Democrats Waking Up

Of course he has denied it. He wants to distance himself from it as he tries to court moderate voters. Makes sense. But I don’t believe a word he says. While I don’t think he is working on it in back room meetings I have little doubt that he will welcome it into the oval and use it as a playbook should he get elected.
And, of course, the usual suspects are desperate to pin it on him because they think it's scary and scores them points. Meanwhile, most of them have no idea what it really says, only what the shrieking headlines and oh so sincere talking heads on TV say about it.
Sure he might take the time to review some it at some point

So what??
Dude. It is a huge part of the conservative agenda… wear it proud. It is horrifying to Dems so they are going to rally against it.

I’m not understanding the fake distancing yall are doing from it. It is literally being made for the Trump administration
Dude. It is a huge part of the conservative agenda… wear it proud. It is horrifying to Dems so they are going to rally against it.

I’m not understanding the fake distancing yall are doing from it. It is literally being made for the Trump administration
Not really, the GOP platform of Project 2025 certainly might of made it....but not all of it.

but frankly, I see nothing wrong with it. Nobody has ever pointed me to a part of it that is a so called "threat to democracy" or any of the other weird outlandish things you hear from MSDNC.
Not really, the GOP platform of Project 2025 certainly might of made it....but not all of it.

but frankly, I see nothing wrong with it. Nobody has ever pointed me to a part of it that is a so called "threat to democracy" or any of the other weird outlandish things you hear from MSDNC.
I’m sure you support most of it and don’t find it threatening. Dems disagree.
like what specifically do you find threatening?
The idea of shutting down the department of education and laying of thousands of government workers and then replacing them by presidential appointees. Gives way too much power to the President. Something I know Trump would love but not something I’d support.
The idea of shutting down the department of education and laying of thousands of government workers and then replacing them by presidential appointees. Gives way too much power to the President. Something I know Trump would love but not something I’d support.
The document says “ultimately it should be shut down” - but how do you think the document could do that? How’s the at a threat? It would take an act of congress

What it does say he is that post secordarey school opportunity should be expanded…and policy on grade school should return primarily back to state and localities as it was for the vast majority of our history. How’s that threaten you?

Why shouldn’t the elected official have more say over the branch of govt that he’s elected to? The power of the executive vest in a president, not unelected civil servents that are nearly impossible to fire. How’s it a threat to democracy to give power back to elected officials that answer directly to the people??
The document says “ultimately it should be shut down” - but how do you think the document could do that? How’s the at a threat? It would take an act of congress

What it does say he is that post secordarey school opportunity should be expanded…and policy on grade school should return primarily back to state and localities as it was for the vast majority of our history. How’s that threaten you?

Why shouldn’t the elected official have more say over the branch of govt that he’s elected to? The power of the executive vest in a president, not unelected civil servents that are nearly impossible to fire. How’s it a threat to democracy to give power back to elected officials that answer directly to the people??
Most government departments should be filled with career workers not political actors that swing through every few years. That’s a great way to make an already struggling system And make it way worse
Most government departments should be filled with career workers not political actors that swing through every few years. That’s a great way to make an already struggling system And make it way worse
Why is it already struggling?

Schedule F still left most, the vast majority in fact, as non polltical appointments
Why is it already struggling?

Schedule F still left most, the vast majority in fact, as non polltical appointments
Gov struggles for many reasons gonna need a new thread to start digging into that.

Schedule F was the means for Trump take control over the gov workers. It would have reclassified 10’s to 100’s of thousands of workers. You don’t see the threat in that? Can you say “dictator”
Gov struggles for many reasons gonna need a new thread to start digging into that.

Schedule F was the means for Trump take control over the gov workers. It would have reclassified 10’s to 100’s of thousands of workers. You don’t see the threat in that? Can you say “dictator”
Hahah it didn’t reclassify 100/ of thousands of govt workers

It happened, there was no dictatorship

It only impacted executive employees, which he and every president has control over, as the powe of the executive vest in a president

I see no problem with elected offficals having more power then unelected offficals. That’s the opposite of a dictatorship and reigning in the of administrative buerutrafic failure you’ve mentioned
This is happening throughout the Democrat Party. But "Trump is destroying the Republican Party"

Let's see what Trump is destroying:
Wants strong borders with proper screening and restrictions and people to come through via proper channels.
Wants illegals sent back to their nations, reducing the drain on funds for our own public.
Wants jobs back for our citizens, not illegal migrants.
Wants a crackdown on criminal behavior, especially repeat criminals.
Wants foreign businesses to pay more in tariffs, which would benefit the US.
Wants all federal employees to take a patriotism exam or possibly be terminated (I needn't remind you that when you take an oath of office.... you MUST swear to support the Constitution. No one who hates this nation should be a federal employee.
Wants to end federal funding for sanctuary cities.
Wants any nominee for the position of a federal judge, to actually adhere to the Constitution.
Wants local DA's who don't enforce the laws on the books to be fired. Good. He should do what DeSantis did to a local DA. Fired him for incompetence and replaced him.
Wants us to cease the EV push until more research can come up with a more practical motor vehicle solution, as opposed to the ridiculous EV's, as they crap out in very cold weather and this isn't the tropics.
Hahah it didn’t reclassify 100/ of thousands of govt workers

It happened, there was no dictatorship

It only impacted executive employees, which he and every president has control over, as the powe of the executive vest in a president

I see no problem with elected offficals having more power then unelected offficals. That’s the opposite of a dictatorship and reigning in the of administrative buerutrafic failure you’ve mentioned
Here read up…

A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020 and 2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration.
The purpose of the provision was to increase the president's control over the federal career civil service. While proponents stated this would increase flexibility and accountability, it was widely criticized as providing means to retaliate against federal officials for political reasons. It was estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of career employees could have been reclassified, increasing the number of political appointments by a factor of ten.

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