Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump

Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump – Conservative Flash
One such incident, surprisingly, comes from the loose lips of a member of Congress, New York’s Tom Suozzi. According to the New York Post, the Nassau County Democrat had this to say about the remedies available to deal with Donald J. Trump during a town hall meeting last week:
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?” A listener then blurts out, “What’s the Second Amendment?”
The left-leaning Democrat says, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.

Surely the comment was couched in terms of “what if Trump refuses to [obey the Constitution]”. Weird that Leftists keep leaping to such bizarre suggestions, Trump having shown zero leanings that way, oblivious that allegedly comparable rhetoric on the Right is directed at pols who literally advocated unconstitutional action. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats believe that American citizens have short term memory loss. Obama ignored the courts for 8 years and violated the U.S. Constitution on a daily basis.
PMS/DSA Leftists are incredibly good at mirroring the Right. It is a form of protective camouflage, that confuses and delays the opposition. After all, how could we deny our mortal enemies their 2nd Amendment rights? I would reply: "One shot at a time".
Makes for an incentive to keep things very polite as long as possible. Unfortunately sets up a hair-trigger alert that can cascade very quickly.
My bet is that the first major violence will be Left-on-Left incident as an "Extremist" faction objects to concessions made by a "Less-Extremist" faction. It will be false-flagged as part of a "Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy" but the frame-up will be full of obvious holes. It only needs to last long enough to provoke riots that will justify the Democrats passing an "Enabling Act" of some kind.
Assuming that the Democrats can win the next election.
These idiots have no concept of the firepower and force that will be arrayed against them. They will get brutally and savagely crushed!
Hmm...., I read somewhere that 37 million hunting licenses were issued in the USA so far this year. Democrats in Plantation cities don't hunt....
One such incident, surprisingly, comes from the loose lips of a member of Congress, New York’s Tom Suozzi. According to the New York Post, the Nassau County Democrat had this to say about the remedies available to deal with Donald J. Trump during a town hall meeting last week:
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?” A listener then blurts out, “What’s the Second Amendment?”
The left-leaning Democrat says, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.

Well, he is, actually, correct about that, but we certainly haven't reached a point where that would even need to be a consideration. We don't even have just cause for an impeachment at this point.
Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump

Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump – Conservative Flash
One such incident, surprisingly, comes from the loose lips of a member of Congress, New York’s Tom Suozzi. According to the New York Post, the Nassau County Democrat had this to say about the remedies available to deal with Donald J. Trump during a town hall meeting last week:
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a newly released video of the March 12 talk in Huntington. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?” A listener then blurts out, “What’s the Second Amendment?”
The left-leaning Democrat says, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.

Surely the comment was couched in terms of “what if Trump refuses to [obey the Constitution]”. Weird that Leftists keep leaping to such bizarre suggestions, Trump having shown zero leanings that way, oblivious that allegedly comparable rhetoric on the Right is directed at pols who literally advocated unconstitutional action. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Democrats believe that American citizens have short term memory loss. Obama ignored the courts for 8 years and violated the U.S. Constitution on a daily basis.
PMS/DSA Leftists are incredibly good at mirroring the Right. It is a form of protective camouflage, that confuses and delays the opposition. After all, how could we deny our mortal enemies their 2nd Amendment rights? I would reply: "One shot at a time".
Makes for an incentive to keep things very polite as long as possible. Unfortunately sets up a hair-trigger alert that can cascade very quickly.
My bet is that the first major violence will be Left-on-Left incident as an "Extremist" faction objects to concessions made by a "Less-Extremist" faction. It will be false-flagged as part of a "Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy" but the frame-up will be full of obvious holes. It only needs to last long enough to provoke riots that will justify the Democrats passing an "Enabling Act" of some kind.
Assuming that the Democrats can win the next election.
These idiots have no concept of the firepower and force that will be arrayed against them. They will get brutally and savagely crushed!
Hmm...., I read somewhere that 37 million hunting licenses were issued in the USA so far this year. Democrats in Plantation cities don't hunt....

Well, that's a whoot! I'm not to worried about some tranny, or a horde of them for that matter from Nassau county New York.

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