Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Manchin "The right to vote is fundamental to our American democracy and protecting that right should not be about party or politics. Least of all, protecting this right, which is a value I share, should never be done in a partisan manner," Manchin wrote in an op-ed article in the Charleston Gazette-Mail.
Bravo Senator Manchin.
Maybe he should switch parties.
The Democratic Party is totally corrupt and dishonest.
Pelosi's "For The People Act (or HR/SR 1)" is an assault on our democracy and the Right to Vote and everyone's intelligence.
We need laws that protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud.
Pelosi's fake voting bill enshrines the corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud scams and it denies people their Right to Vote.
Democrats are liars and cheaters.

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Manchin likes voter suppression no surprise he is from West Virgina where people are fleeing in droves...
Sen Manchin is playing politics because he can. The Democrats need him to keep control of the Senate and the GOP needs him to keep applying the brakes on legislation. He is proving to be a hubristic opportunist more interested in media attention.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

He doesn't need an excuse. He supports revamping the Voting Rights Act by doing what the SCOTUS warned the first time time had to be done for it to survive before they gutted it the second time. Some democrats will oppose the JLVRAA simply because it would place the same burdens on them that they largely imposed on the South and exempted themselves from with the first VRA.

Either way, what is rich to me is that the democrats wants to force, among other things, states to have independent commissions for redistricting but here in Virginia when that was on the ballot (and passed) last fall, democrats campaigned against it as it was "racist" not to let them decide how the districts are drawn now that they are in power because them old evil republican "racists" on the commission could block their gerrymandering efforts

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

He doesn't need an excuse. He supports revamping the Voting Rights Act by doing what the SCOTUS warned the first time time had to be done for it to survive before they gutted it the second time. Some democrats will oppose the JLVRAA simply because it would place the same burdens on them that they largely imposed on the South and exempted themselves from with the first VRA.

Either way, what is rich to me is that the democrats wants to force, among other things, states to have independent commissions for redistricting but here in Virginia when that was on the ballot (and passed) last fall, democrats campaigned against it as it was "racist" not to let them decide how the districts are drawn now that they are in power because them old evil republican "racists" on the commission could block their gerrymandering efforts
News flash!!

Democrats are not trying to suppress your vote!!

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

He doesn't need an excuse. He supports revamping the Voting Rights Act by doing what the SCOTUS warned the first time time had to be done for it to survive before they gutted it the second time. Some democrats will oppose the JLVRAA simply because it would place the same burdens on them that they largely imposed on the South and exempted themselves from with the first VRA.

Either way, what is rich to me is that the democrats wants to force, among other things, states to have independent commissions for redistricting but here in Virginia when that was on the ballot (and passed) last fall, democrats campaigned against it as it was "racist" not to let them decide how the districts are drawn now that they are in power because them old evil republican "racists" on the commission could block their gerrymandering efforts
News flash!!

Democrats are not trying to suppress your vote!!

Yes they are. When democrats gerrymander they are trying to put me in a solid blue district so my third party vote doesn't count. When they enact hurdles to third party candidates getting on the ballot, they suppress my vote. Anyway The We Hate Trump Act, as it should be called, is now doomed.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

He doesn't need an excuse. He supports revamping the Voting Rights Act by doing what the SCOTUS warned the first time time had to be done for it to survive before they gutted it the second time. Some democrats will oppose the JLVRAA simply because it would place the same burdens on them that they largely imposed on the South and exempted themselves from with the first VRA.

Either way, what is rich to me is that the democrats wants to force, among other things, states to have independent commissions for redistricting but here in Virginia when that was on the ballot (and passed) last fall, democrats campaigned against it as it was "racist" not to let them decide how the districts are drawn now that they are in power because them old evil republican "racists" on the commission could block their gerrymandering efforts
News flash!!

Democrats are not trying to suppress your vote!!

Yes they are. When democrats gerrymander they are trying to put me in a solid blue district so my third party vote doesn't count. When they enact hurdles to third party candidates getting on the ballot, they suppress my vote. Anyway The We Hate Trump Act, as it should be called, is now doomed.
Lol! Sorry to tell you this, but your third party vote doesn't count no matter which district your in.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?

He doesn't need an excuse. He supports revamping the Voting Rights Act by doing what the SCOTUS warned the first time time had to be done for it to survive before they gutted it the second time. Some democrats will oppose the JLVRAA simply because it would place the same burdens on them that they largely imposed on the South and exempted themselves from with the first VRA.

Either way, what is rich to me is that the democrats wants to force, among other things, states to have independent commissions for redistricting but here in Virginia when that was on the ballot (and passed) last fall, democrats campaigned against it as it was "racist" not to let them decide how the districts are drawn now that they are in power because them old evil republican "racists" on the commission could block their gerrymandering efforts
News flash!!

Democrats are not trying to suppress your vote!!

Yes they are. When democrats gerrymander they are trying to put me in a solid blue district so my third party vote doesn't count. When they enact hurdles to third party candidates getting on the ballot, they suppress my vote. Anyway The We Hate Trump Act, as it should be called, is now doomed.
Lol! Sorry to tell you this, but your third party vote doesn't count no matter which district your in.

Well it doesn't count when the democrats are in power that is for sure. They will just print up 2 for themselves and run them right on through.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?
Why are the Democrats so afraid of clean elections?
Why are you so opposed to the Right to Vote?
Why are you opposed to democracy?

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin defends the Right to Vote​

He did the opposite of that.

Manchin needs a "come to Jesus" moment.

BS. He wants the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to be enacted in it stead. If enacted, The For the People Act wouldn't survive the SCOTUS as it infringes on states' explicit constitutional authority over their elections.
And what will be his excuse when the republicans don't want it either?
Why are the Democrats so afraid of clean elections?
Why are you so opposed to the Right to Vote?
Why are you opposed to democracy?

Democrats control some of the most segregated cities in the world. They don't want their race rules applying to themselves.
Sen Manchin is playing politics because he can. The Democrats need him to keep control of the Senate and the GOP needs him to keep applying the brakes on legislation. He is proving to be a hubristic opportunist more interested in media attention.

He's two things:
  1. Self Serving (I got my power, fuck the rest of your)
  2. Narcissistic

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