Democrats are sending Direct Mail Lies about abortion to sway ignorant voters.

And Trump has NEVER advocated that Rape and Incest pregnancies MUST be taken to term. LIES LIES LIES
He proudly OverTurned RvW

Where does trump say otherwise?
Yeah, they’re fucked. They knew better and did it anyway. God isn’t going to care about party affiliation.
Sure, nice excuse.
Thanks for admitting that Fake-Godly (R) women get abortions.
Go back and read the DEMOCRAT ad I posted, you are either confused or blowing smoke for your corrupt Party.
Which part should I be told to believe?
Are you saying there 'IS no trump Supported Abortion BAN'
Of course there is......fucking liar.

Then why are women forced to go out of State for an abortion or DIE in their home State because Doctors will be hunted down and prosecuted.

Every word you hear from the Leftists on abortion is a lie. It is not a Federal issue. Neither the President nor Congress have ANY POWER to establish a national abortion policy. KH WOULD NOT be able to do anything to impact "your abortion rights" one way or another. She is either a liar or stupid or both.

It is all lies.

Just like everything else you see and hear on her ads. Trump has never suggested a "national sales tax." This is a lie. A Leftist economists said that import duties would have the same effect as a national sales tax, but that presumes that corporations and consumers WOULD NOT MODIFY THEIR PURCHASE DECISIONS in reaction to the higher prices for imported goods. It is a lie. Just like everything else.
Why, it is HIS PEOPLE that created project 2025, and trump alluded to such.

FACT ^^^^^^

Why is trump dodging project 2025 NOW?
Nobody cares about your lies, dork. Da fuq is wrong with you? :uhh:

Who do you think is going to believe stupid lies like that?

Nobody is going to believe lies like that or you anymore, because you lied. Dumbass.

I just Kamala Harris'd your ass! :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:

It wasn't intentional, but it sho nuff was!
Why, it is HIS PEOPLE that created project 2025, and trump alluded to such.

FACT ^^^^^^

Why is trump dodging project 2025 NOW?

Give me a quote, from any credible source, where Trump said he would implement project 2025. While you're at it, show me where Trump banned abortion anywhere in the US. Oh, and show me where the Dobbs decision gave the feds any authority over abortion.

Does it make a difference to the innocent human who's life is being ended?

The rapist should also pay with his life.

And the woman must completely cooperate with the authorities to hunt down the rapist. Not doing so would allow this evil to pray on other women.
Give me a quote, from any credible source, where Trump said he would implement project 2025. While you're at it, show me where Trump banned abortion anywhere in the US. Oh, and show me where the Dobbs decision gave the feds any authority over abortion.

Trumps people, created it.
Trump endorsed it.

You can deny it all you want, but facts are facts.


Trump led the overturn of RvW....... thus making abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Therefore a BAN.

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 8.03.53 PM.png
Trumps people, created it.
Trump endorsed it.

You can deny it all you want, but facts are facts.


Trump led the overturn of RvW....... thus making abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Therefore a BAN.

View attachment 1017998

You got a time stamp on the video where he supposedly endorses project 2025 and what he said he would implement? And you didn't show me where in the Dobbs decision where SCOTUS gave the feds any authority over abortion. Also, perhaps you go back to your ESL class and learn the definitions of "restricted" and "banned", they don't mean the same thing. BTW, the SC legislature was responsible for that law, not Trump.

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You got a time stamp on the video where he supposedly endorses project 2025 and what he said he would implement? And you didn't show me where in the Dobbs decision where SCOTUS gave the feds any authority over abortion. Also, perhaps you go back to your ESL class and learn the definitions of "restricted" and "banned", they don't mean the same thing.

You keep believing that YOUR lie isn't a LIE.

If a woman is NOT allowed to have an abortion after 6 weeks, then it is indeed a restriction in 6 weeks, then it's a BAN after 6 weeks.

It's not hard dude.
You keep believing that YOUR lie isn't a LIE.

If a woman is NOT allowed to have an abortion after 6 weeks, then it is indeed a restriction in 6 weeks, then it's a BAN after 6 weeks.

It's not hard dude.

No, it would be illegal. And you know they have these home pregnancy test where a woman can find out if she's pregnant after a week or so after engaging in risky behavior. 6 weeks is adequate time to make the decision. If she waits longer, other States have more liberal laws, there's nothing stopping her from going to one. Also the feds have no authority over abortion, so don't blame Trump, he wasn't even in office when Dobbs was decided. So keep pushing you lies, America is wise to your propaganda.

Those are so few of the abortions. Point five percent. On those I would sympathize with the woman in such a tragic case. That in no way means 99.5% of these abortions get to cost tail on a handful of women’s tragedies for their convenience. Like the death penalty sometimes you have to deal with the exception for a fair outcome. That doesn’t mean we do the death penalty for parking tickets. And it doesn’t mean we need unlimited abortion for your poor decisions.
Thanks for bringing up the death penalty. It is a perfect example of the cognitive dissonance of the GOP. Against abortion, for the death penalty. Killing is not the problem, it is who is doing the killing and who they are killing. Morally, that is an inconsistent position. Just like the rape and incest exceptions. You can't preach from your soapbox that abortion is wrong, or that abortion is murder, or killing babies is bad, and then go, "But it is OK under certain limited circumstance".
He proudly OverTurned RvW

Where does trump say otherwise?

Sure, nice excuse.
Thanks for admitting that Fake-Godly (R) women get abortions.

Which part should I be told to believe?
Are you saying there 'IS no trump Supported Abortion BAN'
Of course there is......fucking liar.

Then why are women forced to go out of State for an abortion or DIE in their home State because Doctors will be hunted down and prosecuted.

If this nation collapses due to selfishness, prog women will have a lot more to worry about than your abortion lies. Mass poverty make people nasty.

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