Democrats give Trump free press


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
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Dear Democrats. As an Independent, please allow me a little constructive criticism:

The right wing has been telling you folks for months you don't stand for anything; and you know what? They're right!

Kamala Harris and the Democrats could have had a much better election, but they spent 90% of their airtime all through 2024 bitching about Donald Trump, the rest of the GOP, and playing the race card.

I heard almost nothing of the Dem's plans to pay down the national debt, decrease the number of illegal southern border crossings, or finding ways to get our European allies to take more responsibility for their own national defense (and that goes for Israel too!) or other pressing issues we face.

History has proven swing voters who voted GOP in '24 will slowly abandon Trump and start looking elsewhere. Democrats have a number of issues to win on such as, clean, affordable energy production, reducing our national debt, the environment, and healthcare.

But - - If you folks on the left wing don't stop sniveling about Trump, and start making your case to voters, you'll just keep losing.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
Dear Democrats. As an Independent, please allow me a little constructive criticism:

The right wing has been telling you folks for months you don't stand for anything; and you know what? They're right!

Kamala Harris and the Democrats could have had a much better election, but they spent 90% of their airtime all through 2024 bitching about Donald Trump, the rest of the GOP, and playing the race card.

I heard almost nothing of the Dem's plans to pay down the national debt, decrease the number of illegal southern border crossings, or finding ways to get our European allies to take more responsibility for their own national defense (and that goes for Israel too!) or other pressing issues we face.

History has proven swing voters who voted GOP in '24 will slowly abandon Trump and start looking elsewhere. Democrats have a number of issues to win on such as, clean, affordable energy production, reducing our national debt, the environment, and healthcare.

But - - If you folks on the left wing don't stop sniveling about Trump, and start making your case to voters, you'll just keep losing.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
As an Independent, has your opinion of Trump changed since he has taken office?
Skipping the left's whining and complaining about Trump and Republicans, the left "has" been showing their "case" and that case is:
Attacking the First Amendment's free speech by trying to push for speech they disagree with to be stifled.
Attacking the Second Amendment even though millions upon millions of Americans, including some of those on the left, own firearms and are absolutely not a threat.
Pushing and funding media and social networks to stifle political opposition.
Not enforcing actual immigration policies to control borders while letting in millions of pro-socialist illegal migrants from socialist nations.
Giving illegal migrants free stays at hotels while paying double the rates to the hotel owners to allow them to stay and giving illegal migrants free debit cards and free commercial flights anywhere they want, all at taxpayer expense. Low-income Americans in the large cities complaining to their local government that they get nothing while the illegal migrants get their taxpayer dollars.
No proper vetting of migrants, thus allowing in large numbers of gang members, drug-cartel members, violent criminals fleeing prosecution in their own nations, sex-traffickers, causing American victims, over and over.
Soft on crime DA's and judges releasing violent offenders and repeat thieves, over and over again, thus creating more victims there.
Getting large numbers of illegal migrant's jobs, taken away from American citizens and increasing the homelessness of Americans.
Taking away women/girls right to not have biological males disrobing in the women/girl's bathrooms
Women struggling for generations to have their own sports categories, only to have biological males taking their achievements away.
Now, complaining when government waste, fraud and abuse is being investigated.
Last, it has become very apparent that the so-called Democrat Party has drifted so far left that they had become authoritarian and are obviously going into neo-Marxist ideology.
The European Union has gone that way, and their nations are being torn apart by the violence of large numbers of Islamic migrants against old enemies and the European citizens and the people of each of those nations, no longer have individual choices and have become headed down that road of Marxism, which some member nations are complaining about.
The so-called Democrat Party needs to go back to common sense and remember that this nation has "individual liberties and rights," not a march in step group collective like Marxist nations do and we shouldn't.
As an Independent, has your opinion of Trump changed since he has taken office?
Not really. I agree with some of Trump's ideas, but think others are looney.
Dear Democrats. As an Independent, please allow me a little constructive criticism:

The right wing has been telling you folks for months you don't stand for anything; and you know what? They're right!

Kamala Harris and the Democrats could have had a much better election, but they spent 90% of their airtime all through 2024 bitching about Donald Trump, the rest of the GOP, and playing the race card.

I heard almost nothing of the Dem's plans to pay down the national debt, decrease the number of illegal southern border crossings, or finding ways to get our European allies to take more responsibility for their own national defense (and that goes for Israel too!) or other pressing issues we face.

History has proven swing voters who voted GOP in '24 will slowly abandon Trump and start looking elsewhere. Democrats have a number of issues to win on such as, clean, affordable energy production, reducing our national debt, the environment, and healthcare.

But - - If you folks on the left wing don't stop sniveling about Trump, and start making your case to voters, you'll just keep losing.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
I like half of your post and disagree with half. Here's what I disagree with:

The dems don't have a plan to "pay down the debt". They never have.

The dems did have a plan to decrease the number of illegal border crossings by just calling most of them asylum seekers and not illegals.

They were very, very mediocre about getting European allies to take more responsibility for their own national defense. While they made some miniscule progress, I still give them a failing grade on that.

While Democrats are for clean energy production, there was never anything affordable about it. They tried to speed things up too fast, leading to shortages which actually increased energy costs. They were never for decreasing the national debt. They were for the environment but that also increased costs, just when Americans already couldn't afford things. They never had a plan to decrease health care costs, other than stiffing the providers, the health insurance companies, and adding to the national debt.
I like half of your post and disagree with half. Here's what I disagree with:

The dems don't have a plan to "pay down the debt". They never have.

The dems did have a plan to decrease the number of illegal border crossings by just calling most of them asylum seekers and not illegals.

They were very, very mediocre about getting European allies to take more responsibility for their own national defense. While they made some miniscule progress, I still give them a failing grade on that.

While Democrats are for clean energy production, there was never anything affordable about it. They tried to speed things up too fast, leading to shortages which actually increased energy costs. They were never for decreasing the national debt. They were for the environment but that also increased costs, just when Americans already couldn't afford things. They never had a plan to decrease health care costs, other than stiffing the providers, the health insurance companies, and adding to the national debt.

The dems did have a plan to decrease the number of illegal border crossings by just calling most of them asylum seekers and not illegals.

That was probably almost the entire reduction in "border encounters"
after the Dems realized flooding the country with illegals was a political loser.
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