Democrat Bills Prove They Are Buying Votes....Taking Care Of Special Interests While Hosing Taxpayers Bigly..Oh And Walls Work Now


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

A closer look at the COVID relief bill shows why Nancy Pelosi put off trying to pass it while Trump was president.....because just reading the first few pages tells us that Trump never would have signed this POS. Only 9% of it goes to address COVID or COVID Relief.
NPR is calling it the 'American Rescue Bill', (4 inch thick $1.9 trillion monstrosity) but what, or better 'WHO', are we really being rescued from? looks like we're being rescued from our Congress and from Democrat governors who have their states in constant lock down, and from a demented president who jacked up the price of gas 100% in less than 2 months. $1400 doesn't even cover the increase at the pump, much less the increase in our transportation costs and grocery bills. On average, we have to pay an extra $1800 for gas/yr....and this is only March. What will be the costs by the end of the year?

Most of the relief money goes to states like CA, NY, and every other state that has ground their states into recession. No small wonder that these states rigged the election to help get Biden into the White House. They were told in advance what was coming. Meanwhile...states like Texas, Tennessee, South Dakota, and Florida get jack squat. It's a boondoggle for bad actors. A bailout for criminal governors and mayors who are still (one year after they said we only needed a few weeks to beat COVID) telling us we need more time before we can get back to normal. We are no closer to beating COVID than we were this time last year....and that is partly what this pork laden bill is about. Fixing a fraction of the damage that Democrats have done to American states and cities (Red states are having to pass bills preventing the federal government from giving them the shaft). Bribe money to keep their voters from recalling them essentially.

A question came up here at USMB; Can a law that helps millions be bad? Yes....if it ends up screwing over millions more. Democrats are screwing over a large swath of American voters in favor of 11 million illegals and isolated ethnic groups. They're screwing over Trump Supporters (white people) to not only help brown people but give brown people special consideration. This is a direct assault on most of America's civil rights. You cannot favor anyone because of their race, religion, or sexual-orientation when it comes to getting into college, getting or keeping their job, or qualifying for loans....but that is what Democrats are doing. It's Obamacare on steroids. Screwing one segment of society to help another segment of society.

Democrats think they can get away with bribing us with a measly one-time payment of $1400 dollars. It doesn't even begin to repair the damage they've done so for....and it won't fix the damage they're about to do with what is contained in this bill and another bill that is soon to follow.

Did you know that the reason so many are coming to America? Because the Democrats advertised in their home countries to come here. Texas is the target. Democrats want to turn Texas Blue....and migrants have 100 days to get here to qualify for stimulus money. They were told they had to get here somehow and establish residency to get their checks. Yes....Democrats are paying illegals to come here. It's in the American Protection Bill. Also anyone in prison can get a check....pretty much a bribe to vote Democrat. And guess who gets to pay for it. WE ALL GET TO PAY FOR IT!!!!


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Why are the Democrats stringing out our return to normal?
Because of bills like this.....

"President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Thursday. The colossal bill, known as the American Rescue Plan, allocates money for vaccines, schools, small businesses and anti-poverty programs such as an expanded child tax credit that will mean new monthly payments to many parents.​
The House gave its final approval on Wednesday, after the Senate made changes to the original bill — some to satisfy Senate budget rules and others to gain the support of moderate Democrats.​
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had urged Republicans to join House Democrats in supporting the bill, but in the end no GOP member voted in favor of it.​
Republicans have argued that they were effectively shut out of the process through reconciliation and that the package is too broad, saying only 9% of the funds go directly toward COVID-19 relief. Both House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have labeled the bill a Democratic "wish list.""​
Why are the Democrats stringing out our return to normal?
Because of bills like this.....

"President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Thursday. The colossal bill, known as the American Rescue Plan, allocates money for vaccines, schools, small businesses and anti-poverty programs such as an expanded child tax credit that will mean new monthly payments to many parents.​
The House gave its final approval on Wednesday, after the Senate made changes to the original bill — some to satisfy Senate budget rules and others to gain the support of moderate Democrats.​
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had urged Republicans to join House Democrats in supporting the bill, but in the end no GOP member voted in favor of it.​
Republicans have argued that they were effectively shut out of the process through reconciliation and that the package is too broad, saying only 9% of the funds go directly toward COVID-19 relief. Both House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have labeled the bill a Democratic "wish list.""​
Why are the Democrats stringing out our return to normal?
Because of bills like this.....

"President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Thursday. The colossal bill, known as the American Rescue Plan, allocates money for vaccines, schools, small businesses and anti-poverty programs such as an expanded child tax credit that will mean new monthly payments to many parents.​
The House gave its final approval on Wednesday, after the Senate made changes to the original bill — some to satisfy Senate budget rules and others to gain the support of moderate Democrats.​
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had urged Republicans to join House Democrats in supporting the bill, but in the end no GOP member voted in favor of it.​
Republicans have argued that they were effectively shut out of the process through reconciliation and that the package is too broad, saying only 9% of the funds go directly toward COVID-19 relief. Both House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have labeled the bill a Democratic "wish list.""​
The Democrats want as many Commie programs passed before they get their traitor asses thrown out in 2022. Same thing happened in 2010 when Oreo Obama overstepped and Pig Pelosi passed ObamaCare.

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