Defund NPR campain

Thanks for sharing. Though, I've only posted on one of the internets. Mr. Bush suggested there were others, but like WMD's he never found them.

Now this conversation is about WMD's, yet Wiki leaks reports there are WMD's. Surprising, not on NPR.

I cannot figure out a way to best respond to your replication. There is one internet, not two or more. Bush spoke of the "internets" and many laughed when he used the plural. So I suggested I too looked for another internet and didn't find one. Then I suggested Bush looked for WMD's and didn't find any. It was meant to be funny, but as is the case with many attempts at humor, it loses much when it needs further explanation.

Its funny, its just people are laughing at you, not with you.

So Bush gaffed, at least he does not have the ca-ca-ca-cocaine stutter of Obama.

Technically Bush is right, there are many "internet's", we are just all so used to calling the largest internet, the Internet, we forget there are many smaller internet's. (why does my spell checker not like "internets").
Say, maybe you could get that fuckhead from to help create some lying bullshit propaganda (you know some selectively cut video clips that makes it look like NPR worships the devil) that all the connies would buy into too?

Personally I think the FCC should revoke the Faux News license to broadcast.

On what grounds? That you don't like them?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Look, there is no direct funding for NPR from Congress. It's gonna take a lying bit of propaganda like the fuckwad from Brietphart is now famous for, to convince the "conned" that some how Congress has the ability to de-fund them. Okay maybe the "conned" have already been conned and the MSM need a way to hook on to the story to decieve the masses

Faux has betrayed the public trust by broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7.

You are sorely misguided.

NPR gets funds directly from the Feds, with an additional heaping helping via the umbrella CPB. They also benefit from the tax exempt status of donations (read up on the Kroc estate for a dramatic example).

Net-net, NPR and PBS are hopeless basket cases that wouldn't exist but for the money they gobble up from the public trough.
Now this conversation is about WMD's, yet Wiki leaks reports there are WMD's. Surprising, not on NPR.

I cannot figure out a way to best respond to your replication. There is one internet, not two or more. Bush spoke of the "internets" and many laughed when he used the plural. So I suggested I too looked for another internet and didn't find one. Then I suggested Bush looked for WMD's and didn't find any. It was meant to be funny, but as is the case with many attempts at humor, it loses much when it needs further explanation.

Wait... you actually looked for a second Internet?

Sure did. I looked under our house, behind the drapes and in the compost pile. Never did find another. I hear some of them are wireless, so maybe they're around and invisable?
Who's ignorant? You are, of course. Listen to NPR, and listen to those who call in with their comments. Then, listen to Limbaugh or Hannity, and listen to those who call in with their comments ("Ah, ditto Rush, ditto ditto ditto...").

I have, this is why I stopped listening to NPR way back. Bunch of stuck up shit-for-brains that think their smart solely because they listen to NPR. And note to you.. they ain't all that smart. Look at Nina Totenberg... complete fuckwit if there ever was one. So much pretentious bullshit is all NPR is.

Some is pretentious and there is an element of elite intellectualism. But much much more is substantive and informative, thought provoking and entertaining. Serious issues are dealt with the detail and diversity of opinion needed to help one develop an informative opinion.
The programming is not "bullshit" as you seem to want others to believe; and if what you hear you consider bullshit, the hosts on NPR will always listen to your point of view, unlike other talk radio hosts who hang up and pretend the caller is still on the line while they deliver a lecture.

The bolded scares conservatives.
Now this conversation is about WMD's, yet Wiki leaks reports there are WMD's. Surprising, not on NPR.

I cannot figure out a way to best respond to your replication. There is one internet, not two or more. Bush spoke of the "internets" and many laughed when he used the plural. So I suggested I too looked for another internet and didn't find one. Then I suggested Bush looked for WMD's and didn't find any. It was meant to be funny, but as is the case with many attempts at humor, it loses much when it needs further explanation.

Its funny, its just people are laughing at you, not with you.

So Bush gaffed, at least he does not have the ca-ca-ca-cocaine stutter of Obama.

Technically Bush is right, there are many "internet's", we are just all so used to calling the largest internet, the Internet, we forget there are many smaller internet's. (why does my spell checker not like "internets").

Nice try, thanks for sharing.
I cannot figure out a way to best respond to your replication. There is one internet, not two or more. Bush spoke of the "internets" and many laughed when he used the plural. So I suggested I too looked for another internet and didn't find one. Then I suggested Bush looked for WMD's and didn't find any. It was meant to be funny, but as is the case with many attempts at humor, it loses much when it needs further explanation.

