Democrat Fears 48-State Loss to Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
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I am tellin you. It is not gonna happen! Trump is gonna lose man. Late in the race a Democrat is gonna pop up. He/she is gonna take it.
2020 is anything but locked up. We have changing demographics in key states and we have tech giants like Google who will be doing everything they can to stack information against the President. Trump knows this and he is smart enough to not pull a Hillary.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?

Of the entire lot of them, I see only Yang and Gabbard as people who I would think COULD do a reasonable and creative job in the WH.

I don't see ANY of them beating Trump, especially if he keeps his promises. They have no ideas about China or the southern border that put America First. They have foolishly looked at USMCA as negative and Paris Accord as a positive.

Trump wins in a landslide in 2020. All they have now is "race division" in a desire to prevent his inroads into minority voters.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
Americans will vote against Democrats who force them to buy healthcare but give it away to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.
The DNC losing 48 states is nonsense but it is a bit of a tightrope they are walking--defending Obamacare from Trump's attacks while also pushing this plan which tacitly acknowledges obamacare was, in fact, a failure as Trump has consistently said. Their dyed in the wool base won't care, but wonder how long until swing voters make the connection....
The DNC losing 48 states is nonsense but it is a bit of a tightrope they are walking--defending Obamacare from Trump's attacks while also pushing this plan which tacitly acknowledges obamacare was, in fact, a failure as Trump has consistently said. Their dyed in the wool base won't care, but wonder how long until swing voters make the connection....
Open borders and goodies for foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, paid for by Americans, is a losing platform.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?

I think eliminating private health insurance will get Trump reelected, but I don't think it will be by 48 states.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
As someone that lives in a neighborhood of foreigners,, I can’t even get into the local clinic down the street and NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH..
It’s coming your way.. enjoy
The Democrats will lose for several reasons:
The second coming of SALT will result in higher state and local taxes and therefore loss of tax base to pay for public services. That will happen at least seven months before the election.

The failed Witch hunt will lead to a lot of D scandals.

The candidate selection process are making the Ds look even more incompetent and corrupt than they really are and that is saying something.

and the Ds are likely to see a much more conservative SCOTUS prior to the election. That too is likely to do major damage to them.

As to how all the above will hurt them and how many gimme elections that will cost them will only be known in retrospect.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?

Dims are promising something they can't deliver, and European healthcare sucks.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?

People with employer paid healthcare will not vote for the Medicare For All.
Democrats step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at the needy homeless Americans expense.

Democrats force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The DNC losing 48 states is nonsense but it is a bit of a tightrope they are walking--defending Obamacare from Trump's attacks while also pushing this plan which tacitly acknowledges obamacare was, in fact, a failure as Trump has consistently said. Their dyed in the wool base won't care, but wonder how long until swing voters make the connection....
Open borders and goodies for foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, paid for by Americans, is a losing platform.

The platform will be decided by whoever the nominee is. That remains to be seen.
The DNC losing 48 states is nonsense but it is a bit of a tightrope they are walking--defending Obamacare from Trump's attacks while also pushing this plan which tacitly acknowledges obamacare was, in fact, a failure as Trump has consistently said. Their dyed in the wool base won't care, but wonder how long until swing voters make the connection....
Open borders and goodies for foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, paid for by Americans, is a losing platform.

The platform will be decided by whoever the nominee is. That remains to be seen.
All the Democrats have the same platform

Democrat illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid and abet you
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

If a Democrat tells you this isn't their platform, they are either totally ignorant or lying to your face.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Let me guess the two idiot states, California and New York, the two dumb ass hubs of the universe.

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