Democrsts Steal North Carolina


May 23, 2014
4th U.S. Circuit judges overturn North Carolina’s voter ID law

A three judge appellate court overturned a North Carolina voter ID law that was enacted to stop voter fraud. District Court upheld law (Bush nominated) and the three Jude panel (Clinton, Obama, Obama nominated) overturned the law. The federal Justice Department and corrupt AG L.Lynch was a party in the suit. This is the DNC straight up stealing NC electoral votes for Billary machine.
North Carolina better watch things real close for over vote in Democratic precincts.
But its okay to require 3 forms of ID to get a fishing license and to make poor minorities pay for the the privilege.
How hard is it to get a photo ID? It's not. It is not an undo burden. If you can't get off your lazy ass and go get an ID, then you don't need to vote.
But its okay to require 3 forms of ID to get a fishing license and to make poor minorities pay for the the privilege.
How hard is it to get a photo ID? It's not. It is not an undo burden. If you can't get off your lazy ass and go get an ID, then you don't need to vote.
No shit...can someone tell me why it's hard?
It's not, this is so democrats can have an easier time stuffing the ballot box.
4th U.S. Circuit judges overturn North Carolina’s voter ID law

A three judge appellate court overturned a North Carolina voter ID law that was enacted to stop voter fraud. District Court upheld law (Bush nominated) and the three Jude panel (Clinton, Obama, Obama nominated) overturned the law. The federal Justice Department and corrupt AG L.Lynch was a party in the suit. This is the DNC straight up stealing NC electoral votes for Billary machine.

You could have a law that exterminates anyone who is black, in order to stop voter fraud. That doesn't mean the law is good law and should be accepted by judges just because it's designed to stop voter fraud. It does have to be Constitutional too.
4th U.S. Circuit judges overturn North Carolina’s voter ID law

A three judge appellate court overturned a North Carolina voter ID law that was enacted to stop voter fraud. District Court upheld law (Bush nominated) and the three Jude panel (Clinton, Obama, Obama nominated) overturned the law. The federal Justice Department and corrupt AG L.Lynch was a party in the suit. This is the DNC straight up stealing NC electoral votes for Billary machine.

You could have a law that exterminates anyone who is black, in order to stop voter fraud. That doesn't mean the law is good law and should be accepted by judges just because it's designed to stop voter fraud. It does have to be Constitutional too.
How does voter ID discriminate against blacks? Are you saying black people are dumb?
4th U.S. Circuit judges overturn North Carolina’s voter ID law

A three judge appellate court overturned a North Carolina voter ID law that was enacted to stop voter fraud. District Court upheld law (Bush nominated) and the three Jude panel (Clinton, Obama, Obama nominated) overturned the law. The federal Justice Department and corrupt AG L.Lynch was a party in the suit. This is the DNC straight up stealing NC electoral votes for Billary machine.

You could have a law that exterminates anyone who is black, in order to stop voter fraud. That doesn't mean the law is good law and should be accepted by judges just because it's designed to stop voter fraud. It does have to be Constitutional too.
How is showing a photo ID, not constitutional?
4th U.S. Circuit judges overturn North Carolina’s voter ID law

A three judge appellate court overturned a North Carolina voter ID law that was enacted to stop voter fraud. District Court upheld law (Bush nominated) and the three Jude panel (Clinton, Obama, Obama nominated) overturned the law. The federal Justice Department and corrupt AG L.Lynch was a party in the suit. This is the DNC straight up stealing NC electoral votes for Billary machine.

You could have a law that exterminates anyone who is black, in order to stop voter fraud. That doesn't mean the law is good law and should be accepted by judges just because it's designed to stop voter fraud. It does have to be Constitutional too.
How does voter ID discriminate against blacks? Are you saying black people are dumb?

I wasn't making that point, so I'm not even going to bother. The point I made, if you read what I wrote, is that just because something is designed to do something you think is good, doesn't mean the law is actually good. Care to comment on the damn point instead of going off on a massive tangent?
This means that republican voters will have to turn out twice as much to beat back the voter fraud that goes on.
The 4th is conservative.

The 4th found not one incident of false voting.

When a legislature deliberately worked to disenfranchise portions of its constituency under false pretenses, the courts are the proper path for redress.

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