Democrats hate Christmas

God sets up leaders or deposed them. Its not me. Nothing I do....nothing I say does much of anything. I have no political power or anything. God does. He is omniscient and omnipotent.
So God chose Biden? (And we are to follow him because God chose him?)

God chose Obama? (And we were to follow him because God chose him?)

God chose Hitler??? (And we were to follow him because God chose him?)

I'm not certain you or I understand that Biblical passage....?

Just don't fall from truth, don't fall in to the arms of untruth.... Continue to strictly follow what Christ taught us, AND NOT follow Donald J Trump...he is NOT our Savior.... Every single thing DJT says and does is anti Christ, against ALL that Christ taught us.
Well they are a bunch of atheists. The War on Christmas continues. We were founded as a Christian nation, everyone should celebrate Christmas.

---“It’s so sad to hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle hate Christmas,” Boebert declared.---

Isn't it a little early for you all to start the war on Christmas crap already?

Shouldn't you be talking about how evil Halloween is?
So God chose Biden? (And we are to follow him because God chose him?)

God chose Obama? (And we were to follow him because God chose him?)

God chose Hitler??? (And we were to follow him because God chose him?)

I'm not certain you or I understand that Biblical passage....?

Just don't fall from truth, don't fall in to the arms of untruth.... Continue to strictly follow what Christ taught us, AND NOT follow Donald J Trump...he is NOT our Savior.... Every single thing DJT says and does is anti Christ, against ALL that Christ taught us.
Despite the propaganda machines in place. There were benefits to having Trump, Obama, and Biden in the Presidency. And it looks like Trump will get another shot at the big chair at the moment. The passage of scripture I recited is from the Old Testament....long before Jesus was born. Daniel said it to the "wicked" king Nebacanezzar in Babylon. Basically that king enslaved the Israelites and worked them to death. Enough Jews survived that during the Persian Empire 40 years later the Israelites returned to Israel to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem.

Whether or not it's the president we need vx the one this nation deserves is another story.

God has his plans and purposes for His Kids ultimate good in mind. Not the heathen. Doesn't really care much about them. They will remain wicked no matter what. They are easily controlled by their fears and wants. Freedom from those things....whole nother story. Only the Followers are free.
Well they are a bunch of atheists. The War on Christmas continues. We were founded as a Christian nation, everyone should celebrate Christmas.

---“It’s so sad to hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle hate Christmas,” Boebert declared.---

Get real, its a holiday,
enjoy it by going to church,
or by Santa Claus kid fun
Or any other way that works for you.
Well they are a bunch of atheists. The War on Christmas continues. We were founded as a Christian nation, everyone should celebrate Christmas.

---“It’s so sad to hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle hate Christmas,” Boebert declared.---

So we’re starting with the war on Christmas early this year?
Magats crying victimhood over "Season's Greetings" is F'ing hilarious.
Christmas was always a little crass for the kids. The last few decades it has become decadent. Progs pushed this to take away the meaning of the Holiday to Christians as we have become a much more secular nation. To have that holiday meant we were a Christian nation at one time and even now to a degree with a percentage of the population. It also fits in as Winter approaches and New Years which is secular around the corner. Even the NFL took a dead time in the winter to have a Championship game and that is a party weekend. I remember Christmas Eve to be one of the quietest peaceful nights of the year. And we need them.
This is the same old trope used by the so-called evangelical "christians" to feed on the emotional aspect of the simple-minded.
It seems to be their go-to card all the time.
Well they are a bunch of atheists. The War on Christmas continues. We were founded as a Christian nation, everyone should celebrate Christmas.

---“It’s so sad to hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle hate Christmas,” Boebert declared.---

Oh come on. Wait at least until Thanksgiving to drag this dead, decayed, duplicitous, derided, deceitful, crap that is even more boring than STUPID

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