Democrat voters continue to saddle America with idiots who govern us.

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

A prime example and this total fool got reelected!
Makes one wish there were some kind of basic requirements to be eligible to vote to prevent crackheads from electing equally ignorant fools.

Then to make things even worse the buffoons get commitee placements. People with ZRRO knowledge of finances or foreign affairs get put on finance and intelligence committees.

Democrats are making a complete joke of our political system.
LMFAO Alex played this video and this idiot really believes the islands will tip. Yet the demonic twats can't figure out why we call them idiots. lol
Yes, politicians say dumb stuff sometimes. At least he didn't say that in a conflict we need to stand with our allies, the North Koreans, or that there is a difference between a legitimate rape, and the normal kind, and that a victim of legitimate rape can't get pregnant. Both of which were said by republicans.
Yes, politicians say dumb stuff sometimes. At least he didn't say that in a conflict we need to stand with our allies, the North Koreans, or that there is a difference between a legitimate rape, and the normal kind, and that a victim of legitimate rape can't get pregnant. Both of which were said by republicans.

or the Caribou need a nice warm pipeline for their honeymoon -

Yes, politicians say dumb stuff sometimes. At least he didn't say that in a conflict we need to stand with our allies, the North Koreans, or that there is a difference between a legitimate rape, and the normal kind, and that a victim of legitimate rape can't get pregnant. Both of which were said by republicans.
Todd Akin, who was immediately kicked to the curb by the gop and he lost his support from the voters.
We've had a bazillion threads on this over the years about this Guam comment
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