Democrats Waking Up

This is happening throughout the Democrat Party. But "Trump is destroying the Republican Party"

Yes the DNC are out of touch rich folksā€¦ but guess whatā€¦ itā€™s the exact same thing at the RNC. Only difference is Laura Trump kicking off their meetings by having everybody listen to her sing her new single.
Trumpā€™s economic plans will deliver lower energy prices and lower consumer goods prices. Under Biden-Harris, gas prices have overall been higher than Trumpā€™s average gas prices. Under Biden-Harris, inflation grew at a compound rate of 20 percent throughout their term.

When presented with these facts, Democrats say that Harris was the VP and had no control or input as to the economic policies. At the same time, Harris has not provided any specifics on how different her policies will be vs. Biden. She only refers to her middle class upbringing.
The irony is that her Communist VP screams ā€œwe canā€™t take four more years of this!ā€ - when itā€™s the Demsā€™ policies we are suffering under.
I am telling you the truth: I have never seen this in my neighborhood. Never. Not in 2008 or 2012 with Obama. Not in 2016 with Trump. Not in 2020. No one is "ashamed" of Harris. It's that the polls are lying to sway people, and that's why Harris has to propose a debate. It's a Hail Mary. Start wrapping your head around that.
Debates arenā€™t Hail Marys. Debates have been part of our institution for generations. Trump weaseling out of them because he is a horrible debater is the change here
The irony is that her Communist VP screams ā€œwe canā€™t take four more years of this!ā€ - when itā€™s the Demsā€™ policies we are suffering under.
Suffering?? Donā€™t be so dramatic. Covid knocked the world economy on its ass. Not just the USA because of Dems. Our recovery has been a good one. Yes prices are still high but most other economic indicators are in excellent range.

A president canā€™t come in and fix our pricing issues. Doesnā€™t work that way. The effects of covid and the stimulus that both Trump and Biden injected are going to be felt for decades no getting around that
Debates arenā€™t Hail Marys. Debates have been part of our institution for generations. Trump weaseling out of them because he is a horrible debater is the change here
Nope. Kamala weaseled out of the Fox one. Why should ALL debates be held by anti-Trump media with mods on her side?

Debate 1: lib CNN
Debate 2: lib ABC

Now why should lib CNN get another crack? Itā€™s time for a conservative network.
Suffering?? Donā€™t be so dramatic. Covid knocked the world economy on its ass. Not just the USA because of Dems. Our recovery has been a good one. Yes prices are still high but most other economic indicators are in excellent range.

A president canā€™t come in and fix our pricing issues. Doesnā€™t work that way. The effects of covid and the stimulus that both Trump and Biden injected are going to be felt for decades no getting around that
Yes, suffering. The working class especially, struggling to buy food,

And a president can indeed do things that make things worse, or better. Importing 10 million lowlife illegals to compete for rents and jobs drives up costs and suppresses wages.

The Demsā€™ bribing these low-level foreigners to come in illegally, even secretly FLYING them in, makes things worse. So does unnecessary spending, like giving college-educated professionals loan payoffs.
The irony is that her Communist VP screams ā€œwe canā€™t take four more years of this!ā€ - when itā€™s the Demsā€™ policies we are suffering under.
She has yet to show how she will be different from Biden.
Nope. Kamala weaseled out of the Fox one. Why should ALL debates be held by anti-Trump media with mods on her side?

Debate 1: lib CNN
Debate 2: lib ABC

Now why should lib CNN get another crack? Itā€™s time for a conservative network.
Iā€™m fine with Fox. Trump said he wouldnā€™t do it.
Yes, suffering. The working class especially, struggling to buy food,

And a president can indeed do things that make things worse, or better. Importing 10 million lowlife illegals to compete for rents and jobs drives up costs and suppresses wages.

The Demsā€™ bribing these low-level foreigners to come in illegally, even secretly FLYING them in, makes things worse. So does unnecessary spending, like giving college-educated professionals loan payoffs.
Youā€™ve certainly gotten the talking points. Tough to have a sane conversation with somebody who spreads obvious falsehoods like that. Sad thing is thereā€™s a 50/50 chance you actually believe that crap
In my northern Virginia neighborhood just outside DC, I see lots of Harris signs, and then houses with no signs. The houses with no signs are likely Trump voters who donā€™t want their house vandalized or their neighbors insulting them.
Northern Virginia is spook central.

They have ways of getting back at you. :p
Yes the DNC are out of touch rich folksā€¦ but guess whatā€¦ itā€™s the exact same thing at the RNC. Only difference is Laura Trump kicking off their meetings by having everybody listen to her sing her new single.
They're probably grateful not to have to pay $500 a ticket for Taylor Swift. :p
In my northern Virginia neighborhood just outside DC, I see lots of Harris signs, and then houses with no signs. The houses with no signs are likely Trump voters who donā€™t want their house vandalized or their neighbors insulting them.
Because Harris voters are not nice people.
How does growing up in a middle class household necessarily correlate to having a measurable plan for reducing inflation today? It doesnā€™t.

Kamala Harris is a wealthy elitist 1 percent liberal who is out of touch with the working class which today means the middle class.
Reading what I wrote with just a hint of sarcasm makes it all make sense, but not until.

Kamala truly is an imbecile.
Debates arenā€™t Hail Marys. Debates have been part of our institution for generations. Trump weaseling out of them because he is a horrible debater is the change here
what the F are you talking about? Trump had agreed to two debates, and delivered on two debates.

With that said, debates have been part of our institution for generations, ABC giving one side questions in advance, and having a back door agreement with one side, undermines our insititutions.
what the F are you talking about? Trump had agreed to two debates, and delivered on two debates.

With that said, debates have been part of our institution for generations, ABC giving one side questions in advance, and having a back door agreement with one side, undermines our insititutions.
You think ABC gave one side questions in advance?! Haha. Yall really canā€™t handle losing can you? Always need to default to weak excuses and accusations of cheating. You sound like a 1st grader
You think ABC gave one side questions in advance?! Haha. Yall really canā€™t handle losing can you? Always need to default to weak excuses and accusations of cheating. You sound like a 1st grader
Take it up with the ABC whistleblower and the sworn testimony
You think ABC gave one side questions in advance?! Haha. Yall really canā€™t handle losing can you? Always need to default to weak excuses and accusations of cheating. You sound like a 1st grader
They may have. Itā€™s not like it hasnā€™t been done before.

Regardless, the mods let her get away with one despicable lie after the other while trying to make Trump look bad by correcting him constantly - and incorrectly.

There is no reason for Trump to attend another biased media debate. Itā€™s time for Kamala to attend a debate that isnā€™t geared to her side.

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