Democrat Election Win Declared Void After Voter Fraud Discovered


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Feb 22, 2013
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Looks like the Democrats won't take the word of this judge, and he's going to challenge his ruling to a higher court.

A judge has ruled an extremely tight election between Republicans and Democrats for a Louisiana parish sheriff is void because of voter fraud.

The race to become Caddo Parish sheriff was closely fought between Democrat Henry Whitehorn and Republican John Nickelson. In November, a recount was ordered after Whitehorn won by just one vote in an election that saw over 43,000 ballots cast. The recount found three additional votes for each candidate and Whitehorn was declared the winner.

Election theft has replaced policy in the shitlib cult.

I get it, probably because their policies are depraved and satanic.

"We're going to steal all your shit and rape your children" is a tough sell.

democrats nasty as fuck.webp
Looks like the system work. No widespread systemic problems in the state of LA.
Looks like the Democrats won't take the word of this judge, and he's going to challenge his ruling to a higher court.

There is absolutely no indication of any kind fraud was involved, and you should change your click bait thread title to reflect that.

Recounts involving an election with one or two vote margins aren’t being appealed because of “fraud”.

ETA: Having no read the Newsweek article, I see that the judge ruled that it was impossible to tell who won because 11 votes may have been improperly cast. Big whoop.

And they’re holding a runoff election so there’s not gonna be any appeal. They’re having a do over.

Looks to me like the system is working. Why do you need to change the laws when the existing laws have prevented this fraud from happening?
So? What's wrong with filing a legal appeal with a higher court?. Does the Neo-GOP not support the legal process and remedy and supports a violence mob and assault like they do for Jan 6th riot and attempt at overturning the valid election of President Biden?

Time to vote the Anti-Constitutionalist anti freedom party, the Neo-GOP, out of government in all levels.

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