Democrats are sending Direct Mail Lies about abortion to sway ignorant voters.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I just received this direct mail Lie-O-Gram from the Democrats. This is how they are trying to steal the election. Less than 0.5 percent of all unwanted pregnancies are from incest, yet this is what we see and hear every freaking day from the Democrat controlled Media machine. Take the extreme outlier case and pretend it is the norm. And Trump has NEVER advocated that Rape and Incest pregnancies MUST be taken to term. LIES LIES LIES

Every time "abortion ban" is uttered, it's a lie.

There's ZERO chance any such ban could ever get through congress, in order to make to the president's desk.
Of course it's a lie, but the Democrats just stick to the teachings of their hero Joseph Goebbels: Just keep repeating the lie and it will become the truth.
I just received this direct mail Lie-O-Gram from the Democrats. This is how they are trying to steal the election. Less than 0.5 percent of all unwanted pregnancies are from incest, yet this is what we see and hear every freaking day from the Democrat controlled Media machine. Take the extreme outlier case and pretend it is the norm. And Trump has NEVER advocated that Rape and Incest pregnancies MUST be taken to term. LIES LIES LIES

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Damn, grow a set of nuts. If abortion is wrong, if it is murder, then it doesn't make two shits rather the "person" was created out of incest or rape. They are still a "person". Rape and incest exceptions are, well exactly that, exceptions. They clearly demonstrate that abortion is not "wrong", at least under certain circumstances.
Trump was the sucker who took the bait after the RvW decision. He opened himself up to these lies.

Politics today is basically the Pravda because media are owned by creepy owners such as Disney. These creepy owners like creepy policies and politicians who will protect them and their creepy friends.

In the past if a politician outright lied, ALL media would repeat that this was a lie. Apparently from what I understand, under GWB the laws changed to allow media to not have to be 50/50 in their political coverage. That was a horrible decision even if it were to benefit him. It seems he wanted full support for the war.

Trump doesn't seem to understand this fact and thus embracing an abortion decision that only your most loyal care about is a losing strategy.

His best approach needs to be to have his team research the far-left mayors, governors and federal politicians who supported late term abortions. Find the quotes and send THOSE flyers out in response. Also in the form of commercials. He can outline that he will NEVER support federal bans and juxtapose that with the far-left crazies who want to abort on demand a day before birth.

Media is owned primarily by Cali and NY, both far left districts. So all Bush received was full support from Fox while the rest of the country were biased against Bush. Another bright idea lazy politicians don't fully think through.

This might be the cause of much of the Wests ills today: laziness and indifference. This indifference pertains to policies, reaching out to the middle and other said, and, not understanding the average citizens issues.
Trump was the sucker who took the bait after the RvW decision. He opened himself up to these lies.

Politics today is basically the Pravda because media are owned by creepy owners such as Disney. These creepy owners like creepy policies and politicians who will protect them and their creepy friends.

In the past if a politician outright lied, ALL media would repeat that this was a lie. Apparently from what I understand, under GWB the laws changed to allow media to not have to be 50/50 in their political coverage. That was a horrible decision even if it were to benefit him. It seems he wanted full support for the war.

Trump doesn't seem to understand this fact and thus embracing an abortion decision that only your most loyal care about is a losing strategy.

His best approach needs to be to have his team research the far-left mayors, governors and federal politicians who supported late term abortions. Find the quotes and send THOSE flyers out in response. Also in the form of commercials. He can outline that he will NEVER support federal bans and juxtapose that with the far-left crazies who want to abort on demand a day before birth.

Media is owned primarily by Cali and NY, both far left districts. So all Bush received was full support from Fox while the rest of the country were biased against Bush. Another bright idea lazy politicians don't fully think through.

This might be the cause of much of the Wests ills today: laziness and indifference. This indifference pertains to policies, reaching out to the middle and other said, and, not understanding the average citizens issues.
The Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987, under Reagan.
Damn, grow a set of nuts. If abortion is wrong, if it is murder, then it doesn't make two shits rather the "person" was created out of incest or rape. They are still a "person". Rape and incest exceptions are, well exactly that, exceptions. They clearly demonstrate that abortion is not "wrong", at least under certain circumstances.
The Party you are supporting is a DISGRACE TO AMERICA. And so is anyone who supports them.
Do you support a rape and incest exception for abortion bans? Yes or no? If yes, then welcome to the baby killer club.
Those are so few of the abortions. Point five percent. On those I would sympathize with the woman in such a tragic case. That in no way means 99.5% of these abortions get to cost tail on a handful of women’s tragedies for their convenience. Like the death penalty sometimes you have to deal with the exception for a fair outcome. That doesn’t mean we do the death penalty for parking tickets. And it doesn’t mean we need unlimited abortion for your poor decisions.
Damn, grow a set of nuts. If abortion is wrong, if it is murder, then it doesn't make two shits rather the "person" was created out of incest or rape. They are still a "person". Rape and incest exceptions are, well exactly that, exceptions. They clearly demonstrate that abortion is not "wrong", at least under certain circumstances.

The woman did not freely consent. It’s a huge difference
I just received this direct mail Lie-O-Gram from the Democrats. This is how they are trying to steal the election. Less than 0.5 percent of all unwanted pregnancies are from incest, yet this is what we see and hear every freaking day from the Democrat controlled Media machine. Take the extreme outlier case and pretend it is the norm. And Trump has NEVER advocated that Rape and Incest pregnancies MUST be taken to term. LIES LIES LIES

View attachment 1017950

So they're using a dupe to keep pushing the project 2025 propaganda. Trump should be able to sue.


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