Democrats slip poison pill into border security plan that will prevent building the wall


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
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What a bunch of lyin', cheatin', devious assholes. I would assume the GOP Senate will not allow that shit into the final version, if they do then shame on 'em. Any Repub that votes for that oughta be thrown out in their next election, whenever it is. It's about fuckin' time the GOP Senators grew a pair and started acting in our best interests instead of theirs.

Clearly, at least to me, this will all end up in the courts and it'll get appealed until doomsday by the dems until the 2020 elections. I guess we'll find out then which direction this country will be moving in.
Unless something happens to overturn this, I wouldn't be surprised
if we learned the Dems wanted to force a shutdown all along.

They've had a horrible two-weeks. They have to do something to get
The Donald back on the defensive.

His popularity is rising across the board. The dems, meanwhile, are
tanking big-time.

They want to force a shutdown.

Now I personally don't believe a mayor can stop a wall being built
on the Border. That's Fed property and under Fed control.

We'll see what occurs tomorrow.
"Now I personally don't believe a mayor can stop a wall being built
on the Border. That's Fed property and under Fed control."

Perhaps not, but what a mayor can do is file a lawsuit asking for an injunction, which would delay the process. Anything the Dems can do to force a shutdown, stop the wall, delay, obstruct, ANYTHING. The sad part is that too many Americans don't seem to care, even though Trump's numbers have gone up since the SOTU, the support for the wall is still tepid at best. Or seems to be.

This is pure politics, nothing more. Whatever the Dems can do to hurt Trump between now and Nov 2020 is on the table, and they really don't give a damn about what is or isn't in the best interests of the country. Us, in other words. We've already seen during the Kavanaugh hearings that they will stop at nothing, and the MSM lets them get away with it.
But it's going on in Texas
Deep State Exposed® ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on Twitter

3,750 U.S. troops seen installing temporary concertina wire "Wall" in Nogales, Arizona.

3,750 U.S. troops seen installing temporary concertina wire "Wall" in Nogales, Arizona.
The wall is already being built, using Bollard 'fencing'; 30' high stainless steel and concrete wall.

Appeals court rules Donald Trump can build border wall
A federal appeals court ruled Monday that the Trump administration has the power to waive environmental laws in order to speed up border wall construction, dealing a major symbolic blow to the president’s opponents.

The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which President Trump regularly likes to chide as too liberal, sided with him this time.

The judges said federal law gives the administration broad powers to waive any laws in order to get the wall built.

“In short, the plain text [of the law] grants DHS authority to construct the prototype, San Diego and Calexico projects,” the judges ruled.

They were referring to some of the earliest wall-building projects the young Trump administration pursued.

Since then, Homeland Security has constructed new fencing across the southwest border, replacing vehicle barriers and upgrading old, substandard fence. And last week the government began to build the first new barriers on the border that was previously unprotected by any barriers.​
Good. Hope they get it built fast so we can boot the illegals that are here the hell out and save billions.
Congressional negotiators announced on Monday night they have a border wall funding agreement they believe President Trump will sign into law.
Democrats Slip "Poison Pill" into Border Security Plan - That will Prevent Building the Wall (VIDEO)

It's not that surprising is it. They are born liars, cheaters, and thieves. Not one of them is worth a dam dime and all of them should be sent up the river with no paddle.
Judgement days' coming lol

Here's hoping it works!

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