Democrats New Plan To Steal The Election...Overseas Voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is trying to steal another election.

This is why we need to treat Democrats like they are spies and saboteurs. They never do anything on the level.

Democrats have devised a brilliant plan to steal our election in 2024—and it’s really quite simple.

By telegraphing to the American people that they believe the key to winning our elections is getting 9 million individuals to vote for Kamala Harris from a pool of 2.4 million eligible overseas voters in total (according to US government data), Democrats essentially remove the shock value when it’s announced they only achieved a percentage of their goal when it’s revealed they received millions of new overseas votes.

For those determined to decide the outcome of our elections by using every possible loophole, like the United States FVAP website and the Democratic Party overseas registration website,, where overseas voters can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the same time, it would seem to an outsider a brilliant plan.

The problem is for those concerned about the legitimacy or security of our elections: the fact that none of the so-called “9 million voters” Democrats claim they are trying to recruit will have to prove their identity or even provide a legitimate address for their past or present residence in the United States, leaving America with another significantly flawed election outcome with no way to prove it once the votes are cast.

Last week, the Gateway Pundit published the first investigative piece in a series explaining how easily our elections can be stolen without a trace.
NGOs are active in each swing state, operating ballot mills registering illegal aliens and other migrants – capturing their ballots – and voting them.

The Common Sense Elections Dark Money Tracking System tracks every NGO influencing U.S. elections – dollars they spend, dollars they receive.

There is no organization in America, who can, with 3 clicks from a phone, expose every connection between the Chinese Progressive Association, Tides Advocacy, down to Leftist street-level GET-OUT-THE-VOTE organizations impacting the 2024 election.

Now there is – and the Common Sense Elections team is publishing the roadmap of influence, from foreign and domestic actors secretly impacting the 2024 election – using Fractal quantum technology.

The first Fractal analysis of Dark Money groups is available today at

Common Sense Elections identified over 500,000 ineligible addresses – each – in Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, over 1.4 million in Pennsylvania.
Obama is trying to steal another election.

This is why we need to treat Democrats like they are spies and saboteurs. They never do anything on the level.

There is no question that the DNC plans to steal the election

If they are willing to assassinate him, there is literally nothing they won't do to win

Morality if for silly religious folk don't ya konw.
Obama is trying to steal another election.

This is why we need to treat Democrats like they are spies and saboteurs. They never do anything on the level.

The problem with Americans abroad is that they proudly call themselves EXPATRIOTS. If they want to vote for someone in this country,, the American people need to vote on American soil.

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