Please! Someone please quote something she's said that makes sense. When Trump says Make America Great he will give you concrete examples. Just ask him and he'll tell you. He won't say, "I was born in an upper class family so i know that the children of the community are children of the community" or "What happened before won't effect what will happen tomorrow unless we let it not happen" or "One thing I learned (and I said this last week and 2 weeks before I said it the first time) is that when you step on the gas you've got to release the hand brake by using your hand."
Harris does sound drunk in a lot of appearances. Part of it could be her trying to use an accent to sound relatable to the audience, but whatever the reason she does sound intoxicated a lot.

Deep thoughts from Kamala Harris​

"Deep thoughts". Deep thoughts? Isn't that a contradiction in terms when coupled with the person known as Camel Hairless? "Thoughts", yeah OK thoughts. Who to hum-off to get the last piece of cheese cake. But "Deep"? Come on. :nono:

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