Wait... you actually looked for a second Internet?

Sure did. I looked under our house, behind the drapes and in the compost pile. Never did find another. I hear some of them are wireless, so maybe they're around and invisable?
Bush looked around the Oval Office for WMDs. Conservatives laughed. Families of dead soldiers did not.
On what grounds? That you don't like them?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Look, there is no direct funding for NPR from Congress. It's gonna take a lying bit of propaganda like the fuckwad from Brietphart is now famous for, to convince the "conned" that some how Congress has the ability to de-fund them. Okay maybe the "conned" have already been conned and the MSM need a way to hook on to the story to decieve the masses

Faux has betrayed the public trust by broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7.
I can't help but notice that you lefties are refusing to acknowledge this:

NPR says it's 'imperative' that its federal funding not be cut
NPR said it's "imperative" that it receives federal funding in light of a recommended cuts by the leaders of President Obama's fiscal commission.

"Federal funding has been a central component of public radio stations’ ability to serve audiences across the country," NPR said in a statement. "It’s imperative for funding to continue to ensure that this essential tool of democracy survives and thrives well into the future."​

Fact Check: Palin Calls For Congress To ‘Defund’ NPR | Hubbub | Blogs | WBUR

NPR does receive grants from CPB for special projects, but that funding is not included as part of the network’s operations budget.

So while federal dollars do flow to NPR, the connection is indirect. It may be a fine point, but it’s an important distinction. The federal government can’t “defund” NPR. What Congress can do is cut CPB funding — which has diminished over the years and has, at times, been threatened.

But those CPB funds play a minor role for a large-market station like WBUR (around 6 percent) and represents a much higher percentage for a station in a smaller market, such as Wyoming and Idaho.

Calls to cut taxpayer funding of CPB would mostly hurt small stations — stations that played no part in the decision to fire Juan Williams.
On what grounds? That you don't like them?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Look, there is no direct funding for NPR from Congress. It's gonna take a lying bit of propaganda like the fuckwad from Brietphart is now famous for, to convince the "conned" that some how Congress has the ability to de-fund them. Okay maybe the "conned" have already been conned and the MSM need a way to hook on to the story to decieve the masses

Faux has betrayed the public trust by broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7.

You are sorely misguided.

NPR gets funds directly from the Feds, with an additional heaping helping via the umbrella CPB. They also benefit from the tax exempt status of donations (read up on the Kroc estate for a dramatic example).

Net-net, NPR and PBS are hopeless basket cases that wouldn't exist but for the money they gobble up from the public trough.

Here is a link that explains NPR funding. Do you have some other site that says they're funded otherwise?

Fact Check: Palin Calls For Congress To ‘Defund’ NPR | Hubbub | Blogs | WBUR

The Les Paul tribute with Jeff Beck was some awesome programming that I helped pay for.
Say, maybe you could get that fuckhead from to help create some lying bullshit propaganda (you know some selectively cut video clips that makes it look like NPR worships the devil) that all the connies would buy into too?

Personally I think the FCC should revoke the Faux News license to broadcast.
Fox news does not broadcast, they transmit content over cable, and as yet the government has nothing to say about cable.
Some is pretentious and there is an element of elite intellectualism. But much much more is substantive and informative, thought provoking and entertaining. Serious issues are dealt with the detail and diversity of opinon needed to help one develop an informative opinon.
The programming is not "bullshit" as you seem to want others to believe; and if what you hear you consider bullshit, the hosts on NPR will always listen to your point of view, unlike other talk radio hosts who hang up and pretend the caller is still on the line while they deliver a lecture.

Yes, and an undeserved element of intellectualism. But, is it your contention that NPR is 100% self sustained?

No, I never stated that nor did I ever believe that. I posted a link to it's history and on that link one may read why the Congress established NPR in the 1920's and how it has evolved. Also, by linking to the different programs one may see where the funding originates.
Of course one must be curious and want to understand an issue before one pontificates and looks foolish. I'm sure even daveman agrees (joke, joke).

Oh, you mean like you guys insisting NPR receives no Federal funds, even though NPR says they do?

NPR says it's 'imperative' that its federal funding not be cut
NPR said it's "imperative" that it receives federal funding in light of a recommended cuts by the leaders of President Obama's fiscal commission.

