Dementia city.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I live near a small city that has been flagged as the Dementia capital of New Hampshire. That means that many of the city's citizens have a brain that is thirty percent smaller than normal. A huge new state liquor outlet is under construction and will open soon. Apparently the old city liquor store lacked the space needed to store the government chemicals used to control the public. We all recall that the first act of the Govenor of New Hampshire was to declare state liquor stores essential businesses during a global pandemic.

It isn't clear what happens to all that extra space inside a human skull when ethanol has dehydrated the brain causing it to shrink. There are still deadheads walking around in the city wearing masks and they make the rest of us very uncomfortable. The local medical center hands out opoids like candy to people that have pain from autoimmune reactions brought on by lifestyle choices and mixing those with booze is as common as smoking cigarettes was in in the 1950's. That new liquor outlet will go a long way to maintaining the status quo of the George-Soros, Agenda 21 city that is firmly in the corner of Joe Biden. I doesn't matter if the people know what is happening, it only matters if they vote to keep the party going-the Democratic Party that is. Though the Republican Party worked hard to roll the former president because it too is loaded professional politicians that have never worked for a living.

All that hooch and all those drugs will buy a lot of golf carts, second homes, and exotic vacations for political actors, medical health professionals, and sleazy pharmaceutical giants that know that keeping the people stupid, inebriated, and stoned is a good investment. If people are going braindead and dying early in droves what does it matter? People die anyway so why not let them go sooner? They are already limping around and gagging with lungs that look like factory filters and hearts refashioned with extra viens from the legs. The trick is to keep these poor souls voting for more of the same.

They are tring to put the guy I voted for in 2016 in jail because he is a threat to the staus quo that keeps the bread and circuses going. He doesn't drink, smoke or use drugs. The party could be over if he gets back in. When you bury your dead or incinerate them remember that. The way your government wants you to live is all part of the cycle that destroys civilizations. You can put beer taps in your casket or you can vote for a better way by making America great again.
I live near a small city that has been flagged as the Dementia capital of New Hampshire. That means that many of the city's citizens have a brain that is thirty percent smaller than normal. A huge new state liquor outlet is under construction and will open soon. Apparently the old city liquor store lacked the space needed to store the government chemicals used to control the public. We all recall that the first act of the Govenor of New Hampshire was to declare state liquor stores essential businesses during a global pandemic.

It isn't clear what happens to all that extra space inside a human skull when ethanol has dehydrated the brain causing it to shrink. There are still deadheads walking around in the city wearing masks and they make the rest of us very uncomfortable. The local medical center hands out opoids like candy to people that have pain from autoimmune reactions brought on by lifestyle choices and mixing those with booze is as common as smoking cigarettes was in in the 1950's. That new liquor outlet will go a long way to maintaining the status quo of the George-Soros, Agenda 21 city that is firmly in the corner of Joe Biden. I doesn't matter if the people know what is happening, it only matters if they vote to keep the party going-the Democratic Party that is. Though the Republican Party worked hard to roll the former president because it too is loaded professional politicians that have never worked for a living.

All that hooch and all those drugs will buy a lot of golf carts, second homes, and exotic vacations for political actors, medical health professionals, and sleazy pharmaceutical giants that know that keeping the people stupid, inebriated, and stoned is a good investment. If people are going braindead and dying early in droves what does it matter? People die anyway so why not let them go sooner? They are already limping around and gagging with lungs that look like factory filters and hearts refashioned with extra viens from the legs. The trick is to keep these poor souls voting for more of the same.

They are tring to put the guy I voted for in 2016 in jail because he is a threat to the staus quo that keeps the bread and circuses going. He doesn't drink, smoke or use drugs. The party could be over if he gets back in. When you bury your dead or incinerate them remember that. The way your government wants you to live is all part of the cycle that destroys civilizations. You can put beer taps in your casket or you can vote for a better way by making America great again.
I'm sorry, I live in NH (southern) and I have not seen any city in this state flagged as such. Especially not Keene.
And I live in a town that has a former EPA superfund site in it....(soon to be two) :)
I live near a small city that has been flagged as the Dementia capital of New Hampshire. That means that many of the city's citizens have a brain that is thirty percent smaller than normal. A huge new state liquor outlet is under construction and will open soon. Apparently the old city liquor store lacked the space needed to store the government chemicals used to control the public. We all recall that the first act of the Govenor of New Hampshire was to declare state liquor stores essential businesses during a global pandemic.

It isn't clear what happens to all that extra space inside a human skull when ethanol has dehydrated the brain causing it to shrink. There are still deadheads walking around in the city wearing masks and they make the rest of us very uncomfortable. The local medical center hands out opoids like candy to people that have pain from autoimmune reactions brought on by lifestyle choices and mixing those with booze is as common as smoking cigarettes was in in the 1950's. That new liquor outlet will go a long way to maintaining the status quo of the George-Soros, Agenda 21 city that is firmly in the corner of Joe Biden. I doesn't matter if the people know what is happening, it only matters if they vote to keep the party going-the Democratic Party that is. Though the Republican Party worked hard to roll the former president because it too is loaded professional politicians that have never worked for a living.

All that hooch and all those drugs will buy a lot of golf carts, second homes, and exotic vacations for political actors, medical health professionals, and sleazy pharmaceutical giants that know that keeping the people stupid, inebriated, and stoned is a good investment. If people are going braindead and dying early in droves what does it matter? People die anyway so why not let them go sooner? They are already limping around and gagging with lungs that look like factory filters and hearts refashioned with extra viens from the legs. The trick is to keep these poor souls voting for more of the same.

They are tring to put the guy I voted for in 2016 in jail because he is a threat to the staus quo that keeps the bread and circuses going. He doesn't drink, smoke or use drugs. The party could be over if he gets back in. When you bury your dead or incinerate them remember that. The way your government wants you to live is all part of the cycle that destroys civilizations. You can put beer taps in your casket or you can vote for a better way by making America great again.
He attacks woman, lies, and attempts to destroy the constitution.

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