Democrats vote against their own draft bill


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

Even the lawmaker who originally offered the bill, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., urged Democrats to vote against it, claiming Republicans were cynically trying to use the measure to escape election-season questions about the war.

Just two lawmakers, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., and Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., struck off on their own and voted for the measure.

Disgusting how Democrats can propose the draft and start blaming Republicans for it. The only people who want it are Democrats. Democrats are the only ones mentioning it. They are trying to pretend it wasnt Republicans who did away with it to begin with. We eliminated it under Nixon and in fact Secretary Rumsfeld was one of the people who headed up the effort to eliminate the draft. Democrats are in alot of trouble if they think they are going to be getting more votes from this. quite the opposite. i pointed out that it was Democrats supporting it and all my friends and relatives who were worried about the draft are all for Bush for another four years.

"This is not an Internet rumor," said Rock the Vote spokesman Jay Strell. "Young people in America deserve an honest and open debate about the possibility of a draft. Neither side has offered up what they're going to do to meet the current and future military needs."

What on earth is there to debate? The President and Congress has said no there will be no draft. what on earth is there left to talk about?
They had to turn around and blame Republicans once it was clear that their race-baiting garbage about the military sending mostly minorities to fight was bullshit.
This is the spin...

"There is a bill in a REPUBLICAN LEAD congress asking to re-instate the draft!!"

Nevermind it's a bill sponsored by Dems....
-=d=- said:
This is the spin...

"There is a bill in a REPUBLICAN LEAD congress asking to re-instate the draft!!"

Nevermind it's a bill sponsored by Dems....

The truth is simply not in these bastards.
insein said:
This is the kind of shit that would have flew over the air waves uncontested even 5 years ago. Thank god for talk radio, the internet and FOX.

All of which present an intolerable dilemna for liberalism. This bankrupt ideology cannot withstand the light of day. But, tyrants do not go gently into that good night. They must, somehow, regain their stranglehold on information if they are to survive. Don't be surprised by ANYTHING you see from this camp in the next few years.

This election is nothing but a skirmish. The real war is just beginning.
musicman said:
All of which present an intolerable dilemna for liberalism. This bankrupt ideology cannot withstand the light of day. But, tyrants do not go gently into that good night. They must, somehow, regain their stranglehold on information if they are to survive. Don't be surprised by ANYTHING you see from this camp in the next few years.

This election is nothing but a skirmish. The real war is just beginning.

What you say is true! They are so quick to use dirty politics just to keep power, and screw the country and the election process. If Bush doesn't win by a comfortable margin, this mess will be going on well after the election. And as usual the mainstream press does nothing to expose this. The biggest kick in the butt is when Edwards and Kerry accuse Bush of dirty campaigning. How do these people sleep at night?
Anyone with a brain knows a President cannot reinstate the draft, and Rumsfeld back when he was working for Nixon was the biggest advocate for doing away with the draft, and having an all volunteer army......... It was a Democratic president who instituted the draft in the first place. Of course the Liberal press has that selective memory defect.
Bonnie said:
What you say is true! They are so quick to use dirty politics just to keep power, and screw the country and the election process. If Bush doesn't win by a comfortable margin, this mess will be going on well after the election. and as usual the mainstream press does nothing to expose this. The biggest kick in the butt is when Edwards and Kerry accuse Bush of dirty campaigning. How do these people sleep at night?

That's the pure hell of it, Bonnie. They sleep like kittens. They are wholly justified in their hearts. Once you make the acquisition of power your god, all that is done in it's name is fine.
musicman said:
That's the pure hell of it, Bonnie. They sleep like kittens. They are wholly justified in their hearts. Once you make the acquisition of power your god, all that is done in it's name is fine.

Isn't it odd that Mr. nycflasher nor nakedpunk have involved their little busy bodieees in this thread???
What you say is true! They are so quick to use dirty politics just to keep power, and screw the country and the election process. If Bush doesn't win by a comfortable margin, this mess will be going on well after the election.
Even if he doess win by a comfortable margin, people still will say that it wasn't fair.

It was a Democratic president who instituted the draft in the first place. Of course the Liberal press has that selective memory defect.
I also love it when they talk about the Civil Rights Act and how the Democrats passed it when many voted against it (mainly the "DixieCrats") and many Republicans voted for it (yep, those racist Republicans).

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