"Federal funding has been a central component of public radio stations’ ability to serve audiences across the country," NPR said in a statement. "It’s imperative for funding to continue to ensure that this essential tool of democracy survives and thrives well into the future."​

Look, there is no direct funding for NPR from Congress. It's gonna take a lying bit of propaganda like the fuckwad from Brietphart is now famous for, to convince the "conned" that some how Congress has the ability to de-fund them. Okay maybe the "conned" have already been conned and the MSM need a way to hook on to the story to decieve the masses

Faux has betrayed the public trust by broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7.
I can't help but notice that you lefties are refusing to acknowledge this:

NPR says it's 'imperative' that its federal funding not be cut
NPR said it's "imperative" that it receives federal funding in light of a recommended cuts by the leaders of President Obama's fiscal commission.

"Federal funding has been a central component of public radio stations’ ability to serve audiences across the country," NPR said in a statement. "It’s imperative for funding to continue to ensure that this essential tool of democracy survives and thrives well into the future."​

Fact Check: Palin Calls For Congress To ‘Defund’ NPR | Hubbub | Blogs | WBUR

NPR does receive grants from CPB for special projects, but that funding is not included as part of the network’s operations budget.

So while federal dollars do flow to NPR, the connection is indirect. It may be a fine point, but it’s an important distinction. The federal government can’t “defund” NPR. What Congress can do is cut CPB funding — which has diminished over the years and has, at times, been threatened.

But those CPB funds play a minor role for a large-market station like WBUR (around 6 percent) and represents a much higher percentage for a station in a smaller market, such as Wyoming and Idaho.

Calls to cut taxpayer funding of CPB would mostly hurt small stations — stations that played no part in the decision to fire Juan Williams.
So NPR is lying when they say it's imperative they continue to receive Federal funding?
If NPR & PBS didn't spew so much Left propaganda,the Leftists wouldn't be defending them so vigorously. The proof really is in the pudding on this one. Look how hard the Left tries to spin for NPR & PBS. If Conservatives were allowed on NPR & PBS,the Left's support would erode even further. When people are exposed to Conservative ideals,they usually embrace them. And that's very bad news for the Left/Democrats. Therefore they make sure no Conservatives/Republicans get on the air. Look closely at all their Hosts. All are well known Leftists/Democrats. They simply fear Conservatives. They should be Defunded unless they're willing to put some Conservatives/Republicans on the air.

Ahh but they do I watch Pat Buchannon and others on the tlaking head shows. They usually have an equal number of left and right pundits.

You do not watch PBS so you do not know what you are talking about.

Look, there is no direct funding for NPR from Congress. It's gonna take a lying bit of propaganda like the fuckwad from Brietphart is now famous for, to convince the "conned" that some how Congress has the ability to de-fund them. Okay maybe the "conned" have already been conned and the MSM need a way to hook on to the story to decieve the masses

Faux has betrayed the public trust by broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7.

You are sorely misguided.

NPR gets funds directly from the Feds, with an additional heaping helping via the umbrella CPB. They also benefit from the tax exempt status of donations (read up on the Kroc estate for a dramatic example).

Net-net, NPR and PBS are hopeless basket cases that wouldn't exist but for the money they gobble up from the public trough.

Here is a link that explains NPR funding. Do you have some other site that says they're funded otherwise?

Fact Check: Palin Calls For Congress To ‘Defund’ NPR | Hubbub | Blogs | WBUR

The Les Paul tribute with Jeff Beck was some awesome programming that I helped pay for.
NPR said it's "imperative" that it receives federal funding in light of a recommended cuts by the leaders of President Obama's fiscal commission.

"Federal funding has been a central component of public radio stations’ ability to serve audiences across the country," NPR said in a statement. "It’s imperative for funding to continue to ensure that this essential tool of democracy survives and thrives well into the future."
Wait... you actually looked for a second Internet?

Sure did. I looked under our house, behind the drapes and in the compost pile. Never did find another. I hear some of them are wireless, so maybe they're around and invisable?
Bush looked around the Oval Office for WMDs. Conservatives laughed. Families of dead soldiers did not.

Which conservatives laughed, what came first, the chicken or the egg, in this case, the chicken-liberal-democrats and the pacifist supporters such as yourself, its always the inaction of the cowards that lead to tyrants and dictators. How is it you find yourself on the side of the tyrant who murders. Of the most obvious person who makes a joke out of everything is yourself and the Liberals, making a joke about death and destruction, more telling of yourself.
Id like to hear Beck Limbuagh and levin rotating on regular time slots on NPR.Then the support to pull the plug would be deafening.

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